Victims: Mom and Dad
Special Agent in Charge: SA Madi
6am: SA Madi: Dad what is the problem
Dad: we have no newspaper
6:30am:Dad calls the News & Observer to report no paper...N&O we are very sorry for the inconvenience...we'll have one specially delivered shortly
7am: SA Madi stakes out the driveway by sitting on the bed in the front bedroom (comfort 1st)
7:30-8:30am: SA Madi reports no activity
8:45am: SA Madi bellows I hear it, the special delivery is coming.....Mom/Dad it is a big truck...Wow that is special....
8:46am: Dad goes running to check out the truck....we find this outside our house. Dad says no SA Madi that isn't the special delivery of the great News and Observer that is the Grease Monster Truck it has come to clean out the sewer...however, it is quite appropriate, with this lack of service, N&O is headed down the sewer
9:00am: Dad calls N&O again.....this is a family blog I cannot write what he said...but he was not happy.
9:45am: still no paper......SA Madi can only offer this advice
SA Madi over and out....nap time
PS 1 pm the (morning) paper arrived at 12:30!!!!!?????