
Friday, September 18, 2009

Madi: My 'Weekend' mini Perch

I thought I'd show you my 'Weekend' mini perch. I call it that because most weekdays Mom forgets (I love her in spite of her failing memory) to open the shade at this window. This perch sits at the side window in my peeps bedroom. I like it because of the trees. I can watch the leaves blowing, I see lots of birds there and sometimes when Dad is working in the yard, he'll stop by to say "Hi Madi" and tap on the window. Today I was very disspointed to see my view was not a scenic as usual...the neighbors left their ladder by their garage. Guess I'll go look for a better view from my dining room perch. TTFN, Madi

AWARDS:Great Friend and Blogger Buddie

Madi and I are honored to proudly display 'This Great Friend Award sent to us by Kool-Kittie-Krew!!! Drop by to say hi to the 3K's and their Mom. It is a small world....turns out the Mom at Kool-Kittie-Krew has relatives living just about 30 miles from us. Blogging brings folks together.
Thank you kitties and Mom

Madi and I received this darling little award from our Blogging Buddie Sadie. Drop by Sadie's to say hi. She has a kitty brother Maxx too. Sadie is a stylin' red female mini Dachshund who reminds Mom of our families first pet, Toto, a fine red male mini Dachshund.

We'd like to share these two fine awards with all our friends who visit us each day. You are all buddies and very special to us.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Friday Friends (or not)

Hi Cyber Friends...

I've had a rather interesting week filled
with visits from some strange creatures.
Some I'd call friends others I'd call
Not friends....check them out......

This first guy is a cool cat we call PURPLE Cat. Mom

told me his entire body lights up. Whoa that would be something
to see. Here I thought I was a cool cat cause I had
laser eyes.

Next may I introduce
Wee one
Mom told me he is called 'gnome'. Don't you mean "G"nome I said
no gnome...the 'g' is silent. Well all I can say is that is
just plain silly. How about calling me Adi and let my 'M' be silent.
I think I'd call him a friend in spite of his silent "G".

Squirrel Patrol where are you guys...this is definitely

a friend of mine. He comes on my porch
several times a day shaking that bushy
rodent tail in my face.

This green guy was on my door after dark this
week. I don't know what it is but he can sure
jump so, I'm thinking he might be a skinny
green mini cat??? And I'll call him

Respectfully submitted,
Madi aka (silent m)Adi

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Madi:Grooming of a Diva Island Princess

Mom, the brush is not clean. There is a lot
of gray in there. Did you use my brush?No
well ....whose fur is that

Mine you say....ummmm let me take a sniff ok
well maybe it is. From now on PLEAZZ

clean the brush after each brushing....

Yes right there under my chin needs brushing
you hold the brush I'll do the rest.....

Ok now please do my back and chest
Thank you and remember to clean the brush.
NOTE:Madi actually begs to be brushed.
She sits in front of the end table where
the brush is kept
meowing until I get the brush
out. Then the purring begins
and eyes glaze over.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Not Wordless Wednesday

I have special permission from Madi to do today's post

note from Madi: Mom is never wordless



Although I'm not a Diva Princess Cat I am a
creature of habit.....nearly every Saturday for the last

12 years (maybe more)

my sweet hubby and I go to lunch at a very special Cafe.

We call it 'Our piece of Heaven'. The owner

Rick calls it:

It is located in what used to be the old Seaboard Train

Station in downtown Raleigh. When we walk in we

are greeted like family and treated like Royalty.

No matter whether you dine inside

outside on what was the passenger platform
the food is delicious and the atmosphere is fantastic.
Butterflies,birds and fragrant flowers all around.

If you are ever in Raleigh, please drop to see

Rick and his friendly staff. You can see their menu and

get directions @

Monday, September 14, 2009

Madi: I beg your pardon...did you say I need to ride?

No, Mom, I don't think I need to burn ANY calories....I'll sit here and keep you company while you burn off some ice cream cake calories.
Yours Truly,

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Dachshund Chronicles:Toto don't fence me in

In Toto's world the word mini did not exist. He was a Great Dane. Our next door neighbors had a beautiful Golden Retriever named Toby. Toby was very large for a golden but he had to have a huge body to house his great big golden heart and that trademark smile. Toby spent most of his days in his huge shady fenced in back yard and his nights in the house. Toto spent his days in the house. They never met until this one particular afternoon. Toby was in the front yard with his human. Toto must have sensed there was some fun to be had waiting just next door. As I opened the door, he got away from me before I could get his leash hooked on his collar. He ran like the wind arounded the corner of the house. Lo and behold he saw this giant animal with flowing, feathery red fur. Toby could have easily swallowed Toto whole but instead he greeted him with the happy Golden dance and a big smile. What did Toto do you ask? Being the genius that he was he instantly knew he was out weighed but not outwitted. Within a nanosecond, he sized up the situation, figuring out how to best get the big sweet Golden. Toto stationed himself between Toby's back legs, started nipping at the flowing, feathery, fur on Toby's back legs. As Toto nipped at the fur, Toby turned in circles trying to get to him. This went on for several minutes until Toby became dizzy...he finally stopped and flopped. Genius took over again, Toto high tailed it back to his own yard before Toby could get is land legs back. I don't know what it is about little dogs. Obviously they have no concept of size and Toto was fearless. To him everything was a badger and needed to be brought down.