
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Madi: What am I thinking

This one is a no brainer...Madi is thinking....

If I don't look at you, then you aren't there!!!

I get this a lot.
What do you think?
Note from Mom: You best watch your p's and q's Madi...remember
Santa is coming in 13 days

Friday, December 11, 2009

Madi: A tale of one tail

Madi has a very long tail, it is quite expressive and she delights
in using it. Sometimes she gets it in very awkward positions.
This looks like it should hurt.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Madi: How to make a Cat Happy.....

A good stretch and sunshine is all it takes to make Madi happy.
Note from Madi: Mom don't forget lots of good food too

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Madi's Nose Knows

Tuesday night was our annual heat pump inspection.
Below are the receipts the service man (aka intruder to Madi's domain) left.
Evidently they had a very 'interesting' smell on them.
Madi was giving them sniff test from the counter. They fell to the floor
she continued to thoroughly inspect them ......then

she either decided they smell so good she wanted to absorb the odor
or either she wanted to save them for later. Whatever her
reason she ended up sitting directly on top of them.

I've been fortunate enough to be owned by 2 cats for a total of 21 years thus far. I
still can't explain 95% of what cats think or why they do the things the do.
I'm just tickled for the opportunity to enjoy them.
I'm pretty sure their noses control their brains.
Thanks Madi for making me smile and doing things to make me think.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Madi: C(at) S(leuth) I(nvestigator) Looking for Christmas

We have our tree but the only thing under it is the Choo Choo Train and no presents.
Where is Christmas? As you can see the tattle tale ornament is above my head. I have to be careful not to bump it. I've been searching for presents.

Once I saw Mom hide something in her I thought I'd search high and low for presents
I went in between Dad's shirts but no presents. Hey there Mom did you know Dad had a jar of pennies hidden back here?
Is he saving for a rainy day?

Ummmm what is this I see something up here maybe that is a present
Shucks I can't get up there without ripping all of Mom's blouses. If I do that, I
know there will be no presents for Madi ever again, just sticks and charcoal

Ahhh now this could potentially be a great hiding spot.
Let me see if I get on my tippy toes I can just see inside.
I bet I can jump in before Mom sees me

Yep I made it but Mom saw me on my entire adventure and yep it looks like she caught it
all with the flashy box. I'm sorry to report no presents were found on this episode of
C(at) S(leuth) I(nvestigator). Stay tuned, I'll try again later.
Right now I have to talk my way out of kitty jail.

Special shout out to all cat and dog friends and owners:
Our Friend
Twix, a Wiener Dog
has a very special event going on over on her blog. It is a book
giveaway quite unique...please pop over to Twix's blog to check it out.

C(at)S(leuth) I(nvestigator) Madi

Monday, December 7, 2009

Madi and Mom: A few of our favorite things

This is the angel on top of our Tree...very simple but we love the effect we get with the tree lights

This is a very old and dear ornament. It is in honor of my sister and is on our tree every year.
Mom told me that this little baby was attached to a bow on a baby shower gift she had before Sis was born in 1971. She gets a little misty eyed over this one.

This bride ornament is 40 years old. It was given to Mom by a lady who hosted a bridal shower for Mom in 1969. It is handmade with beads and lace in some type of artificial egg shell.
(Note: Mom's Starbuck's ornament beside it. I call her a coffee snob)

Ok this ornament is in honor of Madi. It is always on the lowest limb of our tree.
I call the the tattle tale ornament. It has a bell in it, if I get too close to it, it tells on me.
Mom says everytime this bell rings a cat loses her halo...
I told Mom I saw 'It's a Wonderful Life' this weekend.
The correct saying is everytime a bell rings an angel gets her wings.
You know what Mom said, ha! ha! ha!

This is a very specical ceramic Nativty scene. It was made by my Dad's Aunt a long time ago.
My Dad's Mother displayed it every year.
Mom and Dad never had a real shelter for it until my Sis's hubby built this for Mom
Mom loves it. He also built the table it sits on.

Mom has mentioned my feline bro, Milky Way, (RIP) many times. He was my peeps first cat and he paved the way for me to be in this family. He went over the Rainbow Bridge in July about 10 years ago. That Christmas the Hidden Valley Animal Clinic the best Vet Clinic, sent Mom and Dad this Christmas ornament in memory of Milky Way. It goes on the tree every year.

Below are just a few of my peep's favorite Christmas ornaments. You might need to click on the picture to enlarge it. Over the last few years Dad has been buying 2 or 3 new ornaments from Crate and Barrel. I expect we must have about 15 by now. They are certainly pretty and thankfully Mom puts them up high so I don't accidentally bump into them.

The crystal snow flake was made by a very special friend over at WareWorld.
We just received it in the mail last week. We say thanks to our friends.
If you look closely, you'll see there is a mouse in my tree. The ornament has a small hole in the back that fits over a tree light. It makes it look like the mouse has a flash light.
You may click on the collage to make it bigger.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Madi: There is a tree in my house (again)!?

Happy Days are here again.
The mother of all boxes is in my house.
Mom and Dad brought this great big box in from the garage.

I wasn't too happy to hear the tape being ripped off and the snap, crackle and pop of the packing wrap. I really don't like those noises and you'll notice in the background the mean sucking monster also came out. I don't like that either....

Now this is what I'm talking about get the big green tree branches out of the box
and let this cat woman go wild

Oh there is a really good odor here.
I know it is an odd angle my photographer in training was standing above me.
Over the last 7 years, Madi has helped with
decorations. Do you think she helped this year? Nope!!
Either she decided she had trained us well or she
was a little taken aback by the tree location. We put the tree in
a different location this year where a chair normally sits.
The chair was moved into the dining room by her water fountain
The Diva doesn't adjust well to change. S U R P R I S E
Madi decided it was a good time for a nap. She returned after the
tree was decorated and the sucking monstor had cleaned up the stray needles.
As you can see from the next few pictures, w
e received the Madi Seal of Approval.
Madi loves sitting under the tree on the soft and cuddly crocheted tree skirt that
her Dad's mom made many years ago. Madi looks very nice on red!!

All aboard the Madi Christmas Train

Oh andMom figured out why/how she got this glow below. You might remember several
weeks ago there was a picture of Madi in a red room with a glow about her.
Mom took the below picture on the panaroma setting of the camera.
Lo and behold the glow is back

Below is the tree and the room not glowing

Tomorrow we'll share some up close pictures of some of our favorite ornaments and decorations.
Thanks for stopping by
Madi and Mama Claus