1. Please introduce yourself(selves), tell us your age (just the pups have to tell their age) and a very special trait.
Jake is 8, Baby is 12 and MadSnapper is 8.5 x Jakes age or 5.7 x Baby’s age. Lets see how many do the math.
2. If you had and alter ego, who would you like to be and why
Jake: cat in dog fur, Baby:Sleeping Beauty, MS: wannabe Ansel Adams (I think I have taken more photos in 6 months than Ansel did in his life time.
3. What do you like best/least about where you live
Jake: Lizards and the chasing there of. Baby:holes to China in backyard and the digging there of. (why oh why does mommy madsnapper yell speak loudly at us about both?)
4. Who are some peeps/furiends you'd like to meet and why
MS would love meet you Madi and Mom, but I don’t think Madi would be to fond of meeting J and B
5. If you could give one piece of random advice what would it be?
If asked by Madi to join her cabinet, do so immediately. I know this because I am Mayor Madi’s personal Photographer and proud member of her cabinet.
6. What do you do for fun
See answer at question 3
7. What is the first thing you do each morning
Pee, Pee and Pee from all THREE of us
8. What is the first thing you notice about a new furiend
Pee Mail
9. Tell us how you came to live in your family and how you got your name.
Jake, badly abused, starving and sick with parvo, from the streets at age 4 months. Jake just looked like a Jake...and we call him Jacob when he is bad.
Baby, badly abused at age 10 months,saved by Telesis rescue from abusive owner and by us for her forever home. Baby’s name was Phoebe and Mom did not like that for a hound dog, think French poodle, and mommy kept saying it’s ok Baby, we love you Baby and it stuck.
Once at the vets, we were sitting waiting to be called and the assistant Called out. Baby and three of us stood up... BOL there were three dogs named baby in the room. Isn’t mom original?
10. What is your absolute favorite food
Burger, Burger and Burger, answer from all 3 of us
Mad Snapper please tell us how your mind works? MOL
What mind? BOL LOL MOL
Well what we mean is how it is that you can turn a beautiful photograph into the most creative story.
the short answer is, it just POPS in my mind, I can’t do it on command/request. Most of the time while doing something mindless, like blow drying hair or brushing teeth, the IDEA POPS. I keep a pad in every room and when it POPS I write it down or it POPS right out in 20 seconds.Other times I take a photo Just Because and when I look at it, words Pop Up in my mind. OOPS! I did say what mind?
Oh and tell us the MOST unusual place you have madly snapped.
Short answer.. Zillions of unusual places.
Long answer...
Odd as in K-Mart parking lot picnic table? Odd as Manatee on the bathroom wall at Goodwill
or Unusual as in Solomon's Castle built out of recycled newspaper printing plates?
Mad Snapper told Mom it was ok for us to 'steal' these photos
which are PRIME examples of her
If you don't know Mad Snapper click
to visit this creative snapper.
Jake and Baby have a blog too called
Four Paws, Etc. click
to visit them.