
Saturday, September 17, 2016


We love Saturday Photo Hunt click
here for a list of words
Today's word is....
here are a few of Me

Mom also found some hilarious things while she was away

Ducks all in a row wearing boots and
who knows what all

They saw this sign sitting in front of a wine store in West Jefferson, NC

The peeps are back...and I am happy
Ms. Kathy my sitter was by each day so
I was well fed and cared for.
I have a tale to tell you on Tuesday..
and it is NOT hilarious...cute maybe...
but not hilarious!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Wordy Wednesday

 Greetings friends...TOGM told me she did not get prior approval
she was taking some vacation time*.  Therefore, my blog office is closed.
It will reopen on Saturday 17, 2016.
Thankfully she left the pantry door open 
and my favorite chair pulled out for napping.
However, it might be kinda hard to nap...I gotta keep a close
eye on this ghost cat to make sure it doesn't eat my food.
*I do not recall paid vacation being in TOGM's contract.  While she is not looking, 
I will have to read the fine print.  Could be she will have to work overtime to make up for this.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Tuesday Tour

Welcome all!!
Please  form a straight line and proceed up the stairs in an orderly fashion. Today I will take you on  my, first ever, Tuesday Tour!
I can't say for sure if there will be a 2nd tour.........So I hope you enjoy this one.

TOGM got it into her head that you would enjoy the tour and question and answer session.

Today's tour is kind of a Q and A...

Q #1:  If you had this photo in your house,where would you hang it?

Mom cross stitched this a long time ago....before she was TOGM!!

 Q#2: Where in the house, would you expect to see this skylight? Talk about a view!!
 Photo taken at dusk..the bright spot is flash on Niki...but when it is dark the moon can be seen.
Especially in the winter when the leaves are all gone!!

For the answers to Q 1 and 2
Scroll down.

Now wasn't that fun?  Did anyone guess right? 

This DIVA can potty in sunbeams or moonbeams while looking at a map of NC.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Monday Madi Mews

Mom was going through all the crazy photos she took during reno.  This was one taken after I was released from jail my safe room one day.  She liked the 'Bethlehem' like star that the flash made
on the tv screen!!  She said it was a sign...everything would be 
okey dokey.  She was right!!

mom says to pardon the boxes stacked in the corner..we had stuff stacked EVERYWHERE

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Remembering on Easy Sunday....

The Twin Towers that mom took in August 1987..when they took my
human sis to NYC for her 16th birthday!
Never in our wildest dreams did we know what a treasure this picture would become.
We would like to say thank you to all the first responders and our Armed Forces for
all they do to protect us and to the families and friends of those who lost their lives on 
9/11...they are never forgotten


On Sunday, September 4th, 2016 my peeps took a road trip...
They were  A W A Y for 4 1/2 hours.  The longest A L O N E time I've had 
since June 20th the first day of renovatons.
I was purrfectly content to stay home...we don't have a webcam but if we did
this is what you would have seen!!!

Dad drives and mom is the on board DJ
they love their Sirius radio on road trips !!

September 4th was the day after hurry cane Hermine was dumping tons of rain
on NC.  It was a gorgeous day too!!
And every moment they saw lots of pretty things too