
Saturday, March 4, 2017

Caturday Art

Welcome to  Caturday art hosted by Athena
See more Caturday Cat Art HERE.

Today we used Fairy Art Effect in LunaPic....

The fairy sprinkled magic fairy dust eliminating crow's feet and frosted Mom's hair.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Dr. Seuss Day and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

Dr. Seuss always said be funny, be silly make yourself willy nilly
turn yourself upside down....
Today I'm living out a fantasy...I'm Madi-lyn Mad-roe

This is a quote by the Marilyn Monroe, that  I think applies to an almost 15 year old feline diva!! Words to live by for sure!

Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday with Angel Sammy and brudder Teddy

Today's poetry is brought to you by the letter


Why I LOVE Mom....

Because she loves 
Because she gets on the floor with 
Because she brushes
Because she buys GOOD FOOD for
Because she is very observant of 
She knows when I'm not quite feeling like
She takes me to the Vet lickety split even though
I sing the song of my people in first soprano
all the way there (1 mile) and she sings with 
Most of all I LOVE  mom 
because she is 
 the best blog assistant in the house!!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Tuesday Tale from Mom's Past: Driving Part I

Title:  Why I learned to drive a 5 speed

I learned to drive in 1963-64 in Driver's Ed during the summer.
Our driving portion was done in the early morning before it got too hot
no a/c's in the cars.  The cars also had 3 on the column. No matter how many times I was told to picture an "H", I never saw it but some how I managed to pass Driver's Ed...swearing never
to drive a manual shift A G A I N!!
Fast forward the summer of 1967, I was in summer school (taking algebra and Religion)
at Campbell Collage (a private Baptist college).  I lived on campus in a girl's only dorm 
w/o any parental units. We did have house mothers who watched us like hawks though.  One of my dorm mate's boyfriend was coming to see her for the weekend and bringing a friend.  I (foolishly) accepted a blind date with said friend.  We had to jump through hoops to get off campus and we had to be back home by midnight. (My curfew at home was 11 pm so I was
F R E E).
The 'boys' arrived to pick us up in  a 1967 GTO 4 speed muscle car.
I don't remember the exact color but I think this is close enough.

Once in the car,  I found out we were driving from Buies Creek to 
Raleigh (~50 miles) and the destination was Player's Retreat (still in operation today)
or PR which was a major hang out for all college students.  Pool tables, probably the first place where today's 'sports bars' got their idea.  It had tvs over the bar and YES it was a BAR sold beer and food.
At 18 1/2 I had never set foot in a bar.  If my parents had known I was there, I would still be grounded.  Daddy knew lots of Raleigh policemen who did security for the PR.  I just knew one of them would see me.  Mama and Daddy were Raleigh natives.  They  always told me to behave because someone they knew would see me.  When it was time to leave, my dorm mate and I realized the 'boys' were drunk as skunks and smelled like them too.  OH my word I just knew I was going to have to call Daddy to come get us at the PR.....but Glory be my dorm mate was a farm girl.  She knew how to drive tractors and trucks and basically anything manual.  We got the 'boys' out to the I don't remember. Pushed them in the back seat and off we drove.  We arrived at our dorm with 15 minutes to spare.  The boys were asleep,we got out of the car, left them a note that they car keys were with our dorm mother (LOL).
I never saw those 'boys' again, nor did she.  She was Hot and so embarrassed.
never be caught in a situation like this again.


Monday, February 27, 2017

Christmas' Think Tank event!!

 Today we are pawticipating in Christmas' Blogville Think Tank event

Chris asked us to think of a brilliant idea to share....ironically my idea came to me
on the very day Chris told us about this event.
Two great minds for sure Chris

On Friday 2/3/17 one of the Fill in was The Super Bowl is.....
is what I wish someone use to serve my food

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Family Selfies

My nephew Frisco, niece Mia and Auntie Madi