
Saturday, August 5, 2017

National Clown Day

Today we are joining Ranger to celebrate Wacky August Holidays
click here for a complete list of these fun holidays

Several years ago Mom just as mom was learning some PicMonkey skills, she
gave me an alter ego as Button the Clown.

I have  entertained many kiddos with my balloon Critters.
Never fear I am very very careful not to puncture my critters with my 

I have been a rodeo Clown

I marched in a parade with my favorite Donkey Joe
As they saying says....everybuddy loves a Clown!
Buttons da Clown
Madi(son) D Cat 

Friday, August 4, 2017

Flower Friday

Happy Flower Friday

Today we are featuring Celosia Spicata and Bitty the Bumble Bee.
Celosia is derived from a Greek word meaning burned and refers to the flame like flower.

Mom says this is a 'timing photo'.  She saw it and  she had TIME to get the camera! There was no sun on it at the time but the flashy beast gave it a glow...

We call the next photo Lady Celosia. Mom loves this pot.
Mom says during all this hot humid weather her hair resembles 
Lady Celosia's

Our flower blooms in back where most of them live have about fizzled out due to 
the horrid heat in July.  Mom has heard photography is all about lighting and angles.  These next two (non flowering) photos are proof positive.
First one taken from the back of the plant with sun shining through the leaves.
 Second one taken from the front within a few seconds of the first.

Last up but surely not least.....
Moi, after all it is my blog!!

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday and Int'nal Bear Day

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

Angel Sammy has suggested one of these  H words:
happy, hobby, heart, home
but you know me I'm an overachiever...I'm using all 4!

I am happy tell you on this poetry day
Mom and I a hobby do share.
What is it you say?
The art of being crotchet(y)ers.
I won't be shy, I'll tell why.
When mom is home, and she gets antsy
She knows it is yarn for which she yearns.
Crocheting is what calms her heart.
Thumbs I have not.
I yearn for bacon not yarn. 
Crocheting is not for me.
It is with glee I proudly announce
I am Madison D Crotchety Cougar Cat.
I have a red hat with a sassy sash.
I wear it every which way and I'm fine with that.

Sincerely Madi 
Proud to be a Crotchety Cougar!!

Today is also International Bear Day on Ranger's Wacky Calendar

We thought we'd show you some photos mom took at
Grandfather Mountain last year

Here is a photos of the bears now living in the the beautiful facility
Every day at 11 the bears have an enrichment session with their
keepers.  This one knows what is his tongue is ready...
for something sweet

THIS BEAR CRACKED Mom UP..I think his tummy must be full

Monday, July 31, 2017

Mousy Mews on Monday

We are very excited to tell you about two new friends we have that were hand knitted
with love for a wonderful cause by Mara aka mom to Miss Oswin and Brom.
Click here to read the blog , Mice for Mama.
Mara's Grandma started making the mice many many years ago.  Just recently
Mara started making them to raise money for a cause near and dear to her heart.

Here is a picture of all of the mice Mara has made to raise fund for
the stomach, liver and bowel foundation of The Netherlands.
Mara's mom is currently recovering from a very serious surgery.

Today I, Madison D Cat would like to introduce you to my 2 new mice friends....
YEP this kit kat has two meesees for friends!!
Pardon the blurry photo as you can see from my swishing tail I was excited to
meet them.  I wish you could see and touch them they are so amazing and OMCs well made.

Here is a close up of them on our steps

Now for a proper introduction and how we selected these two out of all the beautiful ones Mara made.

Mara has the mice numbered on her blog.  Topo was S011
Mom selected him because of his beautiful colors (like me gray and white)
and because my birthday is the 11th day of March

Gigio was #S001.
Mom selected him because her birth month is January.
Gigio has a red nose...everybuddy 'nose' mom likes red.
She looked for a mouse dressed in bright vibrant colors.  Mom
loves the color orange but doesn't wear it as well as Gigio does. Did I mention, OMCs
Gigio  has lavender ears!! Lavender ears are so cool!!

Now Mom must admit she didn't create their names. They were named after
an adorable Italian Mouse who was on the Ed Sullivan Show on the TVees way back when dinos roamed the earth aka mom was a child .  Mom loved this adorable mouse then and now.
Yam Aunty you were correct whey you said Mom would know exactly what she would name them when she took  them out of  the box.  They looked just like the real

 Topo Gigio

He had many different personalities and and outfits
Topo Gigio was funny, smart, kind and always had a very positive message.
Mara gave each mouse a purrsonality too!!

Click here to see a darling YouTube video of Topo and Mr. Sullivan

Mara thank you for continuing your Grandma's tradition of making these precious little critters.  We know she would be very proud of you and that you are donated 1/2 of the proceeds toward a very worthy cause.

Hugs Madi, Mom, Topo and Gigio!!