sub title: Celebrating and loving life one adventure at a time.
Today we pick up where we left off...with Madi proclaiming she has been unjustly accused...
During Madi's first year with us she climbed on anything that did not run from her.
Her favorite place was to jump from this chair to the mantel, walk across it to the top
of the secretary. I was never able to get photos of the adventure...but I witnessed it many times.
It appears the cortisone shot and all the yummy sardines(she loves sardines), tuna and regular cat food Miss Piggy is eating she has found the fountain of kittenhood.
While I was cleaning up after supper Saturday evening 8/12/17,
I saw this....what happened next was transpired in about 1 minute.
Thankfully my camera was handy
Mom Here:
Pictures speak volumes. I do apologize for the blurry photos.
Just before I started clicking I was washing an electric skillet. I still had on my rubber gloves.
Note in above her back feet are farther back...she recalculates placement of feet for #2 |
PURRFECT paw placement |
UP I go |
I was not quick enough to catch the spring up
I would have made it to the top of the secretary but Dad caught me. As you can see in the
above photo, that leap was another ~1' up. The dang blue bird statute is about 8" high was in the way.
I needed to be about where it was to make my jump without deading the bird.
I coulda made it from here but the blue bird would have been history
Also in the past when I made it to the top of the secretary which is 8' high it was alleged I chewed on the finial and Dad had to get the step stool out.
Mom calls this my imitation of the Stepford Wives**
As the saying goes, it is not about the destination but about the journey
and FRIENDS the journey was fabulous!!!!
Saturday morning after finding the collectible seahorse nose down in the mantel we moved it to the
safety of the enclosed secretary on the right side of the mantel.
To avoid any midnight strolls Saturday night and things that go boom and bang we moved the chair too
Madi spent Sunday morning sitting on the loveseat staring at the chair and the mantel.
I'm sure she is working on a Physics calculation for that jump.
**The Stepford Wives is a 1972 satirical thriller novel by Ira Levin. The story concerns Joanna Eberhart, a photographer and young mother who begins to suspect that the frighteningly submissive housewives in her new idyllic Connecticut neighborhood may be robots created by their husbands.