
Saturday, December 2, 2017

Caturday Art

If it is Saturday, we are having fun with 

Original photo
When mom downloaded this, on November 28,  she thought my senior furs were ESPECIALLY shiny and glistening.  If you look closely, you might be able to see I'm grooming
Kitty slobber is the true definition of spit, cleaned and polished.

She wanted to get a little artsy to highlight them more so she 
sashayed on over to PicMonkey and this is what she got

Friday, December 1, 2017

Festive Friday

Have you heard all the amazing events that will be 
happening here in the Grand city of Blogville and hosted by Mayor Arty, his lovely Mabel
and their able bodied assistants?????????????????????
Did I hear a few NOs in the audience? Fear not I have the details for you 

HERE you might need to scroll down to his Monday, 11/27/17 post.

Mom and I would like to thank Marvelous Marv and Mom Barb for this beautiful
Santa Graphic

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

Many of you might not know I have an alter is
Buttons the Clown.

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday with Teddy and Angel Sammy


Today's post is brought to you by the letter
our prompt words are 
yesterday, yummy, yellow, year

Yesterday I told mom her head was full of hay!
Why you say?
Lets examine the converSAYion today.
"Mummies are yummy", she said to me.
My eyes glazed over in dismay.
She tried to convince me of the beauty found 
in their hair of yellow maize much like a crown
My head was full of visions of disarray.
How on earth could a sane lady utter such crazy phrase?
Then I recalled last year very near Halloween 
she had a mysterious bite on her neck.
The answer simple and quick.
Her mind has surely been render sick
By mummy slobber and other ick.
On this note to you all I say be thankful next week
is the letter Z.
Sincerely Madi(son) D. Cat and Mummy

Mom and I would like to thank Marvelous Marv and Mom Barb for this beautiful
Santa Graphic

We apologize if we missed stopping by to say howdy yesterday.
Mom did some Christmas stuff and then she had her
annual eye exam.  2 hours later she had new Rx for contacts and
new RX for glasses.  Finally she can see better and she had to pick out
new frames.  I'll try to get her to take a selfie with me when her glasses are ready.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

WoW Wednesday

Mike Maze our weather guru on the local TV station has an aMAZEing pic of the day at the end of his weather report each day.  Sometimes they are his photos and sometimes they are sent in by viewers.  We thought this one was purrty funny.
It was taken by a viewer on Thanksgiving morning

12 wild turkeys grazing in the viewer's front yard.  
I guess they were pretty sure this turkey was already in the oven

Follow me I want to show you my aMAZEing pics of the day
by Dad an Mom

Leaves on the trees

Leaves on the ground

Mom and I would like to thank Marvelous Marv and Mom Barb for this beautiful
Santa Graphic

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Tuesday Short Tale: SOOTC

Straight out of the Camera

Here is the thing...sometimes mom gets a wild hair.  Dad and I lose what little control
of her.  You see we have been blogging for 87 nano seconds=almost 9 years.
  I was born with a medium gray furs and a mostly white face.
Technically I never age age.  Mom says she could use pictures from 9 years ago every day; however,
we two gals like to keep our blog in real time.  Every now and then mom does something weird with the camera just to get different photos. 
That being said I'd like to present the following short tale  SOOTC

Mom stood to the side of the chair, held the camera upside down and clickety click this is what she got.  It could almost be a selfie

 to the side of the chair again but camera right side up

Drone also known as Mad Mom

OHHHHH Mom was quite pleased with the upside down photo when she rotated it
She wishes she had gotten both my eyes in it

So thus is the life of a Diva Cat living with a crazed mom who likes to keep things interesting and fun
Mom says we should never take ourselves too seriously!!
sguH idaM


Mom and I would like to thank Marvelous Marv and Mom Barb for this beautiful
Santa Graphic

Monday, November 27, 2017

Monday Mews: Sleepover

Mom and I would like to thank Marvelous Marv and Mom Barb for this beautiful
Santa Graphic

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Sun and Plates

The beautiful red trees are right outside Panera Cafe at Crabtree Valley
We have enjoyed some glorious fall colors the last 10 days

Plates for your viewing and guessing pleasure
* beside one means I could not figure out the meaning.
1. BK2FTR2, Back to the Future 2
2. IMELT, I melt
3. INKD, maybe an tattoo artist
4. LETSPLA, Lets play
5. DIDI, Didi a name?
6. HRU-HRU *
7. SEWGIRL,  Sew Girl
8. DR.BUBBA, *?
9. PAWS18,  I thought maybe reference to pet Paws ??
10. OFF2FLAKE, Off to Flake, maybe going skiing
11. PAWZ4US, They like anything with paws?
12. XMARINE, x Marine
13. CADIDADI,  Cadi Daddy,on a Cadillac
14. SIGMAX3*
15. DINGO9, Maybe from DownUnder
16. CLEARRUN, Clear run
18. VTMADE, Made in Vermont
19. FIXURPET, Fix your pet
20 W'RE, We're
21. ITZALALA, It is a la la?*
22. MA1ne, Maine
24. RET-EOD, on a car with a Marine sticker?*
25. BEARPAWS, Bear Paws
26. MASCO-2*
27. BISTRO4, Bistro 4
28. QTRMOON, Quarter Moon
29. SALTLIFE, Likes to beach

That is all for this installment.