
Saturday, April 28, 2018


First Dad thanks everyone for the lovely wishes yesterday.
They celebrated all day beginning with breakfast at 
Panera then mom and dad's BFFS came over for lunch here at our house (OMCs did they bring some fine aromas of Mara the Lab with them). I tell you 4 humans can make a lot of noise but a good time was had by all.  I even sashayed in and out of the room several times.

time to be take a spit bath
I get no privacy so I'll just carry on

Friday, April 27, 2018

Final Friday Fiction and Flower Friday

Today we are once again thrilled to be pawticipating in YAM-Aunty's

We selected lines 8, 12 and 16 from page 87 in a book as our prompts.
We are using 
The Snow Dogs of Lost Lake, by Dorothy Bodoin.****
**** Molly my AireDale gal pal and her mom have been sharing this most wonderful series of books by Ms. Bodoin with us for several months.

line 8
I glanced at my own house, no multicolored lights 

line 12
 I'd do some more decorating
line 16
my friend and neighbor.

This month we're trying a poem in honor of my sweet husband's birthday. 

Today is a special day you see
It is the birthday of the hubby of me.
As I took a walk down the drive way,
I was deep in thought about this day
I glanced at my own house, to surprise him
no multicolored lights would be on display.  
 I'd do some more decorating,
it would be simple and fresh just like Spring.
My friend and neighbor, is quite clever.  
Give her a theme or a favorite color
She will plan an event like no other.
While this may be true dear hubby of me,
I know your ideal birthday theme is low key
filled with Ice Cream (cake) sunshine,
no rain so you can ride the train.
Happy Happy Bday from me and your bonsai bunny Madi

This is a blog here to read other fun stories

**** Molly my AireDale gal pal and her mom have been sharing this most wonderful series of books by Ms. Bodoin with us for several months.

Here are a few of the very nice flower photos we captured last 
Saturday before it rained for 3 days.

Both taken outside of Bailey's Jewelry Store in Cameron Village

Also taken at Cameron Village

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Thoroughly Poetic Pictorial Thursday

Today we join Two  SPOILED CAT 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is today's pictorial prompt

Mystical Maybes

What I see as I look at this tree
Could easily be a mystery to thee.
My mind's eye is momentarily drawn to the light.
I asked myself if there life in the tree
Possibly there is more to see.
Maybe .....
A critter standing tall above us all. 
His feet are planted firmly in mossy earth
His head is covered in multiple layers and shades of green.
His long snout stretched toward the moon.
You say it is neither a critter nor a light 
It is just a Tree

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

A huge Cat (fish) Tale

Often mom is asked where does Madi sleep/sit/rest?
To which she replies, "Madi is like a 500 lb Gorilla, she sleeps/sits/rest where ever she pleases!😜
So today I'm gonna  show you some of my bestest places!!
And at the end there will be a quiz!!

Da master Bed

Da tunnel

Da guest bed

da chair
da table
 da window seat
 da 2nd level of da cat tree
 da back of da chair
 da top 3rd level of da cat tree
da dining room chair
da Sissy and da BIL bed (only when they aren't here, Sissy has cooties)
da stairs

da master bed ( this is my favorite spot I think)
 da back of a soft chair
 da back of the chair (great scents up here)

True False QUIZ:
a. Could a 500 lb gorilla could sleep/rest/sit in any of these places
b. Is mom a spinner of tall cat(fish) tale
c. Does mom have a party in her head

Correct Answer:
A. False no way a 500 lb gorilla could sleep/rest/sit
B&C. True

Monday, April 23, 2018

Monday Sparks reminder FFF

Today we are pawticipating in 
McGuffy’s Reader’s Sparks blog hop
This hop is all about spreading cheer and positive vibes via quotes.

Mom and I will be pawticipating in this Monday fun spreading pet cheer and positive vibes.

Grab a book, turn it to page 87
copy down lines 8, 12 and 16...then put on your thinkin' hat and create a
story or poem with those lines so you can join us for

YAM-Aunty's  April challenge

is just around the corner April 27.

It is a blog hop and you may find all the rulez here

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Shadows and Reflections on Sunday

This next one is full of fun.

1. Mom is outside looking in the dining room window
2. I'm on the table looking outside at mom
3. The bird feeders reflecting in the dining room window are behind mom
4. the neighbors house is behind mom too 
5. The microwave and cabinets in the kitchen are in the bottom right hand corner. 
6. Fridge is in the picture  too
7. the domed light is the kitchen ceiling light