
Saturday, May 4, 2019

Plates and Random photos

One of the 92 photos I took while on a day trip on Tuesday

1. CRUSHNIT, Crushing it was the plate on this ORANGE Camaro
In 1969 Camaro and the toy Hot Wheels debuted
Camaro is celebrating with this gorgeous car they are calling Hot Wheels

Sister of Angel Madi had a collection of Matchbox and Mattel Hot Wheels.
We had a blanket that looked like a highway.  She played with the cars on the blanket.

2. 1Stormie, the Mascot of the Carolina Hurricane's Hockey team is named Stormie
3. C-NC-1st, See North Carolina First
4. SOBEIT, So be it
5. INSUREM, Insure them
6. MKMYDAY, Make my day
7. ILVE, I love, it was on a Blue Ridge Parkway plate
9. BESTC, Best Clemson
On a Clemson University plate
10. CNDYGIRL, Candy Girl
11. EAN, on a State Parks Plate not sure what it means
12. 1:1M MOM
13.  RALNCGRL, Raleigh, NC Girl
14. Geminis2
15. PKUP, Pick up: on a no littering plate
14. DEIDLVR, ??? deliver
15. AWS'Coop, on a mini Cooper
16. FRUMJOY, From Joy


Random photos take on our road trip
Building art
Pelican and a Beluga whale

Cape Hatteras lighthouse replica on a corner
The fire truck real and loud.  It came roaring down the street as while we waited to cross
 Seahorses just hanging
One of the largest working ceiling fans EVER it was in the Pavillion at a Park

Last but not least....
I need to tell my friend Matilda the beautiful lady Boxer
everybuddy wants to be you.  They are having be YOU

Back on Tuesday May worries there will be pictures galore to show you.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Nature and Feline Friday

Hosted by my Niece Rosy, and her 2 brudders Arty and Jakey HERE

This jewel has really put on a show this spring.

We took a short road trip to Wilson, NC on April 30.
As we entered the city limits we were welcomed by the beautiful 
canopy of hardwoods.

Dearest Aunty HiC
I’m thrilled the peeps didn’t run errands, and decided to stay home with me today! 
Mom and I walked before it got too hot outside. I always enjoy my outside time.  Hope you’ve had a great day, too. 
❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew

Dearest Nephew
OMCs that photo of you on the deck gently touching the bunny's ear is just too precious.  MOL MOL I love your swagger when you are out and about.
I'm so glad you and Mom had a nice walkie
Lovingly your Aunty HiC

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Thoroughly Thankful and Poetic Thursday

Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is our photo challenge

Under the Giant Sequoia TREE
by Cecilia
If that were me, standing under this tree,
in AWE of it's grandeur I would be.
Quietly I'd listen as the gentle breezes 
whispered to me thru the leaves.
Inviting me to hear what 
My Mind's Eye sees this
Giant Sequoia standing silent and strong.
Biding me to love and care for it
Just as others have done for millions of years.
If that were me, standing under this tree....

I am also joining Brian and family for

My nephew Kat sent an email to me that he would like for me to share on
Thankful Thursday.

Dearest Aunty HiC
I was just sitting here with my favorite catnip toy, thinking about all the sweet comments from your blogger furiends. It makes me happy to know so many peeps, kitties, and pups like me. We are both very
 and send virtual nose taps and head rubs to all. 
❤️Kat Your Feline Nephew

and crazy
Pup photo bombed my picture with a very odd request

I replied, yes Kat there are somethings in life we don't share like
Catnip. I know you are thankful Pup did not SHARE
the aromatic coyote poo he rolled in last week!!

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Happy TuesdayTale

Dearest Aunty HiC
Being in charge of all these canines can be overwhelming at times. But I’ve got it under control.
❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew 

MOL MOL Dearest Nephew 
You walk softly but carry a big MEOW
Lovingly your Aunty HiC

Monday, April 29, 2019

Sparks,Hearts and Mews

are all about spreading cheer and positive vibes via quotes.

Native Red Bud's heart shaped leaves

Forest Pansy Redbud's leaves are red after it blooms, gradually turning green 

Friday April 26 Sassy came home with an entirely
NEW 'tude.  She spent some time at Bernina's  Spa and Rehab facility.
She hopes you like her new image.

and as you can see from the bottom photo she learned some fancy stitches too.
This story will be continued.....reminder quilt top is red and white prints
sewn together

While she was away, I purchased fabric for my quilt border red fabric and backing (kitty cat fabric)
and the binding
I also purchased a Mini Quilt kit that is supposed to be
super easy, so much fun and includes quilt top, quilt backing, quilt binding and
easy-to-follow instructions.   Had I known about the kit I might have started with it first
You know what they say about hind sight?!

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Sunday Selfies and Thank you

Email: Saturday April 20, 2019
It was chilly in Dixie

Chilly enough for a fire here on The Hill today. Pup thinks he’s got the best seat in the house, but I know better. I pre-fur staying close to Mom.

😺❤️😻 Kat Your Feline Nephew

Dearest Kat
I agree with you...staying close to your sweet Mom is the second best decision you have made....first being trusting your new family.

Lovingly your Aunty HiC
Thank you all for your birthday wishes for Dad of Madi yesterday.
He had a very nice bday.  FYI: The week of our birthdays
all food is calorie free and HEALTHY. LOL
Five days a week we walk 45 minutes to an hour and ride the 
recumbent bike at least 20 minutes
Saturday and Sunday we just ride the bike.

Now for a little Drabble humor
Having been owned by Toto, the might mini Dachshund, we always enjoy
Wally. However, I wish they would use bolder ink and the font
is often hard to read.
Maybe you can biggfy it on your end too

Toto had a PhD in door bells.  In our first home, 
the front and back door bells had different tones.

KNEW exactly which one needed his attention and he ran at Mach Dach speed. 
He sounded like a Great Dane when he barked especially at the back door which opened into our laundry room and he echoed!!
Gospel truth: There was about a 6" gap between the washer and the dryer.   With each thunderous bark his mini body would move backwards. I lost track of the number of times his tush got wedged in the gap. If I wasn't there to pull him out, his front feet would 
start the famous Dachshund Dig.

1: Toto on the move he never realized he was vertically challenged
2: Waiting by the bathroom door for his Sissy to finish her shower.
3: napping in Sissy's room