
Saturday, August 8, 2020

Symmetry Saturday

After our lunches at Seaboard Cafe on Saturday, we drive through
Country Club Hills...(yes it is as fancy as it sounds)
Here are few home we like.
The top two photos are the front and side view of the same home
It has gorgeous stone chimneys 
Bottom left is full of shapes and sizes
Bottom right had all copper gutters and downspouts

Friday, August 7, 2020

Nature and Feline Friday: All about timing and LUCK

Thanks Comedy Plus for hosting Feline Friday

Thanks LLB Gang for hosting Nature Flower Friday

After lunch on Saturday, August 1, we did our usual ride around
through Country Club Hills in Raleigh.
We love the houses and all the beautiful landscaping...
I HAD MY CAMERA...and it was turned on  this is what we saw
A beautiful doe sashaying up this drive way.
She paused a nano second...

then she went under the tree on the top right
slowly making her way toward the woods.  What a treat

Dearest Auntie HiC

Hi, it’s me, Rocky.(be sure to turn you sound up)
I took another walk today, and I must say, I did much better. 🐈🐈🐈
Sound on....We love Kenny Chesney!
❤️ Your Ginger Nephew Rocky

Click below link....

Dearest Ginger Nephew....I love Kenny Chesney to and you are living in fast forward.  Bless your little heart.  Clapping wildly
before long you, Kat and Pup will all be living fast forward together.
Lovingly your Auntie HiC

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Thoroughly Poetic and Thankful Thursday #32 and Kat video

Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is today's inspiration

My lady is dressed to the 9's
Dogs 100 and 1
As for me...I'm free to just be me.
I will run like the wind.
Giddy up. 

My Nephew Kat sent me this email on Tuesday

I’m so happy Dad is home from his star-gazing excursion. Guess what we did first thing this morning?
We’re Best Buds! 😻

❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew

Dearest Nephew Kat!!
OH my goodness you and Dad are well balanced besties.
I know you furries and your sweet Mom missed him.
Hey did you tell him about that young whippernsapper Rocky trying to get all up in your face and scare you?  What a silly Boy Rocky is.

Lovingly your Auntie HiC

Yesterday I went to Wal-Mart Early...mainly to avoid crowds.
I had a list but the below items were not on my list but I am 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

In Purrsuit of Flavors: Light Dinners

I thank Da Phenny and Chef Shoko for 

At first I thought due to my Gum Surgery on 
July 28th, I would not be able to pawticipate.
I cannot really eat too much until August 11th when my stitches come out
but Novocaine brain remembered...YES you can
You are drinking lots of light cool Smoothies.

I mentioned to my Gal Pal, Janice aka roving Photo journalist, that I could not eat/drink anything with seeds in it so I was in a quandary about just bananas in my Smoothies.  She told me that
she and her husband like peanut butter and bananas in their smoothies.
Bingo.  I came up with my very own delish creation.
1 banana
1 small container of vanilla yogurt
2/3 cup of Almond Breeze 
1 Big Dollop of smooth Peanut Butter
1 ice cube
 (didn't want to chance any ice cubes I might be tempted to crunch)
Add all to the blender

At the push of a few buttons you have a delicious
Banana, peanut butter, vanilla yogurt and Almond Breeze 
Smoothie for a Light...or in my case Liquid dinner

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Happy Tuesday: Rocky stalks Kat

Rocky stalks Kat:
Click on this link to get a great big giggle!!!

 Rocky was on the sun porch, Kat and Pup in the family room.
Rocky tries to get all scary but Kat is NOT at all impressed..Kat doesn't even
blink when Rocky



Good morning friends...
Tropical Storm Isaias was predicted to come smack thru
central NC last night into this morning. Dumping
3-6" of rain in parts of  our County...and possible power outage.
It will indeed be a Happy Tuesday if we have power!!!!

  Tuesday UPDATE

All good here, we had 4" of rain, power was out about 4 am but on when we got up at 6
other parts of our County had flooding.
350,000 w/o power mostly on the South Coast.
Favorite sis and BIL  of Angel Madi and the kitties are good
I rec'd this email

We’re okay, slept in a little after I locked kitties out of bedroom around 5:30.  Lots of noise from storm & Mia repeatedly banging blind.
We’ve got power & it didn’t rain in the kitchen.  
I had to giggle about Miss Priss aka Mia she is so nosy she has birds and lizards she has to check on each day
As for the water in the kitchen, after Florence 2 years ago, they had a waterfall in the kitchen ceiling so much wind and rain it leaked thru light fixture.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Awww Monday with Rocky

Awww Monday

Dearest Auntie HiC
Hi, it’s me Rocky. Guess what!?!
I took my first leash walk Sunday, July 26th, 2020.

It was wonderful being outside again, and Mom said I did well for my first time. 😻
I felt proud when Mom said I’ll walk every day,  just like Kat.
I got a little carried away with the rhododendron bush, and Mom had to rescue me. 😹😹😹

❤️ Rocky Your Orange Nephew

Dearest Orange Nephew!!
OMCS OMCs OMCs...I am bursting with proud for you my handsome little Domestic Tiger...look at you tackle the rhodie bush.  You let it know just who was boss of it.  Well done.  
Very proud virtual hugs and kisses on your sweet nose.
 Rocky if you get any more handsome I just might faint...
I want to bury my face in your furs!!!
Lovingly Auntie HiC

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Sunday Selfies 2014


I've been LunaPic'd

This was a rare event to have Madi on my lap...thankfully I had my
iPad to capture the moment.