
Saturday, February 5, 2022

Saturday Symmetry and Art

 as seen on a walk thru the neighborhood after snow started to melt from two weeks ago today

Abandon sled  and I'm guessing the pine branches broke from the weight of the snow

Driveway chalk art.  
I cut off the 'B' in Be when I took the photo

Friday, February 4, 2022

Nature and Feline Friday

Thank you to our hostesses 

 Nature Friday host LLB Gang  and Feline Friday  host Comedy Plus

I thank Carole and Katie Isabella for sending me this most amazing photo of a Pileated Woodpecker (Woody Woodpecker was a Pileated).

This was my reply:
Wow Carole do you know how very very very rare that sighting is?  Double Wow.  Thank you for the photo.  WOW...I've only seen one in my life and it was from a far...DID I say WOW yet.
Thank you!!    
I received permission to use the photo from Katie Isabella aka Da Boss Lady.  
WOW thank you x 100!
Hugs and WOW Cecilia
If you don't know Katie(on the right) and her guy Kozmo 
on New Year's Eve 2021 Couple of the year.

Top photo is the front of a b-day card from my
my brother-in-law and his wife.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday #55


Angel Sammy and Teddy find such inspiring photos for us

Here is today's inspiration

I'm pretty sure when the fantasy DNA was handed out, I was talking or on a coffee run or both.  

by Cecilia

What does my mind's👀 see 
When it looks at thee?

 It sees a door with an overgrown tree 
whose branchy fingers 
are reaching for the key.

It can only write about what it sees 
Not what might be.

Once the door 
is unlocked, maybe 
the light will reveal

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Wordless Wednesday: water fowl


Then incoming gull  as Heron fishes

Splash Down

Splish splash 

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Happy Tuesday Tale

We drive by this structure several times a week.  Last week, I remembered I had my camera, so snap snap I went.  My husband grew up about 3 blocks from this area.  I asked him what he remembered about it.  He recalled hearing that way before his time it was a a streetcar/trolley stop.  While doing a bit of detective work on it's past, I also learned the Hayes Barton Area has many other locations where you can find remnants of streetcars and trolley system.

Raleigh's last remaining intact trolley stop

Many people don't realize the stone structure standing on Glenwood Avenue near Hayes-Barton was actually once a trolley stop. Although many Raleighites have said they assumed this structure was a bus stop, this stone structure is one of the only remaining pieces of the trolley system. Details in the stonework date the structure as likely over a century old.  The fact that this is still standing after all these years is proof positive of the fine craftsmanship of the stone building and tile roof.

 Back side 

Many years ago there were rumblings about demolition.  Thankfully
the ranting of Raleighites were louder than the rumbling of developers.
It isn't often the developers lose 

Monday, January 31, 2022

Awww Monday and Sparks with Rocky

Thank you to our

Dearest Auntie HiC

Guess what we got a package

 Let me begin by saying: This is NOT a paid promotional ad for Bissell, ha! 😹

She found this one on sale at Walmart!

I was afraid of the dog pictured until Mom assured me doggo wasn’t included. 😸   
Mom got tired of dragging out the big carpet cleaner when there was only a small area to clean, so she bought a portable cleaner.

Mom had some trouble with a leaky cap until Dad and I figured it out.

She would be lost without us guys❣️
We give the cleaner 4 Paws 🐾 ⬆️ !

❤️ Rocky your furry GingerMan 

Dearest precious Rocky my furry GingerMan.
I have a Bissell Little Green Pro pet cleaner too. 
I bought it back in 2015ish.  I loved it..especially with
kitty cats and their hair logs...(never understood why they were called hair balls).  They look like logs.  
Mine did not have that little attachment that is sticking up on the right side but it does have 2 attachments.
I still use it for human spillage.  
 With love from your Auntie HiC

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Easy Sunday at Shelley Lake and Fun Vanity Plates

 Playground located at the beginning of the trail

Boys and Girls it has been a while since I posted fun vanity plates we see around town.  There aren't many but here we go.  

*MEANS I don't have a clue to the meaning.

1. BAMBAMM, Bambam (extra M due to there already being BamBam)

2. 1EQUALS3*

3. SANDFEAT, Sandfeet

The geese enjoy trekking about the trail too.  Especially this area just above the lake.  There presence often causes humans to play hopscotch...if you know what I mean!!

This is the lake overspill that you see above


5. LUVBBALL, Love basket ball, or baseball


7. SUNDAZE3, Sundays

8. MAYFLWR, Mayflower

9. I had my camera so I took a photo

We love our cornbread here in Dixie