
Saturday, December 23, 2023

Symmetry and Artsy Saturday

December 12th,we took our friend to a medical appointment.  While waiting for him, we walked around the facility and OMDs/OMCs look what we saw symmetry and this beautiful metal sculpture.


Friday, December 22, 2023

Nature and Friday with Kat

   Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 


Hi Friends...I did so miss you these last few days.
We had a wonderful visit with the favorite Sissy and brother-in-law of Angel Madi and we had lots of kitty loving from our grandcats
Frisco da Ginger, Mia da Tortie and Harper the Princesses
Our daughter and SIL had a wonderful agenda planned for our visit.  Memories were made

I have a few (100) photos to sort thru


Today I have a fun video from Kat

 Dearest Auntie HiC

Mom was looking through some of our old TikTok videos & found one she had not shared with you.
Apparently, “TikTok-ers” liked, as it received 292 ❤️!

❤️ Kat

My sweet Tabby Nephew Kat
Auntie loves this video and is very very happy to read that 
the TicTok followers know a star when they see one
Auntie knows you are as gawgeous inside as out.

Lovingly your very Proud Auntie HiC

Nature Friday Deer grazing in Ernie da attorney's yard
 OMD(eer) did they lose Santa?

Sunrise over Bogue Sound 
(North Carolina Coast) December 20, 2023)
top photo facing East bottom photo facing West no editing

Monday, December 18, 2023

Awww Monday


 Thank you to our   

Host Comedy Plus    

My camera and phone are both charged

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Serene Sunday

Our Green glass pumpkin sitting on a LED light stand
There is a larger pumpkin behind the green.
 The light from the LED stand 
cast a shadow of the larger one on the wall.