
Friday, July 12, 2024

Nature and Feline Friday

 Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Thank you for hosting!


 New Plants spotted at Logan's

I loved the names 
Purrsian Blue Catmint (l)
Hot lips Salvia(r) the bloom looks just like fire engine red lips
The brand name is Planet Easy.  They are not in plastic containers (notice the one on the right above) . The roots aren't pot bound and don't need breaking up before potting).  Just prepare soil then 
Plan(e)t EASY

Flash back  2010
The story of two Divas
My sis and her hubby came to visit. Well you know there is only room for one Diva
in a house...Sis tells me she was the first Diva and still is. We have agreed to co-exist. Now if she would relinquish her diva title all would be good but that is a story for another day.
However, I really LIKE her hubby aka my 'BIL' and he likes me. He calls me Cat, as in 'Hey Cat', but coming from him it is ok. He smells good...especially his shoes. MOL
We were celebrating Father's Day (I know a week late). When lo and behold look what my BIL did to me......
Maybe the first Diva of the family has been training him in evil ways to taunt a second Diva.
I gave him my most famous double laser eye stare which says
'Wha's up with you bro', he laughed. I said one of us needs to leave the room before it gets ugly...I volunteered

On the way out, I asked Mom to please reomove the bionic bow...
Even after my best shake, rattle and roll it would not fall off.
Now the company is gone.
I, Madi, am once again the only Diva of the house!!!

Present day:
Now to end this FFF I'd like to tell you about the two divas and
our son-in-law using the letters of their names in their favorite colors

Marvelous young lady
Apple of our eye from the moment she was born
Rarest of all Daughter Gems
Loving Cat Mom to Frisco, Harper and Mia

Going fishing
Rare gem of a guy
Everybody loves him
Great big brown eyes

My heart cat
Amazing Blogging Partner

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday #173

   Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy 

Here is our challenge for today 


I have four wheels 

You have three

Let's race to see who

is first to get to the finish line



Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Wordless Wednesday and Nat'l Kitten Day


Thank you to our Hostess

Sandee at Comedy Plus   

These beautiful photos were sent to me from our friends we visit each year in the NC Mountains. We have never seen all of the lilies in bloom 

They are absolutely stunning!!

Angel Madi at 2 months old...the day we brought her home

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Monday, July 8, 2024

Awww Monday

We thank our Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus

Each Saturday after we have lunch at Seaboard Cafe we ride around Country Club Estates .... (Yes it is as fancy as it sounds) 

So many Saturdays we see this beautiful Labrador. Most times he is on his green hammock bed.  Hard to get a good photo.  Saturday June 15, there he was almost as if waiting and for sure posing.

June 15, 2024

He has it made in the shade....

Sunday, July 7, 2024