
Saturday, August 10, 2024

Symmetry Saturday with ME

 My shadow on an EMW...this is the only way

I'll ever be taller than 5'3"

Home from our trip a good time was had by all and there are pictures.

Symmetry Saturday

Photo snapped on EMW inside Crabtree Valley Mall.


Friday, August 9, 2024

Nature and Feline Friday with Kat

 Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Thank you for hosting!


Dearest Auntie HiC, it is I, Kat, your first feline nephew...

 Mom had just finished mowing, showering, & we were relaxing, watching birds.

We were fortunate to observe a female cardinal feeding a fledgling❣️

According to Wild Birds Unlimited:

Pretty cool, huh?

❤️ Kat

OMCs Nephew Kat
Auntie loves that video of the fledging.  
I can identify with it's hunger.  Auntie HiC gets shaky when she is hungry too. NOW IF SHE COULD GET UNCLE TO FEED HER.  
Lovingly your Auntie

 Debby the D(R)owner dropped over 5" of rain here during the day Thursday.  It rained 40 days and 40 nights in one day. More rain expected last night.
Thank you to all who checked on us
I'll check gauge later.  

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday #177 and Internat'l Cat Day

  Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy 

Here is our challenge for today 

Breeder says:
He is a pot bellied pig.
no worries
He will not get very big,

Pig says:

My name is Hamilton.
I thought, that is a big name for a wee piglet!!
Please call me Ham.
Thank you ma'am.

I love being my family's constant companion on the couch.
They keep my snacks near by in a pouch.
They don't want me to be a grouch.

The good snacks made my lips go SMACK
Glory be....
I grew into my name Hamilton.

This little piggie won't go to the 
Market because they 
better than any MUTT.


My Grandkitties on the left
Angel Madi and 
My Niece and Nephews on the right
They all have places in my heart

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Wordless Wednesday


Thank you to our Hostess

Sandee at Comedy Plus   

Snapped at Crabtree Valley Mall on an indoor EMW.



I got a real giggle our of the message on the blue t shirt
I like big butts

The picture is a diagram of sections of a pig.

This was a timely photo gave me an idea for tomorrow's Thoroughly Poetic Thursday photo challenge.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Happy Tuesday with 2 nephews and 1 Niece


Thank you to our 

Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus  

Deareast Auntie HiC

Well, there’s never a dull moment around here since Cali’s arrival. 
She’s been exploring (inspecting) the entire house, and we’ve been staying out of her way. 😹

She went upstairs today, peeked through the railing, scaring us all!

 Mom made the spritzing sound of the spray bottle & Cali was back downstairs, lickety split! 

She doesn’t hiss as much, but she’s still very opinionated!  Our vet said she will be less “bitchy” (her exact words) after Cali is spayed. 😹 Unfortunately, Dr. Renee has a family emergency in Mississippi, so surgery has been postponed until the end of August. Oh my! 🙀 Keep us in your thoughts! 😻

❤️ Kat & Rocky

Volume up please...Cali might be giving her Mom a bit of 

Dearest Nephews, Mom and Dad and
Cali Girl

We send our sympathies to you 2 my handsome nephews and Mom and Dad…Milky-Way, our first cat was a laid back ,gentle man, who rarely meowed‼️‼️‼️ Let me just say there is a huge difference between males and females.  We not prepared for an opinionated female itty bitty keg of dyNAmite we named  Madi. Madi said more her first day she was here than Milk-Way said in 15 1/2 years. We often said raising Madi was like having a perpetual 13 teenage girl.  At least we had successfully raised a teenge girl.  So we felt confident we could raise a CAT.  Madi kept us on our toes, made us laugh and thankfully was very Patient as she taught us how
she wanted things to be done. And we loved all 16 1/2 years of living and loving her.

Lovingly Auntie HiC 

Monday, August 5, 2024

Awww Monday musical

We thank our Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus  

Seen on my EMW 

In the jungle the mighty jungle

THE LIONS creeps tonight

Click here if you want to tap your feet and wiggle your tushie

The adorable characters singing are timon and pumbaa

Sunday, August 4, 2024