
Saturday, September 28, 2024

Saturday Symmetry

My furry nephews and niece and Staff are well.
They had a leak around a large palladium window.
As far as the could tell from the house only one tree down but no where near their house.


Friday, September 27, 2024

Nature, Final Fiction and Feline Friday Niece Cali

  Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Thank you for hosting!

Click here to visit YAM's FFF

Feline Friday

Dearest Auntie HiC
It’s hard to believe Dad wasn’t a “Cat Man” when Mom first met him 33 years ago. 
Just look at him now!

Mom says I’m a little Vixen because I’ve got Dad wrapped around my paw & I don’t like sharing him with my brothers or Mom
Who could resist my “precious-ness”?

MOL MOL MOL Cali you are 2,000% a Daddy's girl and I can tell by Daddy's expression he is has been seriously bitten by the Cali Charm bug.
Lovingly Auntie HiC

My niece and nephews and staff had a visit form Helene last night.  I hope I hear from them  soon with an update.  All 5 of them were hunkered down in their basement.

As a potentially dangerous hurricane, rain and wind event approaches friends and families
along the Gulf Coast and Southern US ... we pray for the safety and well being of all and

our furry families as well.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday #183

Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy 


Here is our challenge

This is true story about introducing new foods to my darling daughter. 

At about 8 months old, it was time to introduce new groups of veggies and fruits.
I was told to do it slowly to make sure she had no
allergies to them.
It was 1972, I had a very handy dandy
dish with divided sections to warm her food.  There was a pop up opening on the side (much like a valve for blowing up an innertube) to add hot water.  It warmed the food to room temperature in just a few minutes.  There was also a suction cup on the bottom to secure the dish to the high chair tray. 
So fast forward to the week I am introducing green veggies to her.
Next on the list was mushy green disgusting peas**. (Yes I tasted them).  She eagerly opened her mouth.  What happened next was really not a surprise** but more of a shock.
She made face just like the child in the photo.  Her hands were in the air, they came down with such force on the sides of the dish the suction cup came loose. The mushy green disgusting peas went on the walls, on me, some even made it to the ceiling. 


As a potentially dangerous hurricane, rain and wind event approaches friends and families
along the Gulf Coast and Southern US ... we pray for the safety and well being of all and
our furry families as well.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Wordy Wednesday


Thank you to our Hostess

Sandee at Comedy Plus

This photo was taken on September 12th.     

I shared this on Wordless Wednesday September 18th

Taken 6:50 am September 18 at the exact location as the sunrise above.  Fog after 3 days or relentless rain
Taken from my driveway...within a few hours there was sunshine on my shoulders.

As the saying goes, red skies in the morning sailors take warning.
On Friday Sept 13 it started raining for days and days. We had close to 6" here.

Parts of the NC southern coast had what they called a 1000 year rain event over 22" in 12 hours. 
My #1 daughter and #1 son in law  and my grandkitties live about 1 hour north from the southern coast.
They  received 19.2" in 72 hours. This photo was taken from their 2nd floor looking out to their back yard.

This ditch separates them from a farm behind them it looks like a canal.
The ditch is about 5' deep and probably 6' + across.
it is several 100' from their home.

They didn't have any damage 


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Happy Tuesday


Thank you to our

Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus

Fall has arrived (by the calendar) temps still a bit too warm

We are starting to decorate 

Our fairy lights enhance our fall decor
The wood carving of Angel Madi is attached to her 'box'

The mantel was one of Madi's favorite spots to explore.  In her younger days,
she spent a lot of time on top of the secretary by the mantel.  She now resides there permanently.  This pose was how she greeted me each morning.  Of course, I rubbed her from head to tail

A HAPPY accident at JoAnn's last week.  Their fall wreaths were 60% off.
This one was $39.99.  I grabbed  quick as greased lightning
$16.99 for this beautiful wreath
In case you are interested, the color of the door is 
Dignity Blue.
We taped several samples on the wall by the door. Even red but the blue was the winner

Monday, September 23, 2024

Awww Monday and Sparks and Reminder FFF

We thank our Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Photos by Adrienne (she lives in USA) the sister of HER aka Tobi

and Auntie of Dui, Roxy and Naoise in NSW

Tobi thinks Adrienne took these with her iPhone.

Just to ease all worries (i.e. the bag handles) 

Naoise was in the bag and out in a nano second and the bag is never left out

Last a little humor from DownUnder

OMCs is the the honest to goodness truth.

Reminder Friday September 27th join YAM for FFF
It is fun.

Sunday, September 22, 2024