
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Madi's first year: Trials and Tribulations part 1

I was not blogging on Madi's 7th b-day (March 11). Today and tomorrow I'll post two stories about Madi's first year with us to celebrate how lucky she was she is still here and how VERY LUCKY we are she chose to STAY!!!
Madi Climbs: Mount Grandfather Clock: Part 1

Madi was angelic when we brought her home at 2 months of age and weighing 2.5 lbs. During the first 4 months of cuteness she was really sizing up her peeps, deciding best how to rule her domain. She cast her cuteness net over us, reeling us in hook, line and sinker. At 6 mos. and maybe 5 lbs, her true colors came out she was a really mountain goat in a kitty body. This picture is our the left of it our Grandfather clock. The gap between the stairs and clock is about a foot. One afternoon Madi's Dad heard a faint meow (aka 'look at me Dad'). He looks to his left to find Madi on top of the Grandfather Clock. Somehow, Madi was able to jump between the banisters upwards to the top of the clock. As if this wasn't bad enough (cat claws on fine wood), she decided to carve her 'name' on the wood. Yes, she had gnawed on the top. THIS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED Dad says!!! Now that she had discovered the trick there was not keeping her or her teeth off. We covered the clock with a sheet hoping to spook her, NOT!!! Her launch point was where the wicker mag. rack now sits. I was at my wits end trying to keep her off the clock. Finally, I remembered seeing a stair step magazine rack in a magazine. I bought the last one they had at Linens and Things. Here 7 years later it still sits the best of our knowledge she never went up there again.


  1. Lovely story
    we are waiting on part 2 ;)

  2. Dear Madi and MOM,

    What a sweet story. We just loved your comment about the two cents. That is so funny! Well, maybe it's not?... Yeah, it is!

    It brought a big smile to my mommy's face.

    Riley and Star.

  3. I kinda know what you mean, Maxx is 8 years old and I still have a problem with her getting on top the fridge.

  4. Hi, Madi!
    Thanks for sharing your story!
    But it looks scary to me!
    Kisses and hugs

  5. Hmmmmmm..........Mom got smart!

  6. Hmmmm...I am sure she just "decided" not to go up there anymore...BOL.

    You are a smart Mom!!

  7. We woulda like to see you make that leap, Madi!

  8. Poor Madi...........I'm surprised she just didn't leap from the magazine deal!!!

  9. Hahaha! We would've loved to see a video of that. And Madi, how could you let a silly thing like that stop you from doing it again? You're bigger now, you should start jumping to the top of the railing and then to the clock again. That basket shouldn't be in your way at all. *grin*

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  10. Beautiful clock! Madi must of thought it was a big tree....

  11. Just to add to your comment from my see me ON the table just go to the June 4, 2009 blog -- then you can see me and Dud in action.

  12. What a cute story. We bet she's up there when it's dark out. That's when we "explore", no one to yell at us! Shhhh, don't tell...


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)
Cecilia and Angel Madi