
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Madi and Mom: Sweet Friends Award

Mom's other passion is birdwatching she thought you all would like to see this
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Birds and Blooms member web page.
Never fear, Madi's mug will be up tomorrow.

Madi and I are honored to receive and display our Sweet Friends Award and it is timely as

Tomorrow January 27
Chocolate Cake Day!!!!
an excellent day to post this award.

We thank Ms. Kit from Dog Daze for giving us this award and being our Sweet FRIEND!!!!

The Rules for accepting this delicious award are simple

1. Copy Image to your blog ......

2. List 10 things that make you happy and try to do one today.

3. Tag 10 bloggers who brighten your day.

10 Things that make me happy are

1. Spending the weekends with my Hubby and Madi!!!!!!
2. reading all my friends blogs and commenting on them
3. reading the comments on my blog
4. Saturday lunch as Seaboard Cafe
5. a nice shower after a busy day
6. Reading a good book
7. Crocheting
8.Watching my backyard birds (I only get to do this on Sat. and Sunday
I leave for work before sunrise during the week)
9. Invigorating walk on a nice day

10 Bloggers I want to tag with the Sweet Friends Award.

Mom had a very hard time deciding on just 10 Bloggers to tag so
she came up with a very scientific approach.....we are tagging the
first 10 bloggers who left comments on our blog on January 26th.

**The first 3 have already been tagged for this blog or were the 'tagger'
I'll move down to the next person.....
** Dog Daze....tagger
**Animal lover, quilt lover tagged by Dog Daze
**Hood's Happening tagged by Dog Daze
1. Kool-Kittie-Krew
2. Martha and Bailey
3. Remington
4. Kareltje
5. CatLine
7. Sammy and Andy
8. Squirrel Queen
9. Twinkie
10.Amazing Animal Lover

Scientific Right?!!!!
Madi and I enjoy hearing from everyone and visiting your blogs.


  1. Sweet post! lol. Billy is not afraid of Julia. I did not make the dress. It is a special gift from a daughter, from "Build A Bear" in honor of my first grandchild being born, almost 10 yrs ago. And.....of course her name is Julia!

  2. Chocolate cake day Wow!!
    its my favorite (I just eat it ..... LOL)
    I eat to many chocolate but I can have it ;)

    Congratulations on your award
    and thank you for give it to us !!

    hugs for Madi from Kareltje =^.^=

  3. Thank you sweet friend for giving us the Sweet Friends Award!!! You are so sweet!! Really !!!
    I love your ten things, they could be almost mine.
    Pets for Madi, Fern

  4. I love your list of ten things that make you happy...
    Thanks for playing along!
    You are my sweet, sweet Southern friend!

  5. Thanx SO much for passing this award on to us! We will post about it tomorrow. We loved your 10 things too! Mom is a bird watcher also, and we have a link on our page for the "Great Backyard Bird Count" which mom does every year and you, too, can sign up. It's fun. It's the weekend of Feb 12th-->15th. Hope you have a super sweet day!

  6. Hi Madi & Mom
    We were so excited that tomorrow is chocolate cake day it made it hard for us to focus!
    First of all we loved the shot of the bird - very cool.
    Secondly congratulations on your Award and well done with the tag.
    Thank you so much for sharing it with us. We have to tell you we are very bad about Awards but we really do appreciate the thought!
    We will try to post about it soonish - after our judging duties!
    We are still trying to visit the blogs of those doggies in our group!!!
    Now when do we get the chocolate cake?
    love and kisses
    Martha & Bailey xxx

  7. That is a very cool looking bird! And chocolate cake day - count us in!

    Congrats on the award - it is very tasty, we mean cool!

  8. Thank you for the award! Good thing I commented early, ha ha! Beth here -- thank you for the help today....we will see if I can get it to work! Cake? I love ALL cake!

  9. Ahhh..thank YOU for the award!! I gotta think about the 10 things...hmm..Only 10... :) I look forward to getting it posted!

    Thanks Madi and Mom!

  10. Chocolate day? You do realize many of your followers are DOGS, right? BOL What about cats, Madi, can you have chocolate? I need to find out, so I can give my kat-siblings some.
    Go ahead Mom, try One World One Heart. If you want to join, you need to do a bit of work, but it's not bad. If you don't wish to join, shop around, leave comments to the blogs that offer the best treats (I mean presents) and wait for the prizes :)
    Finally, thank you both Madi and Mom for the lovely and meaningful award, I like the scientific approach deal.

  11. I Madi

    Congrats on your award.

    Hay does your mom take you bird watching to ?
    I bet that would be something you would have in common, Although I bet you watch birds for different reasons though.

  12. Congrats on your award! And there's actually a Chocolate Cake Day??!? Mom is so excited to hear that!!

  13. Chocolate Cake Day?? My grandma is going to love it!
    Congratulations on your Award!
    And thanks for sharing those things about you!
    Kisses and hugs

  14. I didn't even know there was a chocolate cake day. Doesn't that mean you're supposed to send a chocolate cake to all your friends? :)

  15. Madi & Mom,

    Congrats on your award and thanks for sharing it with us. Perfect timing as I'm getting an awards post ready for Thursday. I love #10 on your list, it's one of my favorite things too.

    Chocolate Cake Day, wow we will definitely celebrate that one. The little Grosbeak is so pretty.

    Purrs & Hugs,
    Cindi Lou and Judy

  16. Congratulations on your Sweet Award. We love bird watching too!
    ~Lisa Co9T

  17. Thank you so much Madi & Mom for that slice of chocolate cake. We were wondering if you have some fresh cream for us to have with it!
    Well we must tell you Madi that we are being abandoned with our Dad yet again this evening whilst our mum goes out and leaves us!
    She reckons that the very nice restaurant where she and the 'girls' meet should have some chocolate cake for her!
    We use the word 'girls' but these days it is more like 'old bags'!
    love and kisses
    Martha & bailey xxx

  18. Congratulations on your award and thank you for sharing it with us. We promise we will post it soon. Wow, we have never heard about Chocolate Cake Day. You must tell us more.

  19. YEAH! I made it over to collect my award! I LOVE IT! Thank you so much Madi, I'll post it tomorrow.
    xxoo Deborah

  20. Congrats on your wonderful award. My mom loves Birds and Blooms....and we like to watch the birds too. Well, she does, I prefer to nap.

  21. I am here from The Road to Here. Congratulations on the award! #10 on your list is perfect and is something that can be done everyday! I like your way of choosing tagees.

  22. Madi and Mom..congrats on your award. I am an AVID BIRD WATCHER. I saw my first Rose-Breasted Grosbeak last year. They returned again this year. I was in heaven. I will be posting some Bird pictures on my blog soon and don't forget The Great Backyard Bird Count that takes place on Feb 12th -15th. Much LOVE!

  23. Madi and's so great to meet someone who understands the thrill of a first siting. I had about 8 male Grosbeaks and 4 Females and of course I grabbed one of my many field books to confirm the siting and then my camera and video camera and started snapping and videotaping. I have to go through my photos to see if I got anything good to share. I know I videotaped them because I had to get it on videotape just in case I thought I was going crazy. You saw waxwings??!!! How lucky are you!!??? Now when I get home I have to go through my bird pix to put together a bird post just for the bird lovers like you. It's so nice meeting you and folks like you. Much LOVE!

  24. P.S. looking forward to Madi's mug tomorrow...LOL!

  25. Madi and Mom...oh I can tell we are going to have a good time, you and me. My hubby and I went to a bird sanctuary in Jamaica where the hummingbirds just land on your fingers. I almost peed in my pants with excitement. Is that normal or what? What until you see some of those pictures. Then one day I saw my first Creeper. That was so awesome! I can tell we have lots to share. I'm going to be leaving in a half hour, of my patients that I visit, has to have a lung biopsy so I want to be there for support. I will talk to you soon! Much Love!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)
Cecilia and Angel Madi