
Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Lion(ess) Sleeps tonight....

"In the jungle, the mighty jungle the lion(ess) sleeps tonight,
wimoweh wimoweh wimoweh....The lion(ess) sleeps tonight"

at least she tries to sleep when Mom is not sticking the flashy box in her face.

I spy you Mom....but I'm too comfortable to object to the flashy box...


  1. Oh dear...moms and their flashy beasties! At least yours didn't try to dress you up in a tee-shirt! Hopes you're able to get some undisturbed nappies in today!

    Wiggles & Wags,

  2. Hi Madi,

    We like your bed with the Satin Comforter, sooo luxurious and pretty! What does your mommy and daddy sleep on?

    Riley and Star.

  3. Hi Madi!!
    We love the way you spying!
    We thought we should spy our Mom,too!
    You are not only gorgeous kitty but also a very smart kitty!

  4. Do those humans sometimes muss up your bed?

  5. We all have our moments of weakness, Madi.

  6. Why can't the humans just let us sleep??!?

    (and we always wanted to know how to spell "wimoweh")

  7. Aw look so happy and comfy and cute there...I just want to hop into the picture and flop down next to you and share funny stories. You do have a great lounging spot there...would you mind if I come over and take a little nap next to you? No? Ok, I'll be over in a minute!!! Your pal and admirer, Lautrec (shh, don't tell Tiny!)

  8. Poor Madi... we feel for you sweetheart. Our mom always points that flashie beast at us when we are trying to sleep too!
    We hope the lion(ness) gets her beauty sleep!

  9. Aw Madi, you look so comfortable (we can tell by the crossed paws). Why is it moms always want to disturb our naps with the flashy beast?

    Purrs from your Gal Pal Cindi Lou.

    Sorry about your problems with blogger, it did that to me last week too. It has also been doing something strange with comments. I was here the other day, read your post and clicked on comments. Before I clicked on it it said you had 17 comments, when it opened there were only three showing. After I posted my comment they all came back. It has also hidden some of my moderated comments, they showed up two days later.



Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)
Cecilia and Angel Madi