
Saturday, March 20, 2010

Madi says: You have got to be kidding.....

Please tell me this isn't for I look cold with all this fur.

Ohhhhhh it is for Harley my sis's Cornish Rex. He always has a chill (because he is a very short-haired kitty. Mom made this afghan of many colors for Harley from the leftover winter projects.
Sis told her Harley isn't particular about colors just warmth. Mom was pretty pleased with how the multicolored afghan turned out....I see a new project in 'our' future.
Madi the afghan Model.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Flashback Friday & Look what Mom & Dad gave me

What an exciting week. I wanted to show you what Mom and Dad
gave me for my 8th b-day...a cushioned tunnel to play in.
Thus far...I've only been in it 1/2 way....
..mostly I sit in front of it contemplating whether or not I like it.
Mom and Dad have been placing all my new favorite toys in it trying to get me in....
Mom is pretty sure I'll be in it before long and when I do I expect there will be pictures.

The Calm before the storm....Milky-Way

The above pictures were taken of Milky-Way (MW) during his first and only vacation.
He was approximately 1 year old....we headed down to the Crystal Coast of NC
(aka Atlantic Beach) for a week's vacation at my parent's condo.
Toto (our first family pet, mini Doxie) spent many, many days at Atlantic Beach with us, but this was our first road trip with a kitty in tow. We quickly learned that mighty mini Doxies are better travelers. Fast forward we arrived, unpacked and as you can see MW adjusted beautifully.
On our second day at the beach we packed up to head down to the pool for some fun and sun.
MW was sleeping peacefully in this chair. About 1/2 hour into our pool visit the fire alarm at the condo started blare scaring everyone to death. The hubby, daughter and I took off for the condo to get MW. When we got to the steps there were folks posted saying we could not go up until the source of the alarm was found. MW's human sis was 15, she SCREAMED TO THE TOP OF her lungs, MY CAT IS UP there alone. She was and still is a FEARLESS protector of her pets. Before anyone knew it, she was flying up those stairs 3 at a time, then her Dad was flying up the stairs after her. This all happened in about 15 seconds. By the time they got there the alarm had been turned off, some ill behaved children thought it would be fun to pull it. When we entered the condo we found MW ok but very scared. In about 2 minutes he had remodeled all the blinds. Every blind in the condo had been bent every which way. He was definitely trying to get out of there. After this experience, we had a really hard time leaving him alone for too long for the remainder of the trip. Very scary.
The love of a human for his/her pet is monumental!!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Madi....Today is Forgive Mom and Dad Day

Today, March 18 is actually 'Forgive Mom and Dad Day'
My very handsome and smart friend Jack
commented on my March 4, post that 'the one with the food is always right'.
Jack, I've been pondering this for some time and agree with you so today

Mom, I for give you for

1. putting the yarn wrapper on my tail and head and posting the pictures for the world to see
March 4, 2010
*2. mistakenly posting my St. Patrick's Day post for March 17 on March 4 for 1 hour before you realized it was there!!!

Dad I forgive you for:
1. Dad I forgive you for telling Mom that you found me sitting on the cook top...
That was supposed to be our every time I go in the kitchen she
bellows Madi you better not be on that cook top.
Diva Island Princess Cat of Forgiveness

NOTE: From Mom and Madi
Some of you were not able to bring up our blog yesterday, March 17. We were told you were only able to see the March 16 post. Yesterday's post was the blog post that mom posted on *March 4 by mistake. We took it down within an hour of posting it. We thought that was that, but it could be the reason why yesterday's post did not show up as new. We are totally non-techie thus don't know the answer and apologize for the aggravation. If anyone knows what might have caused this, please let us know.
UPDATE: When the *blog was posted in error there were two comments posted on it that day 3/4/10. Mom started thinking that maybe for some reason that was making the 'blog brain' think it was an old post. We figured out how to delete those comments.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Top of the morning to all you wee green folks today. Our friend Tank and his assistant
posted a limerick yesterday in honor St. Pat's Day. They invited other bloggers to do try their hand with a Limerick. (If you have never visited Tank's blog,
you should do so ASAP..he is one funny Pup.)
Here is our attempt:

There once was a cat named Madi
She told all she was no fatty
She jumped high and low
Ran to and fro
Just to prove it was a fib told by the ratty.

Here are a few interesting facts about St. Patrick's Day

1. It is a religious feast day and the anniversary of the death of St. Patrick in the fifth century.
2. The Irish have observed this day as a religious holiday for over a thousand years.
3. It normally falls during the Christian season of Lent, Irish families would traditionally attend church in the morning and celebrate in the afternoon. Lenten prohibitions against the consumption of meat were waived and people would dance, drink and feast on a traditional meal of Irish Bacon and cabbage.
4. The first St. Patrick's Day parade was held in the USA. Irish soldiers serving in the English military marched through New York City on March 17, 1762.
5. Chicago is famous for a somewhat peculiar annual event: dyeing the Chicago River green. This tradition started in 1962 when the city pollution-control workers used dyes to trace illegal sewage discharges and realized that the green dye might provide a unique way to celebrate the holiday. That year they released 100 pounds of green vegetable dye into the river, enough to keep it green for a week.
Have a Great Green Day,
Madi and Mom

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Madi: Today is Lip Appreciation Day.....

Pucker up.......

In honor of Lip appreciation day we thought we'd share some interesting lip trivia:

1.In 1770 the English Parliament banned the wearing of lipstick stating that,
"women found guilty of seducing men into matrimony by cosmetic means should be tried for witchcraft."
2. In 1924, the New York Board of Health tried to ban the wearing of lipstick, claiming that it could poison unsuspecting men. (What about the women wearing it?)
3. By World War II the pendulum had swung the other way. It was considered patriotic and a gal's duty to 'put on her face.'
4. The first "kiss proof" lipstick hit the stores in 1950.
5. As late as 2007, many major brands of lipstick still contained lead.
6. Last but certainly not least, each year Beverly Hills plastic surgeons compare notes to determine which star's features are most desired by their clients.

In 2009, Angelina Jolie's LIPS won

Madi and I found this information in "The Essential Book of Useless Information".
by Don Voorhees

Monday, March 15, 2010

Madi: Photo Meme Game and Napping Day

Happy Monday,
Madi was tagged by Dory to play the Photo Meme Game.
The rules are:
1. Open the first photo folder
2. Scroll down to the 10th photo
3. post the 10th photo and tell the story about it:
Oh how funny this is our 10th photo. It is was in the most recent set of pictures taken last weekend. For the last few weeks, Mom has been admiring the very cute Border's Easter Bunny.
It was 12.95. She said she felt a little silly paying that much for a stuffed bunny...I said duh...
especially when you have a Madi at home. Anyway, she said it was so soft and so cute and reminder her of me. Then she noticed a sign that read you can buy the bunny for 6.95 with a $10.00 she buys it and now I'm supposed to like it. She even gave it a name...yep she is a loony tune sometimes...
So ta da ....drum roll....let me introduce you to "Spring" the Easter bunny.
Spring's 'home' is on the bed in the guest room. Everytime Mom walks in the room in the dark she thinks it is me. HA Now the joke is on her. She never knows who is really on the bed.
Thanks Dory this was fun!!!

4. We are supposed to tag 5 friends...but you know Mom she never does what she is supposed to do. She said it was so much fun going to the 1 folder and being surprised at the 10th photo
that she was going to invite everyone to do this. After all, sometimes we bloggers are all short of a post or need something interesting to post about. This is a freebie...just find the picture, post and write about it.
Today March 15 is Napping Day

Madi is a world class napper and is not reallyall that peculiar where she sleeps as long as the
flashy monster doesn't bother her.Below are some best of napping pictures of
my sweet baby girl.

Tip top napping spot

I can see you

Napping in front of the recumbent bike....
Mom's exercise regiment wears me out

This exact corner of the loveseat is her favorite spot.She rarely naps in the other corner. If either her Dad or I am in this corner, she will pace in front of the love seat
meowing the entire time and with each step the meoooooooowwww is louder.

According to her Dad she spends most week days napping on this bed which is upstairs away from the daily hustle and bustle. In several of her pictures, you'll see she has one eye slightly open just to be sure I don't try something funny....

Sweet Dreams Baby Girl.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sunday Steeple

Hayes Barton United Methodist Church
Raleigh, NC
(please enlarge for a better look at the details on the steeple)

Founded in 1936 and has continued to grow to have a congregation of
2,600. Church members range in age from birth to 100 plus years old.