
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Whimiscal Calendar is out again....

Saturday, August 21, is the birthday of
drop by to say Happy Birthday to the lovely Ms. G.
and According to my Whimsical Calendar today is also
Poem Day.
The entire poem is beautiful; however, the last three lines
are always floating around in my head. Life is about the choices we make.

The Road Not Taken
by Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then I took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence;
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I~~~
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Thank you Madi for allowing me 100% use of YOUR blog today.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Potluck Friday #5: Things Mom loves....

Happy Potluck Friday!! I'm going to tell you about some of the things Mom L O V E S
Dad, my Sis, Madi, hummingbirds, Ice Cream and Alaska....of course there are more people/things she loves for for the sake of space and time we'll stop with these.
Every so often Dad and I are pleased to see we come before Ice Cream and Alaska

Mom has been infatuated with Alaska for as long as Dad can remember.

Mom has a bucket list #1 was see Elvis Presley in person.

We had seats on the 4th row center. Mom was happy, Daddy scored brownie points.
Many items were checked off the list over the years but # 2, visit Alaska, sat there like a lump on a log. October 2004 they visited AAA, to set up a spring trip to Alaska. On May 20, 2005 at about 11:00 pm Alaskan time, Mom and Dad's plane landed in Fairbanks. They went straight to bed well Dad did, Mom got up several times during the night until she saw the sunrise at about 2am. AMAZING...
As soon as it humanly possible the next day, Mom was eager for her feet to be on Alaskan soil so they took a short walk...lo and behold sitting right behind their hotel look what they found....
ICE CREAM, Alaskan style. Here is Mom having her very first picture taken of her in Alaska....
It was about 40 degrees so if she looks cold she was 95 in NC the day before. LOL
There was still snow along the sides of the roads in Fairbanks.

The below picture is just one example of how grand they do things in Alaska.
Yep this is the cockpit of a real plane...the ice cream store was built around it.

Unfortunately the ice cream shop wasn't open yet. The time on the picture is wrong.
Mom never changed didn't have a clue to the time on the camera. It was actually about 7 am when the picture was taken.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A mouse in my house.....

Today, I'm hardly hard at work up in the computer room aka exercise room (no I don't exercise anything except my right not to exercise)!!! In early Spring Mom ordered something for this room. It came in a box labeled "Mouse Platform". I was intrigued by the box....but like my fellow felines, didn't lose any sleep over it or what might actually be in the box. My motto is naps first! However, recently mom was missing for about 2 days an hour. My tummy was growling so I figured it was time for rescue and recovery of said Mom.

I found mom and, unfortunately, the flashy beast...they are joined at the hip.
Lo and behold here is the 'Mouse platform' fully equipped with a mousie with a very long tail that ever so slightly moves.I told mom not to worry I had my eye on the mousie and its tail. I also expect there is something very wrong with the flashy beast. In this picture it portrays me as laid back, lazy feline. When, in fact, this is my famous nonchalant pounce in progress pose. You felines know the one, where we are hardly breathing, our eyes appear drowsy, but there is that every so slight tilt in the ears while the brain is calculating the Physics involved in the Pounce.

'When the mouse laughs at the cat, there is a hole nearby'~Nigerian Proverb

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wednesday Words for Madi

The heart shaped leaf is from a Red Bud tree in our yard.

My sweet girl dreaming.....
Note from Mom: In the spring the red bud has beautiful lavender blooms. I don't know why it is called a red bud. After the blooms fade, very interesting little pea pods form on it followed by the beautiful heart shaped leaves. Ironic thing is we didn't plant just popped up voluntarily in the most purrfect spot.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Works of Art

Yet another picture of Madi in her new favorite spot...on the back of the big couch.
This enchanting picture of a beautiful snow scene is by Bob Timerberlake, a well known artist from NC. Below it, is the one and only living breathing work of art in the house

I think it would be a wise decision if Mr. Timberlake included
Madi in one of his paintings!!! Of course, we would suggest it be of
Madi sitting under a lovely tree in the spring...not outside in the snow.

Madi says she'll have to think long and hard about posing should Mr. Timberlake call.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Three M Monday

Posted by PicasaAfter a weekend of partying hardy....I had to do some serious grooming...

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Steeple Sunday #23: N. Raleigh Presbyterian

North Raleigh Presbyterian Church took me by surprise for two reasons:
1. I didn't know of its existence we just happed upon it, luckily I had my camera.
2. It has one of the two most unusual steeples I've ever seen.

The church was founded in 1984 and it is a part of the Presbyterian Church of USA

In 1983 the area known as North Raleigh was totally different from how it is today. There were a few shopping centers and schools but no churches. At this time a group of citizens living in N. Raleigh began to worship together on Sundays at Children's World daycare on the corner of Ray and Strickland Roads. They quickly outgrew the space. The were given access to Lynn Road Elementary school on Sundays. By 1984 the N. Raleigh Presbyterian Church was officially organized.

In 1989 N. Raleigh Presbyterian Church moved into what is now called their Faith Ministeries Building. In 2002 they dedicated their new sanctuary.

The more I looked at this steeple the more I wanted to look at it.

There is something about it that simpley intrigues me......

Pictures were taken on July 5, 2010...absolutely beautiful blue skies but also very, very hot.