
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Leadership and Government Conference

In case you missed the Get away reveal earlier this morning,
Sarge and I are in Hawaii attending a Leadership and government conference.
What a busy day...we had to get up at 0'dark 30 to be ready for  
8 am role call

Sarge kept his nose to the grind all morning..taking in every word.
I my eyes glazed over about 10 minutes into the opening remarks.  I was in desperate need of A nap, A nip or  A nipitini or all of the above.

We arrived back from lunch to find the room empty
Evidently those government types take LOOOOOOOng lunches

The first afternoon seminar's topic was

Pros and cons of multi critter government

Paws down my comment that 
Four paws are better than 2 hands
was met with such approval we adjourned early. 

Next Seminar was Pensions: Pawsome Retirement Options
A. IRAs: I(ntelligent) R(esource) A(pplication)s
B. 401K-k-k: a Race to raise Pension funds for retiring kitties and K9s
Sarge and I watched a great video presentation
on opportunities for retiring government personnel.
I was I thought I'd be sitting around on my royal tush all day after my term as Mayor was over.

All the boring meetings were concluded at 4 pm ....
Jumpin' Catfish they rolled out the red carpet and 
the fun began.

Click here to be transported to read Sarge's
thoughts on the seminars


  1. Oh Wow, you all got a lot accomplished. Good for you two. You make a great pair to get things done. Love the pictures. Sarge is quite the handsome boy. You all have a great trip home.

  2. can't stop smiling and I wish you and sarge had been at all the conferences i had to attend when working. just like you Madi, it was all i could do to keep from falling asleep. this conference would have been much more interesting....i agree 100 percent 4 paws are much better than 2 hands.

  3. Wow good on both of you. You make an ace team. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Hey Madi!
    Wow, this is the most fun we could ever have while working! BWAR HAR HAR My brain is full and on overload. We'll be ready for a break after all of this.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commissioner

  5. Wow, a 401k-k is such a wonderful idea!! I wonder if we should have one of those in Blogville??
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  6. You 2 are so smart and have served blogville so well!

  7. OMD OMC Your comment was BRILLIANT 4 paws ARE better than 2 hands fur SURE...
    So will you and Sarge to to a LUAU??? Will you do a Hulie Hulie dance? If SARGE twirls Fire .... STAY BACK..
    Howl Wah E is a grrrreat place to go... They have super FISH... Just sayin.

  8. Mom used to go to a lot of conferences she said the best part of them was when they were over and they could go out and look over the town.
    stella rose

  9. Wow, I know you're learning SO much! Try to take a little time to see the local sights while you're there, though!

  10. Thanks fur representing Blogville at the meeting!

  11. Holy catnip! Hawaii! Conference! Hope you put those humans in their place
    Lily & Edward

  12. Hawaii?!? How exciting! We sure hope it's not all work and no play, Madi.
    Have a great Thursday!
    XOXO from your besties at Angel Prancer Pie.

  13. Madi, Gail and I so sympathise with that urge to take a nap.
    Meetings can be SO soporific.
    Toodle pip!

  14. Madi, I think this is going above and beyond the call of duty!! My eyes glazed over at the word pension!! Smoochies xoxox

  15. Wow Madi me not know ifin me kulda stayed awake at all. Good job. MOL

    Luv ya'


  16. OMD Madi, I am so excited for you and Sarge. I hope you get to enjoy some of Hawaii and don't spend the whole time indoors. Have some mai tai's and fresh fish.

    Love Sasha

  17. madi...we hope they eggs planed social secatity....gram paw dood never getted hiz N me boomer, is just a yeer a way frum collectin mine...

    chex in de mail HA !!!

  18. I am so excited for the Town Hall Meeting on Saturday. I can't wait for you to try my goodies. Everything will be served on a stick to make it easier. Happy Halloween.

    Loveys Sasha

  19. That's a whole lot of information to take in when there is paradise waiting for you outside!

  20. Mom says she wishes the conferences she has to attend were half as informative and useful as this one!
    WOW Miss Madi, we're so happy that you and Sarge got to attend.
    Wally & Sammy

  21. All those lectures might not be very exciting but at least you are in Hawaii.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)
Cecilia and Angel Madi