Last Week while the peeps were away
I attended the Cat Scout Fishing Rodeo
with my Guy Raz....OMCs I caught a big one
believe it or not this City girl won the biggest
fish award!!! Jumpin' Goldfish!!
Afterwards Raz and I took a ride on a flying fish |
All the while, the peeps were mucking around in the
mud on Carter's Mountain in Virginia looking for apples....
Crazy if you ask me we have Apples at our grocery stores and there is no mud.
I must admit the lovely aromas coming from the oven while
this apple pie was baking were wonderful. The peeps
selected a few apples from all the bins.
Mom normally uses Granny Smith but this time she used several different applies. The pie was extra yummy.
Mom loved the creative names of the JAMS
B(lackberry) E(lderberry) A(pple) R(ed raspberry)
T(angerine) O(range) E(lderberry) Jam
Mom especially cackle at this because toe jam often
means the gunk between your toes
F(ig) R(ed raspberry) O(range) G(rapes)
We can't see the labels clearly so the above is a guess. But whatever the ingredients is is the