
Saturday, February 11, 2017

Caturday Art and Breaking News

Welcome to  Caturday art hosted by Athena
See more Caturday Cat Art HERE.

I thought about denying the was short notice 


Friday, February 10, 2017

This Moment, See Beautiful

Today we join Sugar in celebrating

Madi's TM,SB
Even though I am sometimes a Diva my needs are simple.
Unconditional love, lots of good food, a few good boxes and a 
SUNPUDDLE make this kitty see beautiful.
PS mom says I was purring when she took these photos too.

Mom's TM, SB

Whiskers on Kittens

These are a few of my favorite beautiful things

Breaking news Mom says thank you for the birthday wishes yesterday.  She also apologize for confusing everyone.
Her bday was 1/7.  On the photo of her bday cake from this year 
she wrote 'today is mom's birthday'.  WE only meant to show the cake forgot what was written on the photo.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Thoroughly Poetic Thankful Thursday

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday with Angel Sammy

Today's post is brought to you by the letter

Ode to Ice Cream
To mom from Madi

In Mom's wildest dreams there is endless Ice cream.
Everyone knows this is not a scheme
She truly loves this frozen delight
She owns no stock in any cream
Each year in January she silently dreams
about her birthday cake, what flavors, what colors, 
will Dad request.  
She says no matter the theme,
there never has been any
 Ice Cream that was not the

And we join Brian for 
'cause mom is mighty Thankful for 
Ice Cream

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Body(less) and Sleep Wednesday

Monday I received some very cold and hot mail from Canada and Florida.
I was napping so mom decided she'd wait til Tuesday for a photo op.
Guess what I was napping then too. That is what kitties do!
Zaphod and Hailey, my Canadian bud and budette, sent me a darling Hello Kitty Valentine Greeting
Kylee from Chewy in Florida sent me a card saying they hoped I was loving my Yeow!!! nip toy

Thank you Phod and Lee and Kylee

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Tuesday HEART Tale

If I asked you mom's favorite color, I would hear you all shout loud and proud 
R E D!!!  
That would be correct!!
If I had 87 prizes I'd give you all one!!
Red makes mom happy.
February is Heart month in honor of Women's Heart Health

On Saturday February 4th it was 
This day promotes heart health for women.
 Red is also one of the colors for mom's favorite University
N. C. State!! Each year there is a competition held at the NC State 
Design School.  The students design a dress for the Heart Health Event.
After the dresses are designed each student makes the dress out of
some type of paper.  The completed dresses are on display at Crabtree Valley Mall.
The pictures below are a good example of how very pretty they are but
in person it is amazing.  Some of the dresses have folded paper similar to Origami 
Almost all of the pieces of paper start out in the shape of 

Mom used to make most of my human sis's clothes when sis was a wee girl...BUT mom did not design them she had to use patterns.  Needless to say Mom was amazed at each and every design and hope each young lady will one day be creating beautiful clothes OUT OF FABRIC.
We hope you enjoyed these photos and as always

HUGS and.................


Monday, February 6, 2017

Coffee Morning aka Meet the Cabinet

Mayor Arty's ,Office Manager(and Coffee Barista) Princess Leah came up with the brilliant idea of having a Coffee Morning! 

A morning where we could show the Blogville Citizens our offices over a puppachino and tell them a bit about ourselves!
To Princess Leah aka Officer Manager, we say thank you for this brilliant idea!

I am Dispatcher Madi.  I dispatch tell all what to do and where to go
for the Blogville Pawlice, Sheriff and EMS/EMT!

Now that you have your refreshments I'll tell you a few itty bitty kitty facts about me
and maybe a few things about mom aka TROGM if time permits.

My full name is Madison D. Cat; however, I have 87 nicknames a few that I'm called the most are:
Madi, Mads, Poodle Face, Bonsai Bunny (dad calls me that),  
Boo Cat.  Every morning mom either says Good morning Poodle Face or Doodle. I will be 15 years old
on March 11, 2017.  I am dark gray and white.  The pads on my feet are dark gray and pink
and I have a pink nose with freckles.  It was an honor and a privilege to be the second mayor of Blogville and  the first feline female mayor.  I was lucky to have the paw prints of Frankie, the first mayor, to follow; however, due to Frankie being vertically challenged, I sometime got off track.  MOL (a bit of Dachshund humor).  I guess the biggest thing I did while being Mayor was host the first ever 
Valentine Day event. We had lots of help from our friends too.*
 We called it Queen of Hearts.  It was a two part event on 2/14/2014.
It was named after a dance that was held at my human sissy's high school. 
The thing I enjoy the most about being a citizen of Blogville is how much we care for each other and all the fun events that are always in progress 
*Since the Queen of Hearts, TROGM has been steadily learning new stuff in spite of her advanced age.  We pay forward all the help we received by always offering to help anyone who needs editing.

We started blogging in June of 2009. I love writing and photography so it seemed like a good idea!!
 I really wasn't sure what I was doing but thanks to the friends we met we managed to set up a blog.  Then I thought whatever will I say that people want to hear? Funny thing happened, it appears 2 Southern Gals are never at a loss for words. Our goal was to not take ourselves seriously.  We love laughing and doing silly things and love telling you about them.  Everything I talk about on the blog is true coupled with a tad of creative license.  Somehow the crazy party in my head allows me to look at  Madi as she moves about the house or naps.  After nearly 30 years of living with cats I can read her mind.  Our blog is written in her voice.  While I have the floor I'd like to thank you all for visiting, we love reading your comment.
We thank all who have patiently taught us things and put up with us.

Lastly, thank you for sharing your world with us.  

So I don't get fired......BE SURE TO HOP  OVER TO SEE MY BOSSES 

Pawlice Chief Murphy and Sheriff Stanley