
Saturday, December 1, 2018

Feline Funnies

Thank you to my friend Janice for sharing this adorable photo she received from her sister-in-law.

My friend Kit, Mom to Kat, sent me this... 
Kat was featured on Feline Friday a few weeks ago.  
He is most handsome click here to see him.

Friday, November 30, 2018

FRIDAY 3'fer: Final Fiction, Nature and Feline

This month I'm using lines 8, 12 and 16 from
a most delightful book by Beth Hoffman
Savinig CeCe Honeycutt
8: party
12: rummage sales


It was 1994, "K" was an eighteen year old college freshman, a long way from her small New Hampshire hometown.  The second daughter of three and quite smart.  If one was to describe K's personality, it could be summed up as loving adventure, travel and especially meeting new people.  Her family wanted her to stay in State for school like her older sister.  Her younger sister was NOT at all excited about being the only child.  "K" only applied to out of state universities.  She was accepted at a very large University in the South.  She did not know one single person.  In order to make friends and make a little extra cash, K  applied for a work study assistant working in one of the University's departments. That was the second best decision of her 18th year...first being going away from home to college.
Work study assistants were not employed in the department of their field of study because their 
work could involved helping sort tests or homework.  In mid November, shortly before Thanksgiving break K, arrived at work very distraught.  One of the *staff asked what was wrong.
K said, I got a speeding ticket this morning on the way to school.  I woke very late.  I was trying not to be late  for my 8 am class.
She was so worried about having to explain the speeding ticket fine that was going to appear
on her parent's charge card.  That card was to be used ONLY for gas and anything academic; however, K didn't have cash to cover the cost.  After I tell my parents, I will be buying all my clothes from rummage sales for the next four years. The *staff (aka pseudo Southern mom) tried to reassure her all would work out. K practiced what/how she would tell her parents.
The *staff was relieved to see K after Thanksgiving break with a great big smile on her face.
K was tickled to tell the *staff about the conversation.  It went something like this:
"When I arrived home, my sisters and I were catching up.   As I was telling them about my speeding ticket, both my sister's mouths dropped open in horror.  All of a sudden, I noticed a very shiny object my sister's mouth. My sister had a tongue piercing.... that she did not have when I left home.  I asked her if our parents had seen it...she said not yet.  I had a wee celebratory party in my head.
I knew with 100% certainty that a tongue piercing was going to be a much bigger deal than my itty bitty speeding ticket.....and it was."

This is a true story I was *'the staff', and I'm happy to report that K made excellent grades and went on to receive a Master Degree in Speech Pathology from another southern university

This is a blog hop click here for more tales

I'm participating
Hosted by my Niece Rosy, Mayor Arty and Prof. Jakey and their Assistant Momma

This is about 1/4 of a long stretch of some of the prettiest Nature landscaping I've seen
at a hotel.  Every season is full of color.  This was taken from the car because it is on a very busy road.  I've never seen the folks planting or tending maybe they are Elves or Gnomes
with great vision.

Feline Friday

LilyRae a beautiful Tabby.  She is the grandcat of my friend
Janice.  Janice and her husband Al were cat sitting over Thanksgiving.
LilyRae evidently loves having her photo taken.
I sure do like her name!
LilyRae has a human sister and brother and a Labrador Brudder.
We all know JUST WHO is in charge though!!....LOL

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is today's inspiration

Perched on the edge 
 Never would you ever find me here.

Why would anyone dare?

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Secret Lives of Letters: A&B

Words are intriguing.  I love reading in all forms. I always wonder about the origin of the names of people, towns, streets, books just everything.  So imagine my glee, while browsing through my November Reader's Digest,  I happened upon this article, 
"The Secret Lives of Letters", by Brooke Nelson.  Mr. or Ms. Nelson says letters may be small characters, but there are amazing stories behind all 26 alphabet all-stars.
I'll be sharing these 26 stories with you today beginning with A and B.

As always, this Thanksgiving morning's newspaper was full of

 Black Friday deals.....some thick some single page; however,

in total as thick as the book I am reading AND HEAVIER


Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Tuesday Tail: Thanksgiving Revisited

Hubby and I stepped way out of our 'box' for Thanksgiving this year.
Several of his train buddies have been doing this for years so we decided to try it.
Angus Barn for their Thanksgiving Buffet, which has been going on for 20+ years
from noon til 6pm.
I called A.B. in June 2018 for reservations and was rather astounded to found out they only had
2 slots for Thanksgiving day.  I took the 3:15 slot.

 364 Days a year they are Beefeaters Haven....

Angus Barn was established in the early 1960's.  My husband took me to A.B. on August 9, 1969
the night he proposed.  FYI:I said YES!!  
Portico that leads into the outer lounge.

It is beautiful inside very lodge like huge timber frames and rafters.  We've never seen it decorated for  Christmas.  It was stunning and the decorations were scaled to it's grandness.
I have no idea how many folks they served on Thanksgiving.  Let me just say they know how to serve the masses.  We arrived at 2:45 for our 3:15 upon entering the door above we were greeted with appetizers the Angus Barn's famous cheese and homemade crackers. At 3 pm we went into the main door to check in and be given a beeper.  There was a sea of people everywhere.  I just knew we'd be waiting for some time to be seated; however, I was very surprised when our beeper went off at 3:17.  We were escorted to our table which was just steps away from the buffet line on first floor.
I'm so very very sorry I didn't think about snapping  a photo of my huge plate of food. I had a banana at about noon so by 3:15 I was starving. 

The plates were at least 12" in diameter and warm.
Here is a partial menu of what they were serving:  
if you are 65 years WISE you eat for $30.00
Maybe they were thinking seniors eat less but we surely got our fill!!
All other adults pay $49.00.  
they also had grits and shrimp, a huge salad bar, fresh cranberry relish,
veggies were mash potatoes, corn, french green beans, sweet potatoes, baked apples, and fresh collards.
I passed on the ham and roast beef.  It was a buffet line but there were servers who gave very generous portions.

We did not go back for seconds but we did have dessert and a delicious cup of Angus Barn's specialty coffee(decaf).

Dessert selection: pies, cobblers, banana pudding and huge chocolate chip cookies.
I had blueberry cobbler (it was served in small ramekin dishes) and a choc chip cookie.
Hubby had blueberry cobbler and pumpkin pie.

Getting good photos was difficult w/o getting someone's head in your photo but here are a few of the 
decorations I could see.  This flocked tree was 30' tall.  It stands proudly in the library .
I was able to get the top 3/4's from the stairs

  there is a train track running around the room.

Behind the tree is a huge antique gun display.  Folks were everywhere I was not able to snap that but you can see some of the antique rifles on the wall.

Below photo shows the size of the interior structure

This is where we entered the first floor dining room to our table which was just a few 
steps back over the young lady's head.    The garland had white lights with blinking red lights too.
Very pretty 

I wish I could have gotten a better photo of the fireplace it is massive.  The young lady standing by it on the left was a few inches taller than my 5'3".  You can see the top comes to her shoulder.

Before we left the main building we stopped by the desk to make our reservations for
Thanksgiving 2019.  Yep it was for sure a DO OVER.  Next year we'll eat at 1 pm.

We left just as the sun was starting to set over the Lake at the back of the property.
We strolled around the grounds before we headed home.
I was too full to be kicked or kick anyone at the kicking booth below

This outdoor pavilion is used for private parties and destination weddings
On Thanksgiving they had it set up as another entire dining room.

To be continued I'll feature more out of doors photos on an upcoming Nature Friday.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Monday Sparks and Final Friday Fiction Reminder

Today's Spark is to remind everyone how important reading is
for your mind, soul and well being.

are all about spreading cheer and positive vibes via quotes.

This Sparks is to remind you about a fun readin' and writin' blog hop

November 30, THIS Friday ....if you wanna have fun and work on your crea8tive writing join us! Give it a try we all have a story in us and no one

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Easy Sunday Dog(wood) Tale

This dogwood just sprouted in our yard years and years ago.
It has lived through much abuse (not by us) major back of the house renovation,
when it was pretty much cut down.  Ice storms, hurricanes!! OH if it could talk.
It is like a Timex watch it just keeps on (s)ticking in spite of it all 'abuse'.
This year, the fall colors on it were spectacular. Best of all about 8 months of the 
year when it is covered with leaves it is the perfect spot for two dishes of water for our fine feathered friends and  some furry friends.