
Saturday, March 30, 2019

Framed and Artsy

Below is our Forest Pansy Redbud just blooming
gorgeous blue sky for a back ground
NC's native Redbud blooms are a lighter shade of pink
and it has multiple trunks.  Forest Pansy has a single trunk

I played around with the above photo in LunaPic
I used: draw selected cut out bird form then selected paper background under draw 

Friday, March 29, 2019

Final Friday Fiction and Nature Friday

My prompts come from page 87
February 2019  Reader's Digest: Real Drama
 word count 377

8- crack
12-another hour
16- late afternoon

Home Alone

The three sons (T who was 20, M who was 17,  R who15) were home alone
for the weekend.  When their parents left, the only thing they
said was, don't destroy the house. 
Brother T, had plans for the day.
Brother R had a series of soccer games.  Of the 
three boys, M was just Trouble.  M was never happy alone, never good at entertaining himself.
After all, he was the middle child and had never learned to art of  'me time.'
He waited another hour then decided to invite some friends over to his house.
M/Trouble was a follower not a leader...bad combination. 
His buddies arrived late afternoon.  
They kicked around a few ideas of some fun things to do!
No one ever admitted whose idea it was to put a cherry bomb in the upstairs commode just to see what it would do! 
 Ultimately the only one left after the event  M/Trouble was the only one there.
It was his house and his responsibility.
When Bro T got home, he saw a new commode  sitting in the middle of the kitchen
The kitchen ceiling, which was below the loo, had a huge wet spot on it.   
Bro T asked what in the %$#@/ happened.
Bro M was nonchalantly watching TV, as he told him.
Bro T went upstairs. The commode had a huge crack in it and the loo floor tile was buckled.  
Bro M bragged that he had remembered to turned off the water to the commode.
and he bought a new commode.
Brother M had the nerve to  asked Bro T to help him get the new one upstairs.
Bro T said nope, no use taking it up there the ceiling and floor will have to be repaired.
The next day the parents returned to this MESS/Bro M did not destroy the house..
just the 2nd floor loo. 
This is a true story...I received the cleaned up version of the conversation from the Mom.
Dad was livid, I knew better than to ask him.
Bro M had a part time job, not only did he pay for the new commode he paid for the ceiling and floor repairs in installments.
Often, when asked how many children he had, the dad would reply

I don't have children, I have boys!!

After the exploding commode caper, I fully understood what he meant.  Maybe in another FFF someday I'll share more
stories about Bro M.  

Final Friction Friday is a blog here to read more fun tales

Hosted by my Niece Rosy, and her 2 brudders Arty and Jakey HERE

Thursday March 21, at 10 pm the full moon illuminated our
2nd floor through the sky light (aka used to be over Angel Madi's Loo)

 I was in my PJ's but I grabbed the camera to capture
it's glory.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Thoroughly Poetic Pictorial and Thankful Thursday

Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is today's pictorial inspiration
Angel Madi  has a poem this week too.
She is being rather Catty

Out standing
by Cecilia

Out standing in the field
This little building must surely have a tale!
Did the bell toll for students or for the weary on the trail?
Chimney smoke sent up signals to show the way,
Arched door welcomed all who entered.
Out standing in the field biding all to come in sit and stay.
Outstanding in the field!!

Out standing
Angel Madi

There I was out-standing in my field
Basking in the sun and gentle breeze 
I heard a squeak just to the right
Lo and behold it was a mouse
trying not to sneeze.

I am also joining Brian and family for
click here

I just wanted to say thank you to all who drop by each day.
Your comments and your blogs make me smile.  I am very appreciative for your
friendship.  Thank you for sticking with me after Madi, my inspiration,
made her trip OTRB.  She gave me a voice here and she is the reason 
I know each of you.  She will always be a part of this blog
I am thankful to have been a part of
 Madi(son) D Cat's staff

 Geek squad is due between 12-4 pm today for a check up on the desktop.
I might be MIA for a while

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Almost Wordless Wednesday

Here in Dixie we had a spring like weekend THEN Mother Nature
got her pantaloons all twisted sending
a cold front came through on Monday.
I had this email from my Nephew KAT

Dearest Aunty HiC:
I’m so happy everyone loves my playhouse. I especially love it because my Dad made it! 
Ugly thunderstorms heading our way. We have a cozy fire here, and I’m purr-fectly happy. 
❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew 

Thank you everyone for your kind comments on my blouse yesterday.
I'll be on the hunt for some new fabric soon.
Hugs Cecilia

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Shirt Tale Tuesday: final chapter and PSA

Good morning friends
Yes it is true today is the final chapter of
Shirt Tale Tuesday, if you missed Part II click here.
I discussed the beginning stages of making a garment.
As expected, the pattern went together quickly.
I completed it on Friday March 22.
Once the pattern has been cut out and the necessary tracing done it was time
to sew.  

After a wee bit of dealing with a Bossy Bobbin, aka BB,
 everything went smoothly.  BB tried to be snarly and gnarly.
I pulled out my trust sewing machine book of magic.  BB decided I
was a force to be reckoned with and cooperation was inevitable.

Below is the top portion of the blouse.  I was especially happy with the 
roll collar.

When it is time to start sewing, here are are a few tools of the trade

Top left: blouse with only hemming of sleeves and the bottom of the blouse
Top Right:
Your eyes are not deceiving you...yes that is an ironing board and an iron
you MUST!! YES MUST!! press your seams as you sew so that each pieces fits together nicely.
Flat SEAMS are a must no puckering allowed.

Bottom right: 1. straight pins, 
2. a ruler
3. pinking shears. I use these for cutting out fabric
helps to keep certain fabrics from raveling
4. every day scissors
5. a seam ripper (I really needed this when Bossy Bobbin was
showing her butt
Bottom left: close up of my seam ripper it is a work of art.

Finished blouse:
When I buy garments off the rack, I am always drawn to unusual fabrics.
This is why I liked the pattern when I saw it. I wanted to use contrasting fabric

I love novelty buttons.  I used to JUST buy buttons BECAUSE
The pattern didn't call for a button here
BUTT(on) I thought it gave the blouse personality

Now for Mother Nature to send us some days of 70 or above
so I can pull out my capri jeans to wear with my new blouse.
I'm thinking my next project might be the same patter with
cap sleeves for the hot, hazy, humid days of a Dixie Summer

Stay tuned for a Sunday Selfie of my new blouse.
I love how it fits, it is light and airy and will be so comfy in the Summer.

Speaking of Tales
BIG PSA this Friday is Final Friday Fiction

Do Join us  it is such fun.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Sparks and Awww Monday

Today I am pawticipating in
Click here to see more adorable Awww

are all about spreading cheer and positive vibes via quotes.

Today's Spark and Awww Monday is dedicated to my nephew Kat and his 
Mom.  As with all rescues, we must ask...who rescued, whom?
Isn't that right Kat and Mom?

Kat and his mom had a sneak peep at today's post they liked it:

Dear Aunty HiC
Mom and I love the bloggie post. So sweet, I saw Mom tear up a bit. 



Tomorrow is the third and final chapter of Tuesday Shirt Tale
LOL I heard a collective sigh of relief

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Sun Selfies and Sillies

Our friend the Sun(ny) has been MIA.  Sun(ny) returned last weekend.
She put on quite a show at sunset on March 16.  Photos might have been more vivid with my camera
but Sun(ny) was setting quickly so I used my iPad

March 17
I always enjoy Sun(ny) when she peeps into my octagonal window.  She makes herself
at home on Angel Madi's favorite Chair