
Saturday, May 11, 2019

Miscellaneous snippets from the road trip

We left home about 8:15 am Sunday, May 5...we are the only car heading toward toward the Crystal Coast of NC

 Partial view of the Port between Morehead City and Beaufort, NC
loading docks to the left and train tracks to the right.

Take off from local airport

Driving over the Bridge to Beaufort....

 Giant Blizzard: as seen in Morehead City

Photos from Hampton Inn
Bogue Sound looking West

 Bogue Sound looking East

When we arrived on Sunday afternoon, the wind was a howlin'
video taken from our room at Hampton Inn

Friday, May 10, 2019

Nature and Feline Friday

Hosted by my Niece Rosy, and her 2 brudders Arty and Jakey HERE

Our Hostas nearly came up overnight.  For years we tried unsuccessfully to have them 
in the ground.  A critter ate them.  Now we put them in planters no critter troubles.

Our mint has a mind of its own comes up no matter how poorly we treat it or
what critter nibbles on it.

I sure do wish I had smell you all could get a whiff of the lovely petunias

Dearest Aunty HiC
So, this just happened...

Mom: Kat, what in the world are you doing?
Me: Nothing to see here. Just cutting out coupons. Move along, please. 😻

❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew 

Dearest have made Uncle and Aunty giggle at what you said to your Mom!!
OMCs...I hope you found some cat food coupons.
I will be posting this next week.  Too funny.
Lovingly your Aunty HiC and Uncle B

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Thoroughly Pictorial Poetic Thursday

Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is our photo challenge

Splish Splash (I'm not take a bath in that)
by Cecilia

My home sits smack in the middle of NC.
Just three hours West you can climb Hills
Three hours East you can stick your toes in the Sea.
If it is a thrill you seek,
head west to Bryson City.
A short trip to the top of the mountain,
will take you to NOC
Adventures galore await you there.
You will find so much to do your head will spin.
Once you are ready to descend you have a choice: train or raft
If you are daft, you can ride a raft.
If you have a brain, you can ride a train.
We have done this several times; however,
this gal always rides the rail. No way she
wants to splish splash in the rapids or chance
falling out on her head.
Side note: the train tracks run parallel to the rapids
you can virtually experience the "fun" as you watch everyone
in the rafts.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Whirligig Wednesday and Kat Email

Before I tell you about my road trip on April 30th,
I must tell you we had another snappy road trip this past weekend.
My new header picture might give you a clue as to the location of last weekend's trip
We visited Angel Madi's favorite sissy and BIL and their kitties.
I still have to go thru the a lot of photos.

We took a short road trip to visit the
Whirligig Park in Wilson, NC, about 1 hour from home.

Vollis Simpson was a visionary in Folk Art.
below tells how he started

I'm thrilled to report it was a windy day so perfect weather to see all the
parts spinning.
  1. Whirligig is a toy that spins around, for example, a top or a pinwheel.

Click here to read all about this Park

Made entirely out of reflectors.  At night the park has spot lights around the park.
I'd love to see this at night with all the reflectors shining.
Close up of part of the reflector tower

Nearly all of the Whirligigs in the park are shown below... the park amazing.
Each piece of art was beautifully constructed, the colors amazing and made from
recycled materials.  Mr. Simpson was truly a visionary and artist.  

While I was away this past weekend, I rec'd a lovely  email from my Nephew...

Dearest Aunty HiC,
Mom just showed me the pictures of Frisco and Mia! They are beautiful kitties. 
Now, if you’re my Aunty HiC, and their GrandMeow, that would make me their second cousin, twice removed, right? Ha! 😹
I want to tell you a secret, I love all my canine siblings, but Dakota is my favorite. She’s so sweet, gentle, and patient; it’s hard to believe she endured such a rough life before she came to live on The Hill.
We are family!
❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew 

Dearest Nephew,
Kissin' cuz  toooo Kat!  Thank you  Mia and Frisco are very sweet.
Your photo with Dakota made my Day. I can tell she loves you as much as you love her.  I think she surely lives in the moment. Her move to the hill was the first day of the best days of her life. You are family
Lovingly your Aunty

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Tuesday Tale: Quilt update

I'll be the first to admit I jumped in the quilting pond with both feet; however,
I did have a life raft.  My SIL aka Pie Queen on speed dial.
Monday April 29th, I ran into a wee problem understanding how to assemble the border.
SIL/PQ was in Maryland visiting her daughter so I plugged "how to assemble a quilt border
into GiGi Google.  Once again she came thru for me.
Next step was to layer backing (kitty fabric) batting and quilt.
I went to Bernina for my batting.  I fessed up to being a newbie. Ursula gave me all kinds
of suggestions.  Rather than hand basting layers together she suggested using 
Odif 5o5 temporary Adhesive for fabric. 
Talk about quick...the layering went together licktey split.
I trimmed kitty fabric backing and batting leaving both about 2" wider than 
the quilt top.  Next step is quilting blocks.  Sassy will be my able assistant
for this step.