
Saturday, January 25, 2020

Symmetry Saturday

Archdale Building which on the edge of downtown Raleigh 

This is the NC Association of Architects building.
My opinion only, many of you may like it 
But I DON'T.  It looks like a container car from a train with a lean-to attached.

I think what bothers me the most is all the different building materials used.
Each on its own very nice but not together.

Now I do like the stone wall

Another view approaching from East to West

All kinds of symmetry on the next two.


  1. Hari OM
    Nice variety in the architecture.... but I am inclined to agree with you re the architects own building - surely they could have come up with something more decorative than that. I bet it has all sorts of modern, enviro-innovation (though no evidence of solar panels, for example), but functionality doesn't have to mean looking like a utility box! YAM xx

  2. I agree with you. So many modern buildings are just plain ugly. The older ones always look nicer and have character.

  3. Modern architecture lacks the grace of the past FOR SURE!!

    Hugs, Pam

  4. Love the white house best and I love the new look of your blog, Miss Cecilia!

  5. Agree about the architects building! Love the homes with the front porches :)

  6. I love the pics of the houses. Happy Caturday!

  7. My favourite is the last picture of the house. You all have a great day.

  8. We've no comment on the big buildings, but dad started drooling when he saw that last picture. He said it reminded him of the Psycho house, whatever that means, and he loves it. He and mom have been house-hunting since about October with disappointing results every time. Dad would love a big old Victorian, but mom wants newer, small, cute and easy-care. Thanks for sharing the Raleigh photos, and have a great weekend.

  9. That is a very weird building. Considering their profession you'd think they could do better!

  10. oops, lost my comment. I think the only pretty buildings in todays post are the two houses at the end. I love the white one and would like to have it to live in... those archtects must have been on drugs when they created it. don't like the tall one either. ugly comes to mind.

  11. There is definitely a lot of interesting architecture around you.

  12. I totally agree with you. Every thing you said. It always amazes me how some of the things that are awarded honors for being beautiful, are not. Just not.

  13. I agree about that one building. It looks like they got the materials from a rummage sale.

  14. We don't like the modern style too much in anything. Mom says if anyone walked in and looked at our antique furnishings they would think we belonged in the last century!

  15. I don't like tall buildings. They all look the same to me. I'm more interested in which road the car will take....looks like the driver is deciding.

    Love the old houses, especially the last.

  16. Beautiful old houses. I don't like the odd building though. XO


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“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)
Cecilia and Angel Madi