
Saturday, March 28, 2020

Celebrating small victories on Saturday

Thursday, March 26th, we went to Wegmans. We heard many folks saying they were well stocked.  THEY had every thing most things were limits per shopper.  An entire aisle of TP, 6 rolls per pack, ground beef, lots of other meats, Fruit, everything we needed. Ground beef was 2 per customer both packs were 1.08 and 1.09 lb.  I divided them I have 2- ~1-lb and 1-3/4 lb.  We will go back next week TOO plus Wegmans sends out monthly coupons including a $5.00 coupon on purchases over $25. 
I am queen of 'making do, one of my Mama's favorite phrases, I suspect from living during the depression.  However, making do w/o tp I have not yet master .
Very thankful to have it.  I am in need of nothing else, except for the virus to exit as quickly as it entered.

Dad of Angel Madi was buying fruit
when he saw me I was hugging this 6 pack and had a big grin on my face, his face lite up like he had just been given a new Train.  We felt like we had won the lottery...

The rest of the tp saga:  

As of last Thursday, March 19th it was 2 weeks since I had been able to buy any toilet paper. I placed an online order at Harris Teeter for toilet paper to be picked up yesterday, I even had to select a specific time for pick up and prepaid!!!

March 25, our designated pick up day,  we were about to walk out the door at 1:30.  Got a call from HT online Ordering, my order had been canceled they had no tp.. I politely asked, when she expected it she said we had some yesterday.  I took a breath, then asked you didn't put some aside for me?  No she said it is first come first serve.  
THEN I had a subdued Hissy Fit.  I said, I ordered and prepaid for this a week ago. I was first before any of your walk-ins yesterday.  Of course she is just the messenger.  I was royally 'hissed' off.  
I went to HT bought the last package of Bounty table a last resort.  Even I have my limits.  LOL  and evidently tp is one of them. 

Wegman's devotion to customer service has won us over.  We will be going back...
even though it is farther from home than Harris Teeter.

As of 5pm last night, Wake County (where we live) has a stay at home
order.  We can go to grocery stores, pharmacies, and out side to exercise...keeping social distancing.  No gatherings at all except with those living in our household.  This is in effect until April 17, 2020.  Currently only a hand full of counties in NC have this order but I suspect it will be state wide soon.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Final (non) Fiction, Feline and Nature Friday

Thanks Comedy Plus for hosting Feline Friday

Thanks LLB Gang for hosting Nature Friday

This is a non Fiction story that happened in my 'hood yesterday.
Back Ground:  NC public schools are closed due to the C-virus.
York Elementary is the elementary school for the children in our neighborhood.
Elementary teachers in the school system came up with a very touching way to observe social distancing BUT at the same time let their students know how much they love them and miss them.
The teachers decorate their cars, meet at a designated area in the neighborhoods
The decorated cars formed a caravan to ride thru the areas where their students live...
Below is a portion of the parade thru our neighborhood.  Students and their families stood in front of their homes with signs for their teachers.  There were horns honking,
children squealing with delight and several puppies loving this new adventure.
I ran for my camera but I missed the first 2 or 3 cars.  They had streamers and,
 balloons. The devotion and love of the teachers gave me a great big Cheshire cat smile

 you can also see our red bud in full bloom and our Dogwood is almost completely in bloom

 This burgundy van was last in the parade...the word YORK is on the back window

A video starring my grandkitties
Frisco is not clean enough to suit Mia...

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday #13

Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is today's inspirational photo

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Wordy Wednesday: Buttons

My Dutch friend Mara of Weighty Matters  is very crafty.
Last Saturday Mara posted about her love of yarns and her mom's love of reminded My mind's eye about my very own obsession

B U T  T O N S

I replied:
I salivate over buttons!! I just love them..they can turn a mundane outfit into a fashion statement.
Today I add this:
  I have been known to buy new buttons to put on a store bought garment to kick it up a notch.

Now for a lookie at my collection...

This antique tin and the contents belonged to my
mother-in-law..over the years I have used some of the decorative buttons out of it.  Most of the white buttons of men's shirts. I love this tin and have often wondered about it's history.
By the time I discovered the tin her in sewing box, she had passed.

Now for my collection.  95% of them came off newly purchased
items from The Limited (they always had extra buttons).
My daughter worked at The Limited when she was in high school
The (only) perk of working  there was a decent discount on clothing.
I was going to empty all the zip lock bags but 
that would have been proof positive that I am obsessed.
Back in the day when Piece Goods Fabric was till in business,
I routinely shopped there and always bought novelty buttons on sale.  I have lots of animal buttons...I'm sure that is not a surprise.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Happy Tuesday Tale: Great TP search

saw this on FB...they know I don't show my face on FB so they shared

I don't know this young man; however, he has a most friendly smile and a great sense of humor.
Mother's Day is coming up...this would be a beautiful bouquet!!

MAYBE TMI (too much information) but you know me I like to share.
I have not been able to find any toilet paper at the  grocery store for the last 2 weeks. On March 19, out of sheer desperation,  I tried my hand at online with Harris Teeter.  It was a novel and enlightening experience.  For sure the saying you get what you PAY for applied.

Jumpin' catfish they had TP but holy guacamole
they charged me $4.95 just to order, the 8 rolls of  Scot TP were $9.99. 😱
We usually by HT brand 4 rolls $1.99.
Then I had to select a day and time to pick it up.
First available time was Wednesday March 25th between 2 and 2:30 pm.
At least I'll have some.  😁 I learned a very valuable lesson....never ever NO never ever will we let the household have less than 10 rolls of TP at any given time.
Hugs and thank you for your attention

Below are practice mask I made....
I found a easy peasy  here video by Jenny Doan from Missouri Star Quilt

Not for protection against the COVID-19...they are used mainly to keep from spreading
germs..i.e. coughing and sneeze.  They are washable.  Many healthy facilities are advising
that the public can wear bandannas or scarves for protection.  Medical facilities are accepting donations of this type of mask so they can save the surgical masks and more protective to be used when needed.

I did not have the correct size of elastic..(this is too wide) but I will buy elastic and more flannel
Outside is regular fabric
Inside is flannel...which is soft for the face.  

Directions say 6" x 9".  I think 6 1/2" or 7" wide would be better.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Awww Monday Sparks and Hemlock Bluffs P.III

Today's Sparks is in the form of an email from my dear friend Janice.
This is an inspirational SPARKS from her to me and now I share it with you!!

Janice and I were co-workers at N C State University.
She is an inspiration and also my roving photographer.  Last week she sent these photos

Hemlock Bluffs Nature Preserve Part III

If you missed Hemlock Bluff  Parts  I and II, click below

Part II
RE: posted sign about Copperheads on Part II was weathered probably from last fall
It was still too cool for snakes on the day we visited.

Gigi Google says:
Vein QuartzQuartz is often found in veins that cut through rocks. Although the term "vein" suggests this, the veins of quartz and other minerals are usually not thin tubes, but rather thin sheets. ... The simplest type of a quartz vein is the filling of an already present crack in rocks

The age old question:
If a tree falls in the forest, does anyone hear it?
No trees are bothered here...they grow willy nilly and many have multiple trunks.
The photo on the right looks like a dinosaur foot to me.

My guide and partner in crime
Dad of Angel Madi on the left.
I took a picture of just the arch but he added such class I used his picture

I asked Gigi Google 

What is the difference between a seep and a spring?
Springs and seeps occur where groundwater discharges to the surface. Seeps are wet areas, whereas springs have flowing water. Springs with substantial flow can serve as the headwaters for streams and rivers, directly sending groundwater downstream.

Photo on the left is a beautifully designed out door 
Educational Class Room.
The butterflies greet you when you enter the Visitor's Center
 Our 1.2 mile trek ended here at the Recycled  Garden

Thank you for joining me on my Three Part Hemlock Bluffs Nature Preserve Trek