
Saturday, January 2, 2021

Art, Symmetry and a Joke

Original of Owl from Friday.  It was in Black and White

I jazzed it up with stain glass from lunapic 

The Red arrow is still on the tree trunk pointing to the Owl 

Sign:  "Wet Concrete, do not sit on til Monday".
Inquiring minds want to know which Monday!!
We saw this on a Monday...

I thought this was a cute joke and I hope you get a giggle out of it too.
I read it in 'The Return' by Nicholas Sparks
A lady pulls her car into the mechanic's shop, because it is running poorly.
A little while later, the mechanic comes out, she asks him, "What's the story with my car?" The mechanic replies, "Oh just crap in the carburetor." "Oh" she says," how often do I need to do that?"EmojiEmojiEmoji

Friday, January 1, 2021

Nature and Feline Friday: Happy New Year Message From Madi

We thank our Host LLB Gang and Comedy Plus

Tuesday December 29, we had a rare day time sighting of a Owl just a few hundred steps from trail head to the left we noticed folks looking up.
Nosy me asked what they saw.  He was wearing his best camo.  Sitting in the crook of a pine tree limb leaning against the pine bark that was the exact color of his feathers.  Not a feather was moving his mostly goldish eyes were staring at a crowd
of humans Hoo were staring at him. I discovered Owls with gold eyes hunt during the daylight.  I think this is either a *screech owl or **barred owl .
What we saw was colored more like a screech owl but I don't think it had the little peaks on its head so I'm not sure.
 One of the humans said he was that was his favorite limb he is there most mornings. 

*The Eastern Screech-Owl is a short, stocky bird, with a large head and almost no neck. Its wings are rounded; its tail is short and square. Pointed ear tufts are often raised, lending its head a distinctive silhouette.

Here is a photo I found of a screech owl in a Google Search
As you can see from this image their feathers are great camo for the woods.

And a Barred Owl
**Barred Owls live in large, mature forests made up of both deciduous trees and evergreens, often near water. They nest in tree cavities. In the Northwest, Barred Owls have moved into old-growth coniferous forest, where they compete with the threatened Spotted Owl.

 Thank you Kit and Vicky for your help in my effort to determine
just Hoo this little guy might be.

Another photo I took zooming in on it a bit.
Black and White same photo

On Caturday Art you'll see this one in Stain Glass via Lunapic

My roving photo journalist sent me this photo of a red tail hawk

look at that blue sky!!
From Janice:
We have had Red-Tail Hawks in our yard or area for years (few years ago they nested in a pine tree in neighbors yard - Al loved watching them feed their babies (using his binoculars of course) and watching the babies learn to fly.   Well, for last few weeks we have seen 2 hawks in our yard most every day.  Christmas Day one was in our tree close to the porch and another was sitting in our driveway

Feline Flashback from Madison D. Cat.

Madi and I were all about fun and she loved posing as 
much as the camera loved her. 
At the time I took the photo (2017) I didn't notice that the sun's reflection

was shaped like a heart


Thursday, December 31, 2020

Thoroughly Poetic Poetry New Year's Eve

  Today we join Two  SPOLED CATS 

Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

Here is our inspiration

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Wordless Wednesday about Water

Hosted by Comedy Plus 

I must use my words here the Cormorants are standing on pilings in the water;

however the reflection in the water looks like they are on the tree limbs

 Christmas Eve 2020 we had 1.9" of rain

That is not fog in the distance it is sheets of rain.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Happy Tuesday: Mystery Solved

In early November, I started to posting photos of  mysterious Birds that 
love perching on the pilings in Shelley Lake. Niki my very nice Nikon CoolPix
takes lovely photos but not at distance. We knew they were not the infamous Geese of Canada
not ducks their beaks were long and sharp.  Perhaps they were (not) Herons.

I sent a few photos to Hootin' Anni friends they are Cormorants
We had no idea we had them in NC but we do.  Evidently they are not at all
shy when the paparazzi is around.  In fact, they often turn, spread their wings 
and appear to be having a good time.  Here is the info Anni sent me:

Yes, definitely cormorants!  There are two different species in the south...double crested & neotropic.  And the only way to tell them apart is their neck/beak markings. One, has white around the orange beak, the other has all orange.  The double crested (during breeding season in Spring actually shows off it's great...white)

Our next goal is to get a closer look at their beaks we think they were orange. My birding book states: Neotropic can be spotted perched on fence posts in this case pilings or trees I suspect these are Neotropic.

This photo was taken on December 22, a dismal day. No photo editing of colors.
but as you can see same pose

As the Below photos were taken in November of the 



Monday, December 28, 2020

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Sunday Selfie Shadows this and that

Yours truly on the left....Finally in my shadowy dreams, I'm taller than 5'3" 

Shelley Lake trail were we seeing things
nope a service truck doing a little maintenance.