
Saturday, July 10, 2021

National Kitten Day


Today July 10th is National kitten day.
We have been owned by two cats for a total of 31 years.
Milky-Way the tabby was our first kitty, bottom right 
Madi top 2 and bottom left
Madi was infatuated with the fridge.

 Milky-Way loved the TV especially getting under  it so we had to block off access to cords and cables.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Feline and Nature Friday

Today's photos were all taken in and around our neighborhood 

Nature Friday host LLB Gang  and Feline Friday  host Comedy Plus

Lately, I've been taking morning walks very early to avoid the heat.
This pretty kitty really caught my attention.  Look at her glorious
calico cat tail.  It got a wee bit fluffier when she saw me.

Leadmine Lake about 3 blocks from home.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday #26

   Thoroughly Poetic Thursday hosted by 


Angel Sammy and Teddy for the inspiring photos they find for us
Here is our inspirational photo is

Ode to Canals
Peace and tranquility is found
dining by or floating down.
Soft glow of lamps or moonlight
Enjoying good friends, good times, good food
Time passes filling memories with smiles.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Wordless Wednesday and In Purrsuit of Flavors

Hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus

Across the street from our house.  

Some kiddos are gonna have a slip N sliding good time

 I thank Das Nelly and Phenny and Canadian Cats FOR HOSTING

Our challenge today is 

 Fruit Loose and Fancy Free…. so anything with fruits… it can be a jam, a sauce, a cake, ice cream, something spicey or a drink… whatever has fruits inside… even mustard with black berries goes ;O)))


This was a very refreshing side dish especially on a hot night.
Next time I make it I will only use 1/4 cup of vinegar and 1/4 cup of sugar.  Below is the recipe.


Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Happy Tuesday NCMA Trail


Thank you Comedy Plus for hosting

You have seen this smoke stack many, many times.

I thought you might like to read the history of the site from 1861 to 2021.

On the bottom right of the collage you will see a rendering of the next building to occupy the site.  The historical smoke stack will continue to stand tall beside it's Museum's Visitor Center, designed by in situ studios.

Biggfy the collage below

The photos below were taken on recently as the site is once again being reinvented.

I found this bit of information about the project on the in situ studio website.

The Museum Park Visitor Center is sited at the south edge of the museum park, near the historic smoke stack. The 1,158 SF building provides refreshment, information, and bathroom facilities for park visitors. An expansive roof curves gently in deference to the art park landscape, extending outwards towards the park promenade and creating an inviting sense of prospect and refuge. The east end of the roof, nearest the park, shelters a large gathering space from which visitors can view the promenade and the contours of the art park landscape beyond. The building is long, low, and quiet, defining the south edge of the art park landscape and providing a visual foil to the verticality of the smokestack.
If you'd like to see all the design plans of the building click here

Monday, July 5, 2021

Awww Monday and Sparks

   Hosted by Comedy Plus 


Yes you have seen these 3 circles 100 times.  You can see them from all over the NC Museum of Art grounds.  Each time you see or look thru them with the camera you see something different.

Last week I happened to glance thru one.  I captured a 3'fer
the smoke stack, the crazy yet intriguing piece I think looks like 'jacks" all thru one circle.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Happy Independence Day and Crepe Myrtle update

Yesterday morning, July 3, 2021, was a day like no other.
We awoke to 59 degrees in NC in July.  UNHEARD OF TEMPERATURE
I left home about 7:30 am for a lovely walk in the 'hood.

On my route back home there was a K9 horse (Great Dane) in front of me walking his owner.

As I approached, he spoke/barked.  Once his owner and I started talking he decided I was OK.  His owner said he is quite protective of her.
I did not get a photo nor did I ask, or pet him.
I decided to be happy just to walk and talk with that handsome pup
walking between us.  I guess he wanted to make sure I didn't misbehave.
His name is LeRoy, he is 3 years old, weighs 120 lbs.,  which she said was small for a male Great Dane.  All four of his paws were white.
His fur was a mix of mostly charcoal gray and black.  He has a chocolate Lab brudder.  She said when the Lab is with them LeRoy is twice a protective.

Crepe Myrtle Update

Saturday morning it was still drooping.  

Thankfully the limb was not broken.  Bryan shook off all the water and propped it up with a rake