
Friday, July 26, 2024

Nature, Final Feature and Feline Friday


Nature  and Feline Friday


Click here to visit YAM's FFF

A mix of  family stories that are true.  The only photos I have are in my mind's eye.
I asked PiZap's for photo help.


My cousin Marion: 
One thing about families they never FORGET.   
Evidently during  the early years of  WWII, my maternal grandparents, named their dog Warbond, I'm guessing after the Warbond stamps.
When my older cousin, Marion,  was a toddler (she was born in 1939, she and her family lived next door to my Annie Ma.  The story I heard about Marion was particular funny/strange.  For some reason, Marion would see Warbond at the door...she would rub his head while asking, "are it raining out there Warbond"!  I never really found out why she did this...But Marion was kinda weird.

My aunt had small dog named Snowball.  Evidently nosey DNAs ran in the K9 members of the family too.  He was the official door answerer.  If he liked whomever was at the door he somehow pushed it open with his nose to let them in.
Once he forgot to move...the end of his happy tail was caught it the screen door.
I'm told he hardly noticed.  At least that is the story and they stuck to it.

Human Tales

My parents were raised on the same street,but several blocks apart.  Mama used to walk by Daddy's house on the way to work at Montgomery Wards aka MonkeyWards.
I'm told sometimes Daddy followed her hoping to get up the nerve to speak to her.
Her route was passed his home then thru the Park.  Daddy was following stalking her one day watching her long black pony tail sway back and forth, when all of a sudden he witnessed a bird drop poop onto Mama's swinging pony tail.  Daddy supposedly said a big thank you to the bird . Then politely approached Mama to tell her she had bird poop in her pony tail.  And as they say the rest is history.

Now one told on me... but I have no recollection.
When I was about 3 years old, they told  me they heard a strange nosie coming from the kitchen in wee hours of the morning. It was ME, I was standing in the kitchen eating a stick of butter.????!!!!  I do 100% believe this to be very true. I  still love butter but I don't eat it as a midnight snack.

Now I'll share a story from my daugher's childhood.
She started talking (she got her gift for gab from me) almost before she started walking.  She was putting together complete sentences before she was 20 months old.  One evening after bedtime stories, I thought she was asleep.
All of a sudden I heard this wee voice say, 'Mommy you look like a rabbit, your nose is wigglying'!!! The rest of the story was, I trying not to sneeze, thus my wiggly nose.

Rabbit with a wiggly nose.

I hope you enjoyed today's stories.
Hugs Cecilia 



  1. We love all these stories, but it's the idea of a dog called 'Warbond' that gave Gail the biggest smile.

  2. Hari Om
    I also loved all the tales... These are part of the fabric of a life and important to record. Thanks for sharing them with us. YAM xx

  3. Dearest Cecilia,
    It is fun with the help of some AI to create images to the stories being told or remembered.
    The bird dropping had quite some consequences...

  4. Good stories. I love the red hibiscus. The kitty came to visit you.

  5. That got Mom thinking about stores that are no more like Montgomery Wards. So many have disappeared and they were so big in their day. Thanks for the memories.

  6. We loved the stories and the butter one reminds me of a girl named Sharon, who would eat butter in the cafeteria when I was in elementary school. I love butter but I want it on something. The red hibiscus is YOU!

  7. I loved reading those stories. They gave me a big smile.

  8. Fun memories make for a great day don't they. Thanks for sharing and your artwork is cute.

  9. pizza did a great job with photos and each story made me smile. no story about me talking before 20 months but I am bet I did that to. ha ha. Warband is a cool name for a dog.. maybe only to us war babies though. it's funny how we all have bits and pieces of stories that stick in our minds. as a child, when my dad and his five brothers got together i was always in the room because I loved their stories of their growing up years

  10. I always read, but don't comment. I second Gail, I love "Warbond," and the ensuing stories.

  11. We enjoyed each of those stories and learned a little about your family along the way.

  12. A very sweet and funny collection of your memories, C! How your parents met... meant to be. I never ate/purchased butter until I met Jerry in 1973. My Mom bought margarine. His Mom made/cooked everything in butter. I found it odd that she fried hot dogs in butter. I have a vision of little you eating a stick of butter! All I could think about last night was Philly steak and cheese sandwiches with provolone!

  13. Such a beautiful red flower and kitty and your stories were so very entertaining today C!

  14. been there with the burd waste in and on my hair 😼😼‼️
    and mizzuz ce…if unkle boomer waz heer him wood give ewe
    984 pawz UP for nommin on sum butter, then join in on de fun😺💙🐟
    great stories today, I enjoyed reading each of them 💖💙💚

  15. Oh such a creative post and unique photo ~ love the little white doggie ~ hugs,

    Hugs and love to you Cecilia and Angel Madi ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. These are all cute stories. Thanks for sharing them. And the art came out nice too. XO

  17. Those were really fun stories, yuck on the bird poop though!

  18. You sure had some great stories to share. We loved the one about you and the butter. Our Mom always laughs when she tells us how she loved to sit on the floor in her Grandma's pantry where she chewed on the - don't laugh -ONIONS!!! When her mother couldn't find her, Grandma always said to check the pantry for the onion eater.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  19. What totally fun and sweet stories from the deep dark past!! I was apparently a rather boring kid because I can only think of one story from WAY FAR back that was even remotely funny. I was only 3 or so when I climbed into my brother's crib, stole a safety pin from his diaper and stood in his crib and drilled a hole in the wall (the hole was SMALL and I apparently wanted it larger!)......with the pin. Oh boy did I get in trouble. WHAT WAS I THINKING??? Anyway, wish I had more fun stories to share but I sure loved reading yours!

    Hugs, Pam the Safety Pin Hole Queen

  20. Cecilia, I enjoyed your stories very much! And what a brilliant idea to use AI to illustrate them! Speaking of eating butter, I, uh, I love Smart Balance.

  21. What fun all these stories are! Brother-in-Law did that when he was a child, too, and almost made himself sick.

    Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday.


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)
Cecilia and Angel Madi