
Thursday, September 19, 2024

Thoroughly Poetic, Thankful Thursday #182 and Talk like a Pirate

Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy 

Here is our challenge for today  


One is fine
Two are divine
At play time they will unwind.
 and spin into a ball of fur

Two heads are 
better than one.
Eight paws make 
for mischief fun.

They discover having
a buddy to share secrets, snacks and a nap
Makes life a snap!!

Below is a photo of  Angel Madi and her litter mate Lucy. They were 2 months old. My brother in law adopted Lucy the same day we adopted Madi.
Madi on the left

Thankful for dentist(s)...odd I know but my mouth has been a thorn in my side for years.
I truly have wonderful dentist(s) they are husband and wife..  
Thursday September 12th at 6:30 pm the crown came off.  It is the anchor for my partial.  Most dentist in this area only work half a day or not at all on Fridays. I left mine a vm on Friday asking for first available appt on Monday September 16.
They saw me at 8:45 am.
My dentist was able to get all the old cement off the wisdom tooth with dental pick and a burr aka dental sand paper.  I opted for Novocain so that he could really get in there good.
 He told me there are several options, should I eventually need implant(s).  I thought I'd need 4 implants...$$$$ the cost of an EV
#1.He said the most I'd ever need would be two
2. One at front and one at back then he would put a bridge over them
#2.two both closer to front w/o a bridge or #3. technically I didn't need implants but it would make chewing harder.  Fingers crossed the crown stays in place. 


In 2013 this was our photo challenge.

His office is the deep dark sea.
He travels in the shadows of night by the tower light.
Looking for treasures and trinkets while 
out of sight.
In the background, you hear screeching from the
pirate's Parrot
 Cap'n my Cap'n
look starboard (right) and you will see a landlubber 
who is lost at sea. What an addlepate (fool) he be
out here on the open sea.  
Fair winds my friends
til we meet again.

Our Pirate Names
Madi: Topsail Plankdancer, Plankdancer is pirate talk for 
twerking..we think
Mom: Rusty Plankdancer
Dad: Sinister Plankdancer!!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Wordless Wednesday from my driveway


Thank you to our Hostess

Sandee at Comedy Plus      

Sunrise 6:50 am September 12, 2024

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Happy Tuesday

Thank you to our

Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus

Recently on one of my EMWs I was Happy to see

the GNOME family is growing

The below was take in late July

Monday, September 16, 2024

Awww Monday with Cali

We thank our Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus  

Dearest Auntie HiC

Big News! I can stand on my hind feet like a meerkat! Pretty cool huh?!

 It freaks out the boys, so you know I’ll be doing it more often!!!😹

Lovingly your very versatile Niece 

Cali Girl

Dearest Niece Cali
OMCs OMCs Uncle B and I are giggling our heads off as we look at these photos.
Did Vet Doc Renee give you special powers during your surgicals?
Rocky seems very perplexed yet a wee bit jealous!
Loads of love and hugs...
Ummmm you know Halloween is coming soon. 
Add a white towel to the photo you'd be a purrfect ghost.

Sunday, September 15, 2024