
Friday, January 17, 2025

Nature and Feline Friday with Rocky


  Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Thank you for hosting!


Happy Feline Friday with my Ginger Nephew Rocky

Dearest Auntie HiC
Most of the snow & ice has melted away, so Mom took a walk down the driveway. 
Our little dead end, dirt road is still very icy. Most area students are transported by buses, and our county has no snow removal equipment for side roads,  so school has been canceled 3 days! 
While Mom was away, I got into a little trouble, but that’s a story for another day! 😹

❤️ Rocky


Mom made a video of what winter looks like on our Mountain top
In Georgia..

Dearest Rocky OMCs Auntie thoroughly enjoyed the beauty of Nature Mom just outside your front door. I thank her for sharing and oh dear sweet Rocky auntie awaits the next chapter telling her about the mischief you found while Mom was on a walk
Lovingly Auntie HiC


  1. Hari OM
    It sure is pretty to look at! YAM xx

  2. that is a nice winter your have in georgia... we have rain and cold... not really good... but for such cases we have blankets...

  3. Sure is pretty there on the mountain top. I could live with that amount of snow. We keep getting more and more every day. I'm tired of it.
    I'm curious about what mischief Rocky got into

  4. Rocky, now I am waiting with baited breathe to see what you could possibly have done while mom was out making the video. you sure have a beautiful outdoors, I could live with this amount of snow, but prefer not to.. don't make us wait to long to hear the story... can't hold my breathe very long. you are sooooo handsome

  5. We love the snow but the ice - not at all!

  6. I'm crossing my fingers we don't get any of that white stuff in the next few days from the latest Artic Blast working it's way across the U.S.

  7. Rocky, we hope you didn't do anything really mischievous. Thank you for sending that video on. We have the snow up here and I live on top of a very big hill but not a mountain.

  8. Rocky should use that photo on his dating profile, LOL!

  9. The snow looks pretty but the ice is not so good. What have you been up to, Rocky?

  10. The kids must have loved the little holiday! The winter scenery is gorgeous, but yep, that ice is treacherous. I can't imagine living somewhere that doesn't have snowplows, salt and sand, etc. You really wouldn't be able to go anywhere!

    Rocky, we're all waiting to read about the mischief you got into! 😸

  11. What beautiful scenery they have at their house. We can't wait to hear what Rocky did.

  12. Lovely wintry photo and sweet photo of Rocky ~ snow/ice will melt in no time where you are ~ hugs,

    Hugs to you Cecilia and Angel Madi ~ ^_^

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. dood…what did ewe due 💙🐟😺‼️💚 tell yur mom her moovee total rockz..eye bet yur street iz beyond AWESOME in spring summer and fall huh 😺😺😺‼️🍀

  14. Mischief... you Rocky? I'm not believing it ;) That is a handsome Fuzz Face!
    Lovely walk... love the shadows. I bet that fresh crisp air smelled good too.
    Thanks for sharing!

  15. Dang Rocky, I wish our neighbors were that close LOL! You are a mighty handsome dude Sir Rocky!

  16. It's all beautiful, but very cold looking, just like here. As for mischief, well, sometimes you just can't help it, can you. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi