
Friday, January 24, 2025

Nature Friday #7 and Feline Friday with Rocky and Cali

  Nature Friday host LLB Gang   Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Thank you for hosting!


All things NC #7 Nature or Natural


1. NC has two state berries, The Blueberry and the Strawberry.  They both gained the distinction of state berries in 2001.  


2. The Scuppernong Grape was designated in 2001 as the State's fruit and was written about by explorers in the 1500's.  The name comes from the Scuppernong River in North Carolina mainly along the coastal plain. It was first mentioned as a "white grape" in a written logbook by the Florentine explorer Giovanni de Verrazzano while exploring the Cape Fear River Valley in 1524.

Scuppernong Grape

White Grape

The scuppernong is a large variety of muscadine a species of grape native to the southern United States. It is usually a greenish or bronze color and is similar in appearance and texture to a white grape, but rounder and larger. First known as the "big white grape". Not everyone  likes to eat them but I do. The skin is tough and usually not eaten.  I gently bite it then suck out the delicious insides.  One of our favorite NC wineries is Duplin Winery.   They make several delicious wines out of Scuppernongs.

                Feline Friday with Rocky and Cali

Dearest Auntie HiC on Friday's Feline and Nature Friday, I mentioned a bit 

 of mischief I may or may not have gotten into while Mom was out filming the nature video....well here is the rest of the story.

As you probably remember, Cali staked her claim on one of the cat igloos soon after she arrived on the hill.
I don’t really mind because I love my bed, but I derive great pleasure in giving her a hard time!  😹

❤️ Rascally Rocky
Rocky sure do know how to flirt with danger.
Auntie HiC reminds you that Cali girl never ever forgets so you best sleep with one eye opened.
Love Auntie HiC


  1. berry interesting and that has something so special... like the story of your town and the nut... I never ever furget that... there was raleigh in tv at snapped, the chemist mystery and I rememberted the nut imediately...

  2. Hari Om
    That was interesting... grapes are one of the fruits I have had to start avoiding due to 'internal reactions'. Rocky sure likes to walk on the tightrope! YAM xx

  3. I have never heard of that kind of grape before. I love grapes.
    I watched the video and I couldn't help but laugh right along with it. THe laughter was contagious.

  4. I've heard of a muscadine grape but have never eaten one. I don't buy grapes anymore as Duke wants to share everything that I eat and he can't have grapes. It's easier just to leave them at the store.

  5. You gave me food for thought on the grapes. I didn't know any of this. We red ones or purple ones almost every day. Those sweet kitties, what trouble they can probably get into I bet. Another 2 inches of snow this morning with a great warm up today of a high of 23.

  6. We know the MN state bird is the loon and wild blueberries are our state berry. We see blueberries growing here and there on our walks in the warmer months.

  7. scuppernongs are my favorite of all grapes, my dad had them on grape arbors my entire life with my parents and even a few years after I moved out. I eat them like you do, and on occasion would chew up one of the skins and eat it too, depending on how it felt. I would stand under the arbor and suck the insides out, work the seeds out with my tongue and spit them out and swallow... every now and then I try ones for sale in Walmart, but they never taste like daddy's..
    I too laughed along with the video, who could listen and not laugh. you could take Cali and Rocky on the road and be as good as Jeff Foxworthy

  8. The bronze scuppernongs are my favorite ones. Rocky better get on her good side cuz she won't forget.

  9. I love grapes and eat them every day, but I have no clue what kind they are. Red, green, and sweet. Lol.

    As for Rocky, yes, he certainly does like to court danger! 😸

  10. That's what big brothers are for BOL! Just be careful of those paw claws!
    Rosy & Sunny

  11. We've never heard of that type of grape. Rocky had better be sure Cali isn't in the igloo next time he wants to sit on top of it. BOL!

  12. Yum, I like both of those berries and grapes too. Rocky and Cali, you two are so cute and funny!

  13. Boy, that bodes trouble Rocky! ,I was laughing too! Its contagious! must tells what you do in the new future about all this! Rocky ,my half mustache is very soft and inviting. (except where the whiskers sprout out)

  14. Oh Mom said to tell your mom that she has had muscadine grapes and did not like them a bit. She hasn't had the chance to eat the scuppernongs however. She loves red grapes best, then white but all that has been out this and last year are the awful too big globe grapes. If I wanted to eat golf ball sized grapes I would have started asking for them. Dislike eating those huge things enough to quit grapes for two years not.

  15. I have never heard of those grapes. I have grapes every day with various other fruit for breakfast. I don't know what variety they are but they are large, thin skinned and sweet and juicy.
    You are a rascal, Rocky!

  16. So interesting about the Scuppernong grape. Also have been enjoying all the special tidbits about NC! Thanks to you I enjoy these grapes with Duplin's Scuppernong Blush wine! We have so much fun with Duplin's catalog and ordering from them is a breeze. They are so nice.
    Rocky likes to tempt fate AND live on the edge!

  17. I never knew there were different types of grapes. I only thought there were red ones and green ones!

  18. That is how we eat concords and come others my hubby grows. Cute video or Rocky and photos of Cali. XO

  19. Rocky, just when you're least expecting it...uh oh!!

  20. We have muscadines here, they're pretty good, actually.

    Rocky, watch your back. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  21. Sweet video of Rocky and Photos of Cali ~ hugs,

    Hugs to yu Cecilia and Angel Madi ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Exlores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi