
Friday, February 21, 2025

Nature, Feline and fill ins Friday with nephew Kat

   Nature Friday host LLB Gang   

Mom Beth and the Girls made a beautiful new 
Nature Friday Badge honoring the Memory of our friend 


Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Dearest Auntie HiC

I’m wondering if my blog friends enjoy being brushed or combed, too?
I’ve always enjoyed being brushed, but I’ve decided the flea comb is my favorite!
It removes more fur & really puts me to sleep. Of course we have a video at the end.  

Mom takes the fur outside for the birdies. The birds have taken lots of the fur Mom collected from Dolly, who visited us several months ago.
Fur of Kat
Fur of Dolly

Many might remember Dolly she wandered up on to our hill back last fall.

Via local social media Mom and Dad were able to get Dolly reunited with her family.
 Mom and Dad see her several times a week when they pass by her home...
Dolly is guardian dog to the families goat herd...
MOLMOL she is a happy goat herder.

Now sit back and be prepared to get very relaxed.
Auntie HiC said her eyes got very heavy watching the video.

💖 Kat 

Bonus nature photo.  Wednesday, February 19, 2025, it started snowing at 10:30 am.  It snowed all day.  OMCs don't was an epic 2.5".  Then it stayed below freezing for another 24 hours with feels like in single digits...but wait.  Over the weekend we expect 60's and next week a day or so of 70's. That is how we roll  in Dixie. Another epic event it started snowing again on Thursday Morning.  I can't remember when it snowed two days in a row in Raleigh!!

Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. Ellen came up with the first two and her co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.

1. I hope to never taste cilantro again. I know most like it but NOT ME.
2. No matter how hard I try, I can’t forget seeing these 3 movies, 
The Birds Deliverance and Pulp Fiction. 
3. Music from the 1960' early 1970's is something that triggers nostalgia for me.
4. I wish I could visit the fictional world of any of the early Disney movies.


  1. wow we bet the big hazelnut is covered in snow now too... we are brush kids and we love it... da nelly even tries to eat the brush.. he is a caninibal ina any way

  2. Your snow is beautiful, but I’m thankful we didn’t receive any this time. I agree about cilantro! Yuck! 🤢 Yes, it almost 3 am & I'm sleepless in Georgia. Ugh!

  3. It is good to get rid of that loose fur and the birds love it, Kat. The snow looks pretty but is a good excuse to stay indoors.

  4. Hari Om
    Awwwwww, sweet Kat.... and your yard looks Christmas Cardy! Yeah, those three films once seen never forgotten!!! YAM xx

  5. Kat certainly appreciates being combed. And the birds appreciate getting the fur for their nest. Glad we missed the snow you got but we have some new snow this morning.

  6. I'll trade you. Your snow for ours. It snowed all day yesterday and still again this morning. I had a hard time opening the door to let Gibbs out this morning.
    That comb would make Gibbs go totally nutso. Combs freak him out for some reason.

  7. Mom isn't a big fan of cilantro either. It has to be mixed into something pretty well for her to eat it. When life gives you snow, you have no choice but to enjoy it. Yours will be gone as fast as it came with the warm weather. Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. i would never even think that birds would want hair from dogs/cats. what a super idea and Kat, Beau loves to be brushed and he has short hair... his eyes get glazed.. he also loves when I do it by dragging my fingers through his furs.
    when i was a teen, i wished to be in the movie Where They Boys Are,, the ones I watch now, i would not want to be there. ha ha.. the birds was the scariest movie ever for me. I was already traumatized by a rooster, a gobbler turkey and a goose all before I was 8. The Birds finished me off and I feared all birds until 2006 when my friend Diane introduced me to wild birds and I found they did not attack

  9. I hated those movies too. But, I have to add The Exorcist to that list. I hope all that white stuff is melting now. It's 20 degrees here today.

  10. I don't think that I've ever eaten cilantro and I never want to! Mom wishes that I could be more like you getting combed, Kat. She calls me a wiggleWorm and I make combing a real project for her! Your snow is so pretty!

  11. 25 inches???? Holy smokes! I found it therapeutic to brush our Z Cat. It was very Zen and she enjoyed it too. Dolly is darling. Not a fan of cilantro. I feel the same about the '60s, '70s and a bit of the '80s music. 25 inches????????

    1. MOL MOL the crazy font that was in distorted the number and decimal
      It was 2.5"...I changed the font

  12. We all like being brushed here too Kat...especially our back and ears!
    Rosy & Sunny
    PeeEss...WOW to your beautiful snow, we have had a very dry and cold Winter, not that I'm complaining LOL

  13. kat…eye get bruzhed witha flea comb two ‼️ eye due knot due az good a job az ewe due tho‼️😺💙💚

  14. Kat sure was enjoying that brushing session. We're sorry but we have to laugh at your snow report. Sadly this year we are having a more normal amount of snow around here and it's piled up to our eyeballs now!

  15. What an awesome kitty in the video ~ Wow ~ you did get lots of snow~ my son did too in NC ~ near Norfolk ~ he got 8 in ~ Yikes ~ You guys are used to snow~ stay safe ~ hugs,

    Hugs to you Cecilia and Angel Madi ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. That's a lot of Dolly hair...are you sure it's just the hair inside and not the whole Dolly...MOL...Loved that video of Kat and the pictures look so the best way of the word, of course😸Double Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend to all of you🐾😽💞

  17. I was hoping we would get some of that snow, but it was not to be. I guess our hope for some snow will go unanswered.

  18. 60's to 70's? Oh you lucky, lucky kitties. What a great post and so sweet of mommy to give your fur to the birdies for their ests. The video was great (loved the music) and so were your photos. Have a wonderful weekend my friends!

  19. my keys are sticking, but I think you guessed that was supposed to be birdies for their nests, lol!

  20. We do enjoy a combing now and then, but our furs are really thick. We much prefer the slicker brush or the gold pin brush Mom has for us. Right now we could send bushels of fur for those birds:)

    Beautiful snow. It returned to us this week along with bitter cold, but the warmup is on its way and our snow will be gone again.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  21. Those snow photos are beautiful! Any amount of snow is a lot to us Californians haha. Stay warm!

  22. Most everyone loves brushing here and Simon and Seal both like being combed too. That was a nice bit of snow you had and those were good fill-in answers too!

  23. How nice to provide fur to the birds. :) That was a lot of snow for you. XO

    1. Me again- sorry, I didn't mention the fill-ins, I am half asleep after a day with 3 kids here. :) Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I hate cilantro too. I only saw The Birds and I did not like it. XO

  24. KAT! MY mom brushes me every day! AND I get combed too. She keeps a small comb in the side table next to her chair and while I'm on her lap, she will comb me. Brushies are while I am mono-railing. You look transported with that great comb. Mom has one of those for me too. Gets out the under fur... Tel your Auntie HiC that we got 3 inches of snow that first day. single digit temps, and it's been colder'n kraut since.

  25. Oh, that would be fun to be able to drop in on some of Disney's earlier movies! As far as snow in Dixie, Chattanooga got about an inch last Tuesday morning but then it melted really fast from our driveway and the roads so I was only an hour late getting into work. Then it started snowing hard on my way to work on Wednesday, sticking to the roads, but all was clear within a couple of hours. The weather has been absolutely crazy this year!

  26. My cats are not huge fans of being brushed, I'm glad you like it.

    We don't need more snow in these swamps.

    I understand about the cilantro. Some people have a gene which makes certain greens, like cilantro, kale and arugula taste like soap.

    Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi