
Saturday, February 22, 2025

Saturday Scenes from TV

Recently we discovered numerous easy listening music channels on YouTube.  They have gorgeous photos too

Friday, February 21, 2025

Nature, Feline and fill ins Friday with nephew Kat

   Nature Friday host LLB Gang   

Mom Beth and the Girls made a beautiful new 
Nature Friday Badge honoring the Memory of our friend 


Click here Hostess Miss Mimi 

Dearest Auntie HiC

I’m wondering if my blog friends enjoy being brushed or combed, too?
I’ve always enjoyed being brushed, but I’ve decided the flea comb is my favorite!
It removes more fur & really puts me to sleep. Of course we have a video at the end.  

Mom takes the fur outside for the birdies. The birds have taken lots of the fur Mom collected from Dolly, who visited us several months ago.
Fur of Kat
Fur of Dolly

Many might remember Dolly she wandered up on to our hill back last fall.

Via local social media Mom and Dad were able to get Dolly reunited with her family.
 Mom and Dad see her several times a week when they pass by her home...
Dolly is guardian dog to the families goat herd...
MOLMOL she is a happy goat herder.

Now sit back and be prepared to get very relaxed.
Auntie HiC said her eyes got very heavy watching the video.

πŸ’– Kat 

Bonus nature photo.  Wednesday, February 19, 2025, it started snowing at 10:30 am.  It snowed all day.  OMCs don't was an epic 2.5".  Then it stayed below freezing for another 24 hours with feels like in single digits...but wait.  Over the weekend we expect 60's and next week a day or so of 70's. That is how we roll  in Dixie. Another epic event it started snowing again on Thursday Morning.  I can't remember when it snowed two days in a row in Raleigh!!

Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. Ellen came up with the first two and her co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.

1. I hope to never taste cilantro again. I know most like it but NOT ME.
2. No matter how hard I try, I can’t forget seeing these 3 movies, 
The Birds Deliverance and Pulp Fiction. 
3. Music from the 1960' early 1970's is something that triggers nostalgia for me.
4. I wish I could visit the fictional world of any of the early Disney movies.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday #199

  Thankful Thursday hosted by 


Dearest Auntie HiC

It is I Rocky, your ginger nephew.  Mom, as you know,  retired teacher.  She and I have been discussing a new fun here is our pitch...

In an attempt to dispel the rumor that ginger kitties lack intelligence, I’ve taken it upon myself to begin a series I like to call, “Fun Facts with Rocky”!

I will research for fun, interesting facts, and share them with you. Do what you will with this knowledge! 😹

But remember, Mom always says, “People can steal your car, your identity, & even your heart, but no one can ever steal your EDUCATION!” 😺

So, let’s get started:

Jumpin' Catfish Mom are you pulling my leg?

We both are very thankful for the opportunity to share these fun facts...
they will pop up randomly and we hope you all enjoy them.


Rocky da Teacher's Pet
Rocky Auntie HiC thinks this is a most wonderful idea.  I know all our 
friends love learning new things.

 Today is Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy at Two Spoiled Cats

As I entered the store,
 I noticed upon her back, she has a sack!
I blinked my eyesπŸ‘€
What I saw must be in my head.
I gave it shake
looked again.
For Pete's sake, it was no mistake.
It was a goat,
I said to myself
whatever floats her boat!! 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Wordless Wednesday: Art from the past


Thank you to our Hostess

Sandee at Comedy Plus  

I recently rediscovered this masterpiece in a photo album...of course I had to share.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Happy to Present..........

Thank you to our

 We thank our Hostess Sandee at

 Comedy Plus    

Today Dad called me “Queen Cali”.  
I was quick to correct him. 

Queens are expected to be well-mannered, wise, dignified, & prioritize the needs of others!
Whereas, a princess can be free-spirited, fun, spoiled, & prioritize her personal desires! That’s me, Princess Cali!

But you can still call me Cali Girl❣️
Hope you enjoy my video.

πŸ’• Cali 

Dearest Princess Cali of Georgia
You have all the traits of royalty.  I think Princess suits you.  And best of all you have all the perks of royalty w/o any pesky duties. 
Breathing/sighing heavily certainly makes your desires known.  I giggled quite hard at the video.  I think if you chose to speak, that would be a purrfect voice for a Princess.  
Adorable loving hugs 
Auntie HiC

Monday, February 17, 2025

Awww Monday with Rocky and Cali: Revenge is Sweet

 We thank our Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus   

Dearest Auntie HiC 

On January 17 you were right! 
Cali wasn’t the least bit amused by me flattening her igloo!

She showed ME by taking over MY bed! πŸ™€

Mom added  a blankie to the top of the igloo, but I’m not very happy to lose my bed. 

Any suggestions on how I can get my bed back?!? 
We’re in negotiations right now! 😹 Will keep you posted! 

❤️ Rocky

Dear Rocky  auntie is sorry to have to say this but “what is Cali’s is Cali’s and what is yours is Cali’s…” until she decides otherwise.  Just the way it is….Girls rule boys drool 
Hugs and  love Auntie HiC 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Serenity by the Sound and Sea

Bogue Sound, 
Morehead City, NC

Atlantic Ocean with clouds seemingly sitting on the Ocean