
Saturday, June 29, 2019

Caturday Art

Caturday Art from Friday, June 21's Nature Friday

Original collage in piZap= Lunapic=photo spread=grey scale.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Nature and Final Friday Fiction: Chippie

Chip D. Munk
As seen through My Mind's Eye

Chapter 1 is here
Chapter 2 is here

I know you are all waiting with baited fishy breath for Chapter 3

My phrases/words come from 
Sea Bound: A quilting Cozy by Carol Dean Jones.
There are 11 books in series I am on #7 EXCELLENT!!!
I didn't know exactly what Cozies were about
Cozies are about relationships with a simple mystery inside and they are about A hobby… Quilting
page 87
line 8:  checked in
line 12: Have you seen
line 16:chaotic right now

When last we met, Chippie's wife Cheri was day dreaming:

"Cheri loved Chippie with all her wee munk heart; however, she had a mental image of one day having a pantry in her burrow with a week's worth of food and no worries. That would indeed be a staycatioin for Chip D. Munk and his family of three...."

Chippie was an attentive husband.  He always had the best interest of
his family of three on his mind
As you can see from this video, things around Chippies burrow are
chaotic right now.

Chippie focus was to try very hard to fulfill Cheri's desire for her pantry to be full, so that her family of three could have a  staycation without any worries.  Lo and behold he went about town gathering and hoarding. He  struck petunia gold without even trying.
Chip D Munk and family thank Ms. Janice for this lovely photo

Cheri was so very proud of Chippie.  Every time her friends passed by
her burrow she scurried out asking each one
have you seen my pretty purple petunia garden.
Her itty bitty munk heart sang each time she thought about Chippie's devotion.
Chippie D. Munk was now working very hard to prepare for a week's
staycation with his family.  There was love in the air,
Edgar Eagle checked in on the Munk family
from his perch way at the top of the pine bough. He told Chippie not to
worry about him he was taking Mrs. Eagle and the Eaglets on a vacation that
very week.
Chippie and Cheri and baby makes three spent a lovely staycation running to and
fro inside their burrow sleeping and munching on pretty purple petunias.
Life was good.  Enjoying the simple pleasures makes for a Merry Munk family.

FFF is a blog hop click here to read other fun stories

Happy Nature Friday too: hosted Arty, Jakey and Rosy
From Chip D. Munk and his family  of three
and Patsy Petunia
Janice is a former co-worker, at NCSU, and a very good friend of mine.
  She planted this gorgeous arrange of Purple Petunias
 at her Mother-in-law's home.  Janice calls her Mom and so do I.
Mom is in her mid 90's.
Janice and her hubby check on Mom several times a week.  On Saturday's
Janice washes and rolls Mom's hair.  While Mom's hair dries, Mom plays the
piano...mostly by ear. 

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Thoroughly Thankful Throwback Poetic Thursday

  Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.
Here is our photo challenge

Penguin Love
is way better than Muskrat Love)
sang by Cap'n and Tennille 

Just as their day was about to begin,
Papa Penguin said to Petey Penquin,
 My love for you makes my head spin.
Petey Penguin was vertically challenged!
He was not close enough to hear.
Papa decided to show Petey instead.
Petey, he said, I love you from the top of my
Emperor head all the way down to my giant web feet.
My love for you is as deep as the snow.
Most of all I want you to know
I love you *2 hours and a bunch*,
which is more than
I love my fishes at LUNCH.

*This phrase was invented by my daughter.
 When she was a toddler, SHE hated to take naps.
Every day at nap time, she would ask the same question.
 How long do I have to nap?
My reply was about 2 hours, which was an eternity to a busy little girl.
Then one day she spread her arms just like Papa Penguin
while saying, I love you 2 hours and a bunch.
2 hours and a bunch became our affection phrase.

Today I'm so very thankful for each you who have made 
my 10 years of blogging such fun.
Most of all I'm thankful for my sweet Angel Madi.
Simply said:
Without Madi, I would not have had all these amazing experiences which gave me the opportunity to meet each of you and your furries.
That itty bitty kitty is for sure the
Reason for my Being here!!  
She was my Soul and Inspiration.

Happy 10th Blogaversary to us.
my very first post featuring my side kick Madi.
She was the soul and inspiration behind this blog!!!!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sun Bathing beauty.....

Mom....please rub a little SPF 30 
on my pink nose....and adjust the 
bike seat...I'll need a little exercise 
after the sun moves....
Thanks Madi

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Wordless Wednesday

is aglow today!!

Sunset over Hedgemoor 8:31 pm June 11, 2019

above photo in black and white

Gracie the Highlander was all aglow in pink

Even inside the house we had a pink hue...gorgeous

Molly's mom is recuperating from knee replacement so
Molly had a treat last week...SPA DAY
The works from head to toe
mani-pedi, shampoo and nice massage
Look at those golden waves..... and that feathery tail
BUTT Molly told me she prefers
Essence of Grass over the scented shampoo

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Tuesday Tale with Kat and his Siblings

First of all, my apologies  to my early bird readers.
Thank you all for your sweet comments.  Kat is for sure a super Brudder. 

Lone Star, Da Phenny and Da Nelly, Bouncing Bertie,
Molly and Marg, Eric and Flynn

The rumblin' and rantin'you heard yesterday morning was, Angel Madi having a hissin' fit OTRB.
She always gave me grief when I made mistakes!!
YIKES I had two post scheduled (by mistake)

Hosted by Comedy Plus


Dearest Aunty HiC
As you know, my sweet Golden Dakota and  Lab, Bubba Buddy, both are in their teens, both have challenging health issues.   I’ve noticed they’re both getting weaker, more fragile,  and require lots of extra attention from Mom. She says it’s her honor to keep them as comfortable and happy as possible. 
I like to snuggle, and show my love. I think it makes them feel better. Mom says I’m a special kitty. 💕
❤️ Kat Your Feline Nephew

Kat I'm not sure but it certainly looks like you are making
kitty biscuits/massaging Buddy in the last photo.

Dearest are an angel on Earth, of that I am 100% sure.  You were surely sent to your Hill to shower those very special K9s with extra love. 
I have been wondering about Dakota and Buddy.  I didn't want to bug your sweet Mom too much about how they were doing. As with Angel Madi, each day is precious and we want to live in the moment with our seniors.  Quality of life is most important and L O V  E to the nth degree.  Please whisper to them that Aunty loves them dearly.
Tell them Angel Madi will be there for them down the road. I say a prayer for them every night and for your peeps who love them so very much. 

Thank you for these beautiful photos. I'm so glad you mom is taking the photos.  I used to be embarrassed by all the photos I took of Angel Madi. Now they make me smile with found memories of my Diva.  They are very comforting, too.  

Lovingly your Aunty HiC 

Monday, June 24, 2019

Awww Monday with Mia and July fun reminders

Today I am pawticipating in Comedy Plus
Click here to see more 

Be sure to hop over to  HERE
Zoolarty's blog to check out all the fun activities scheduled for

Sunday, June 23, 2019