My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Friday, May 31, 2019

Final Fiction and Nature Friday: Chip D. Munk

Chip D. Munk
As seen through My Mind's Eye

Last month we had a nail bitter going on with Chippie.
This was the last paragraph of the story

"He found seeds, nibbled on daffie leaves and filled his Chippie cheeks
with groceries to stock his pantry. Life was good and Chippie was at ease.
He thanked Fanny for visiting told her to Dew Drop In when ever she pleased."

It was such fun I thought I'd try to write another installment this month.

My phrases/words come from 
Gracie's Secret by Jill Childs
page 87
line 8:  I closed my eyes
line 12: mental image
line 16: communal area

Chippie's wife, Cheri,  was so relieved and thrilled when he came into the
burrow with the daffies.  Secretly she was hoping for some petunias too.   Chippie knew happy wife meant happy life.  He  hoped to fill his chippie cheeks full of an assortment of delicious
tender petunias he found in the just outside their burrow.
Cheri knew danger lurked in the communal area.  Edgar Eagle was
 a rather vicious looking guy.  He was always swooping down threatening anything he saw.
Chippie assured Cheri that Edgar would soon move onto other hunting grounds.
Cheri, often told Chippie 'when I close my eyes', all I see is Edgar's talons. I hear him cussin' in squeaky Eagle-nese. He sounds like a rusty door.  Chippie said his squeaky voice is the warning that sends me scurrying in a hurry.  Chippie the wee munk said no worries dear wife...I will always see that we have 3 squares each day.  Cheri loved Chippie with all her wee munk heart; however, she had a mental image of one day having a pantry in her burrow with a week's worth of food and no worries. That would indeed be a staycatioin for Chip D. Munk and his family of three....
Maybe to be continued.
206 words

Chippie and his family are  our contribution to Nature Friday hosted by the  birthday boy Arty


  1. We love to see chipmunks, but usually we only see squirrels. Either way, we love to hunt them.

  2. we love the name edgar eagle... do you remember the only one ski jumper from UK named Eddie the Eagle ? He was the reason that even the mama watched such events, what a fabulous guy and super sportsman ...

  3. Cute story Cecilia. Happy, happy weekend to you.

  4. We don't have any little guys like Chippie here so we like reading about his adventures.

    The Florida Furkids

  5. Who knew those chipmunks had such a rich and loving family life.
    Lovely story!

  6. Hari OM
    oh my oh my!!! I LOVE this little tale and do so much hope that we get more about the chipmunks!!! Thanks for embracing the life and spirit of FFF HiC. huggies, YAM xx (who is back in the Hutch, well-rested and getting into catch up mode...)

  7. Those chippies are cute but they can be pests too. We hope he leaves your petunias alone. We loved your story about Mr. & Mrs. Chippie.

  8. kill to munks with one story. ha ha. sorrrry. I love chippie and his wife and hope they soon get a big pantry to store their petunias in... so cute and tiny. I have never seen one in real life... no munks here...

  9. I haven't seen any chippies in my yard yet. They always get me in trouble because they run through ghostwriter's flower garden. As you know, we doggies MUST follow each and every scent, and I go trampling through the garden too. For some reason, ghostwriter doesn't like it when her flowers get flattened.

  10. Love your story, Miss Cecilia! Chipmunks are such cute little critters.

  11. Our precious Little Bit would have been on high alert. She loved to chase critters. She never caught any, but she loved the chase.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, my friend. Big hug. ♥

  12. That was sure fun and Chippie is a cool one!

  13. az much az we like ta say

    *@%*@#)()! R propurtee ta chip... when heez heer; his storee iz prettee awesum N we look forwerd ta reedin de next chapturr ...may bee....ta bee continmewed !! ☺☺♥♥

  14. Well, we think you're lucky to have a little Chipmunk come visit you. We hope the eagle stays away.

  15. I am totally completely charmed and smiling really BIG!

  16. That was a great story. I look forward to the next installment. XO

  17. We are enjoying the continuing saga of Chippie and his family.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  18. We also love reading about Chippie! We don't see many chipmunks around here.
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  19. Chippie are lucky he don't live here, BOL!

  20. We just love the story of Chippy and his adventures....We used to see lots of his relatives around here but now only rarely. We have lots of hawks around here sadly and I think that's why we don't see them much - they are under cover and maybe do a little scavenging under cover of darkness. No doubt the owls know that!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

  21. How did I miss this? Chippie and Cheri are sweeties!


Please leave a meow or bark for Angel Madi...her assistant (aka Mom) will respond in a timely fashion. =^..^=
Life is short, spend it with those who make you laugh!!
“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” (Leo F. Buscaglia)

Cecilia and Angel Madi