My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Symmetry Saturday: Bridge over I440

One of the many trails on the NC Museum of Art Campus leads to this 
Bridge.  Reedy Creek and Rocky Branch Trails are on the other side of the bridge

 I440 is getting a huge addition

This part of the trail was.....uphill going over
and thankfully not 'slippery or wet' on our downhill

Friday, April 17, 2020

Nature, Feline and Fill-In Friday

Thanks Comedy Plus for hosting

Thanks LLB Gang for hosting

Photos and commentary by my gal pal Janice and photo journalist

We opened our back door this morning and saw a possum walking behind the tree close to the fence.   It walked through small opening at the gate and went under the neighbor’s barn.  Then  he saw another one come from the tree and started walking in our yard - stopping and sniffing - think he was trying to figure where his buddy went.  

We then saw one of our yard cats (someone has adopted this one because he has on a collar) peeking around the tree.      

The cat decided he wanted more open space so he ran into our yard and decided to watch the rendezvous from there.   

 Both possums ended up under the neighbor’s barn and the cat went to the next gate to go into another neighbor’s yard.   

Later we didn't see any creatures  so guess they are playing possum somewhere else. lol

Thank you Janice...stay by the phone I expect Nat Geo Wild will be calling you with a 
offer you cannot refuse

And here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for today. Ellen  came up with the first two and my co-host  Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two.
1. I can’t wait for  my hair Salon to reopen after the quarantine.(I haven't had a hair cut since February.
2. I am in no hurry for gasoline prices to soar after the quarantine.
3. These days, hopeful is my default mood.

4. Have I ever told you I LOVE all things RED?

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday and ISO-lympics

Today we join Two  SPOILED CATS 
Angel Sammy and Teddy for their poetic pictorial poem.

This is today's inspiration and it really inspired me...


Hosted by Bella, Dui, Roxy and HER frome
Downunder Daisy

We thank Sweet William and Lee for the most sparkly and fun event badge.

She was quicker than greased lightning and quicker than my camera finger
and  fro
 Up to the top of our original kitchen date say 1987..Madi was born in 2002
I never knew how to set date on the old film cameras.  Date was probably about 2003-4.
We had the kitchen renovated in 2006

Now for the Finale of ISO-lympics Angel Madi's famous dismount

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Wordless Wednesday

How abut now?
Y tree and a crazy pants limb in the shape of a C

Full Moon 7:00 pm April 6th, 2020
The flash came on

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Happy Tuesday Trail Tale

Monday, April 5th we continued on our journey to rediscover all the 
beautiful trials in Raleigh
This one is a Memorial park

Marshall Park is located along a third of a mile of House Creek Greenway, near the Blue Ridge Road entrance. This park was a gift to Raleigh from George F. “Rick” Marshall in honor of his father, Lt. Col. George F. Marshall, a decorated veteran of World War II.

The Pergola is adjacent to a monument describing the military history of a real life hero, you’ll find carefully placed granite paths that lead you through the surrounding woods, and inviting benches to rest upon beside the stream. A pergola and heavy trellis create a strong, yet inviting public space. At Marshall Park, you’ll find a place to reflect and renew.

It is not a long trail but it has lots of hills.  You would never know I440 can be seen by peeping through the beautiful trees.

It sits behind a bustling new apartment complex too

House Creek Trail

House Creek is visible from most of the trail.

 Pups taking their peeps for walks

 beautiful meadows
 every so often there is a turn off that leads to either apartment/condo complexes or individual homes
Picnic shelter and there is a playground, basketball court and tennis court 

Next Happy Tuesday Trail rediscovery will start 
Tuesday, April 21 and run for several weeks

On Tuesday April 6th we started to rediscover the
NC Art Museum Trail, which is 3 miles from our home.
In the  1960's,when land in the suburbs was purchased for the  new NC Art Museum, Plans were made to move it from downtown Raleigh to the suburbs, everyone was in shock.  It proved to be an excellent decision and great vision by Museum Committee. 
  Here is just a itty bitty tease of the out of doors
Art that is displayed along the meandering trails..

Below is info on this most amazing set of rings.
Which by the way can be seen from almost every spot on the trail

 The Trail around the Museum is huge with lots of side paths.  It will take several posts.

Gyre is my absolute favorite piece of NC Museum Trail Art
All the different angles each amazing.  It can be seen from nearly every
vantage point on the campus

Monday, April 13, 2020

Monday Sparks Awww Monday

Everywhere is within walking distance if you have time:  Steve Wright

I saw this quote on a bench at Shelley Lake
The wooden board walk was there too.

Last week we walked around the gorgeous Trail at the N. C. Art Museum
more pictures coming soon but this one says Awww

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter Flashback: Mini Madi's Egg Hunt

Sunday, April 20, 2014


Mini Madi tracked these giant paw prints 

 to a huge petrified egg but it was too big for her mini mouth
  Her keen kitty sense of smell then lead her and her two mini
pals to a duck with a multicolored egg but the 
duck was not ready to lay her egg  so
Mini Madi kept sniffing and searching until she
found a teeny tiny Easter basket full of 
teeny tiny treats just for her.  She was happy
as could be finally something she could eat.

 I, Madi, was taking itty bitty kitty nap.  When 
lo and behold, I awoke to find
eggs everywhere and no clue who laid them 
or why they laid them....hopefully it wasn't me!!
 All of a sudden this critter, of unknown 
origin, appeared with a basket of eggs...surely I
must be dreaming
 But another sniff and a blink and I was
joined by mini me showing me her goodies
Such nonsense, I refused to pawticipate.
There was something very interesting outside
When I turned back around I found a 
Purple Peter Cottontail.  Now I'm sure I'm dreaming....

I shook my head and slowly opened my eyes
and was delighted to learn it was indeed a dream
all the mini critters, baskets, petrified eggs,
the critter of unknown origin and Purple Peter Cottontail
were gone.  That new nip is stronger than I thought....I
must use it sparingly from now on.