Jack: Resident Literary Laureate.
1. Please introduce yourself and tell us your age and a very special trait
Everyone calls me Jack, but my full name is Sundancer's Repairman Jack. Evidently Repairman Jack was a character in a book that my tall guy was reading when he got me. I guess it's a good thing he wasn't reading 'Alice in Wonderland'. Although Wonderlab would be a cool name. I am 4.5 years old. My very special trait is that I can pretty much make the tall guy give me food whenever I stare at him, because, according to his words, "You're driving me crazy!"
2. If you had an alter ego, who would you like to be and why?
My alter ego would be Puddles, because she lives such an exciting life and she drinks beers. But not to the point of being drunk. Most of the time.
3. What do you like best/least about where you live?
Hmmm, I have never lived anywhere else, so I don't know what I like best and least. I like living with the tall guy, except when he is watching The Amazing Race and I am not allowed to move or breathe.
4. Who are some peeps/furiends you'd like to meet and why?
I would like to meet Puddles, Madi, Beth and Mike, and Phil from the Amazing Race so I could tell him how much the tall guy wants to be on. Then I could watch him on television in our new house that we bought with the $1000000 prize money!
5. If you could give one piece of random advice what would it be?
One piece of random advice: Do not let Puddles borrow your credit card when she's going to the store and she promises you she will only buy 'milk'.
6. What do you do for fun?
Does sleep count for fun? But my most fun is playing towel, after I have had a bath. I get to try to take the towel away from the tall guy and get rubbed at the same time.
7. What is the first thing you do each morning?
First thing each morning - wake up the tall guy. Because if I'm awake, he should be too.
8. What is the first thing you notice about a new furiend?
First thing I notice about a new furiend - if their tail is wagging. Same with peoples.
10. What is your absolute favorite food?
My favorite food? Food.
Bonus Question: Jack, over the last 4 years, it has come to our attention TG has several shortcomings when it comes to the care and tending of Sir Jack the world famous author, (i.e. more walks, more cookies, keeping your kibble bowl full, less time looking at computer and more time gazing into your eyes, to name just a few.) Please tell us why it is you have chosen to keep him in your employment in spite of these shortcomings and have you seen any improvement in his behavior.
I have decided to keep the tall guy around, in spite of all of his shortcomings, because I think I really do love him more than cookies, more than walks and even more than, dare I say it… food. All-in-all, he's a pretty good tall guy.
Jack and TG were two of our very first blogging friends way back
in 2009. We would like to take this opportunity to thank
them for all their encouragement and help as we
jumped feet first in the deep end of the cyber pool tiptoed into the blogging world
If you have not met, Jack click here