Thank you to our Hostess
This gorgeous photo popped up on my desk top as screen saver.
It took my breath away!! Giraffes in Kruger National Park, S. Africa
Thank you to our Hostess
This gorgeous photo popped up on my desk top as screen saver.
It took my breath away!! Giraffes in Kruger National Park, S. Africa
Thank you to our
We thank our Hostess Sandee at
Color me a HAPPY red and blue
I had no idea
Red and Blue were selected in 1945 as North Carolina's official Colors
We thank our Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus
Auntie HiC
Do you see what I see⁉️⁉️
Nature Friday host LLB Gang
Mom Beth and the Girls made a beautiful new
Nature Friday Badge honoring the Memory of our friend
Click here Hostess Miss Mimi
Thank you both for hosting!
Mom took a walk Thursday, January 30th, she heard something rustling in the leaves!
❤️ Rocky
Here is a video mom took on her walk.
Dear Auntie HiC
Today is Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy at Two Spoiled Cats
Thank you to our Hostess
I snapped this photo at 9:30 am...they open at 10:30 I will go back
Thank you to our
We thank our Hostess Sandee at
Dearest Auntie HiC
I have found the lady cat of my dreams❣️
❤️ Rocky
Dearest Nephew Rocky
They say diamonds are a girl's best friend
Auntie HiC is here to tell you that Your Mom is yours.
SPARKS for February
Nature Friday host LLB Gang
Mom Beth and the Girls made a beautiful new
Nature Friday Badge honoring the Memory of our friend
Thank you for hosting!
Inspired by Mack from Trout Talkin Tabbies post on October 23, 2024
I'll make this short about my experience cricket hunting