Yesterday I overheard an encrypted conversation between Mom and Dad. It went something like this, Mom said,"I can hardly wait, we'll be heading to the hills tomorrow for some R&R".
They are both looking pleased as punch about something; however, it seems a tad mysterious to me. I believe I'm going to have to call in my friend Detective Cy(ber) Geek to assist me with a thorough investigation.
#1 We live on a hill, why go to another hill?
#2. R&R is short for rock and roll right? We have R&R right here on our hill.
Cy says I should 'surf the web' for answers to my mystery.
Cy gave me many tips to help me with my investigation.
He said you will have to get very close to the monitor so that you can read all the information

After asking a few questions, and a lot of mouse clicking, I found out the following:
'Heading to the hills' is Peep Speak for going to the mountains and 'R&R' stands for rest and relaxation. It appears I'm not invited which is fine with me. I don't like to ride in cars, I'm perfectly happy to stay on my hill for some R&R. Miss Debbie the best pet sitter in the world will be dropping by each day. She takes very good care of me but she doesn't BLOG so Madi and Mom Blog will be on R&R too.
Mom told me some of the things they are going to do and quite frankly it doesn't sound like rest and relaxation. They will tour the Biltmore Estate and and have supper at The Deer Park Inn. Depending on the weather, they hope to take a ride on the Great Smoky Mountain Scenic Railroad. Stay tuned for more pictures than you care to see of what mom and dad did in the hills while they were on R&R. They'll be back home in just a few days. Evidently getting R&R doesn't take long. (Hint: if you click on, mountain, Biltmore Estates, and Great Smoky Mountain Scenic Railroad you can read a little about each)
Mom told me some of the things they are going to do and quite frankly it doesn't sound like rest and relaxation. They will tour the Biltmore Estate and and have supper at The Deer Park Inn. Depending on the weather, they hope to take a ride on the Great Smoky Mountain Scenic Railroad. Stay tuned for more pictures than you care to see of what mom and dad did in the hills while they were on R&R. They'll be back home in just a few days. Evidently getting R&R doesn't take long. (Hint: if you click on, mountain, Biltmore Estates, and Great Smoky Mountain Scenic Railroad you can read a little about each)
NOTE FROM MOM: It only took 4 pieces of kibble placed directly in front of the monitor and about 10 pictures, to get Madi right where I wanted her!!! Who can teach an cat a few tricks...with the right motivation. Everyone have a great few days, we'll miss you.
Madi and Mom