Original of Owl from Friday. It was in Black and White
I jazzed it up with stain glass from lunapic
The Red arrow is still on the tree trunk pointing to the Owl

Original of Owl from Friday. It was in Black and White
I jazzed it up with stain glass from lunapic
The Red arrow is still on the tree trunk pointing to the Owl
We thank our Host LLB Gang and Comedy Plus
*The Eastern Screech-Owl is a short, stocky bird, with a large head and almost no neck. Its wings are rounded; its tail is short and square. Pointed ear tufts are often raised, lending its head a distinctive silhouette.
On Caturday Art you'll see this one in Stain Glass via Lunapic
Feline Flashback from Madison D. Cat.
was shaped like a heart
Hosted by Comedy Plus
I must use my words here the Cormorants are standing on pilings in the water;
however the reflection in the water looks like they are on the tree limbs
Christmas Eve 2020 we had 1.9" of rain
That is not fog in the distance it is sheets of rain.
Yours truly on the left....Finally in my shadowy dreams, I'm taller than 5'3"