Today March 11, 2010 is Madi's 8th Birthday....
Please celebrate with us!!!!

Lucky Chinese Eminent Eight Game
In January, Mom and I were tagged by
Kareltje, a very handsome man-cat and his Mom, Anya from The Netherlands to participate in this game. If you have not met them please drop by to say HI. They have a fantastic Blog and Anya prepares very creative posts and writes lovely poetry.
At the time Mom was tagged, she had been trying to think of something interesting to do in celebration of my 8th birthday, March 11, 2010. Whala what great timing, this tag is perfect.
We wrote to Kareltje and his mom telling them we would like to postpone our participation until today March 11, 2010....
Magnificent Madi's Most Memorable Diva Day
This will probably be a long post but since it is my B-day we know you will understand.
8 TV shows we watch:
Animal Planet, The Amazing Race, Mom's Digital Picture Frame, News...I like to stay informed
The Amazing Race, Bones, NCSI, NCSI: LA, HGTV, CSI: NY
8 Favorite Places to eat:
Mom's Kitchen where my kibble bowl is located and where my Fancy Feast is served
Cafe Carolina, Seaboard Cafe, Roly Poly, McCalister's Deli, (for lunches)
The Peddler, Tuscan Brio, Glenwood Grill, (for nice dinners)
8 Things I look forward to:Madi:
FOOD, Daily brushings, Mom's return home each evening, following the sun around the house, bird watching
Weekends spent with my hubby and Madi, reading a good book, Hummingbirds each spring,
walks outside in nice weather.
8 Things that happened yesterday:Madi: Helped mom eat breakfast, helped Dad read the paper, TOOK a very long nap
Mom: Tried to eat my breakfast w/ Madi's help, tried to entertain Madi so her Dad could read the paper, took advantage of Madi's long nap to clean out the litter box.
8 Things I love about Winter:Madi: When the sun shines in all my windows!!
Mom: When it is over for good, where's spring?
8 Things I'm passionate about:Madi: Sleep, eating x 4
Mom: my family (humans and furkid) enjoying each day for what it offers,
feeding the birds, each day treating others as I would like to be treated
8words/phrases I often use:Madi:
Meow, M E O W, MEE OO WW, MEEEEEE OOOOOO WWWWW (when I really mean it)
Oh my word, lo and behold, you've got to be kidding, oh my stars, by the way, REALLY
8 things I learned from past:
Madi: not to jump on top of the Grandfather clock...even though I can and while up there
not to chew on the wood....(yes I did this shortly after my arrival).
Mom: Let go of the just weights one down in the future.
8 Things we are thankful for: (we added this one)
Thankful to be be living with my PEEPS (8 words here)
Good health, loving family, good friends, to have been blessed with 3 loving pets over the years.
Happy Birthday baby girl and thank you for the joy, fun, adventure and love you give us.
Mom and Dad