The beautiful red trees are right outside Panera Cafe at Crabtree Valley We have enjoyed some glorious fall colors the last 10 days |
Plates for your viewing and guessing pleasure
* beside one means I could not figure out the meaning.
1. BK2FTR2, Back to the Future 2
2. IMELT, I melt
3. INKD, maybe an tattoo artist
4. LETSPLA, Lets play
5. DIDI, Didi a name?
6. HRU-HRU *
7. SEWGIRL, Sew Girl
8. DR.BUBBA, *?
9. PAWS18, I thought maybe reference to pet Paws ??
10. OFF2FLAKE, Off to Flake, maybe going skiing
11. PAWZ4US, They like anything with paws?
12. XMARINE, x Marine
13. CADIDADI, Cadi Daddy,on a Cadillac
14. SIGMAX3*
15. DINGO9, Maybe from DownUnder
16. CLEARRUN, Clear run
18. VTMADE, Made in Vermont
19. FIXURPET, Fix your pet
20 W'RE, We're
21. ITZALALA, It is a la la?*
22. MA1ne, Maine
24. RET-EOD, on a car with a Marine sticker?*
25. BEARPAWS, Bear Paws
26. MASCO-2*
27. BISTRO4, Bistro 4
28. QTRMOON, Quarter Moon
29. SALTLIFE, Likes to beach
That is all for this installment.