A few weeks ago Mom signed us up to play a very fun game with
Jack and TG,
called Paw It Forward. We'll explain the very simple instructions at the end.
Grab your favorite beverage, get in a comfy seat with your favorite furr-iend.
We hope you enjoy our show and tell of what Jack and TG sent us.
The Package, appropriately addressed to Madison aka Diva, a card and wrappings.
You may click on any picutre or collage to enlarge.

THE empty BOX..
Jack I believe Madi would have been happy with a box of air!!

According to Jack and TG they were in awe of this unique cat apparatus; thus, could not resist buying it. Jack and TG Mom said in all the 22 1/2 years she has been owned by a CAT she has never seen one either. Well done!

Madi is giving this the once over with her eyes and nose

so many textures this Diva in sensory heaven.

Jack diamonds may be a (human) Lady's best friend....
However, a bag full of
Pink Loot filled with Catnip is this
Diva's best friend.
FYI: Mom only took out 3 of the items in the bag for now...she said she didn't want me on
sensory overload.

Beware of pink boas on sticks

Yeah baby that is the "GOOD Stuff"
If you enlarge the below picture, you'll see a look of sheer cat bliss
on the Diva's Face and OMD,
Jack sent me my
Diva Island Princess Crown on a Pillow!!
I've got one laser eye on that Pink Boa. Lo and behold leopards come in Pink, who knew?

Last but certainly not least Madi playing with cat dynamite aka CATNIP
Jack and TG Mom and I give you an A+ for being brave enough to venture over the the 'dark (feline) side of the pet store.
Well DONE my friends and we thank you.
We look forward to Pawing 'your thoughtfulness' Forward.
The exchange focuses on doing an act of kindness without anything in return other than that the receipent will in their turn pass the kindess along and 'paw it forward' in their own way. This is how it works those participating agree to send something uplifting, inspiring or fun to the first 3 bloggie friends who post a comment on their entry on your blog saying they would like to play. There are no cost restrictions but don't go crazy. What you send can be something you made, something from your state or anything that will make the receipent smile. It can be for the human or for their pet.
If you would like to participate in Paw it Forward by being a receiptent of a gift from us, we will Paw it Forward to the first 3 blogging friends who leave a comment on our blog stating they would like to participate. Paws up, ready, set, go.
Madi and Mom