Nature Friday host LLB Gang and Feline Friday host Comedy Plus
Jul9, 2010
Feline Friday Flashback
Mom came in the house squealing (what is it with the squealing),
Madi you've got mail but then she showed me this cutesy card...who
do they think they are kidding? I, Madi, did not just fall off the turnip
truck. That is not mail that is an invitation to torture....
Nope not me I refused to 'schedule my on torture'....so
being the kind Mom that she is Mom did it for me.....
Thanks Mom, remind me to Paw it Forward for you soon.
Nature Friday July 2022
Our Hostess with the mostest
Grocery Store ....Story July 21, 2022
A wee bit of back ground
I was fortunate to have, Miss Kilby for, four years of home economics High School. My freshman year was her first year of teaching. I learned so much from her from budgeting, planning, cooking, shopping and sewing. My senior project was my Prom Gown. Fifty-four years later, I have a spread sheet with grocery list (in order of the store arrangement) on one side and seven day menu on the back.
This being said I'll start my story:
The week of July 21, I had my 7 day menu with me. I'm usually at Harris Teeter at 7:15 am on Thursdays which is senior citizen day with a discount on groceries.
Salmon steaks were on my menu but they had not put out any of the seafood. So I regrouped changing to Brats and potato salad, which (makes enough for 2 meals. The recipe for sauerkraut calls for canned sauerkraut. I add several extra ingredients to the kraut.
When I got to the canned vegetable aisle, the HT sauerkraut was on sale for $1.00 a can. As luck would have it, there were two cans remaining on the top shelf in the very far back. Totally out of my arm reach. I waited a few minutes to see if some one taller than 5'3" came down the aisle, no such luck. I went to the Customer service desk. The lady (my height) went to get a step stool to get it for me. I went back to my cart to wait. LO and BEHOLD (I KID YOU NOT) a very tall young man (my head came to his elbow) was walking toward me with his cart. I blinked my eyes to be sure he was not a tall mirage. He was real. I asked him if he could possibly reach something for me? He said of course. I thanked him profusely. The lady came down the aisle with the stool, I told her about the tall shopper. She was as shocked as I was...said now that was amazing.
While unloading the groceries at home, I realize I had forgotten heart of palms for that Chicken and white bean salad we like in hot weather. Thankfully HT is 1 minute from the house. As was walking toward the store, I saw a Visa charge card in the parking lot. I picked it up to take to customer service. (again) Lo and Behold the man who lost it was at the customer service counter asking if anyone had found it. There I was with his card. He was elated to have it back thanked me and "said you saved me a lot of grief. I was just going home to cancel it".
Same Customer service lady was there. After the man left, she said you have just 'paid forward' the good deed of the tall guy did for you with a good deed finding that card. I rarely have to return to the store after my weekly shopping. This was one of those meant to be there at that particular moment, good timing situations.