My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Saturday Symmetry EMW inside the Mall

 This past week the triple digit feels like returned.  My goal is to take at 
least 3 walks a week for 30-45 minutes.
One of EMWs was inside our air conditioned huge mall.
Mall opens for walkers at 6:30 am.  Stores open between 9 am and 10 am.
I walked 2 1/2 laps around the bottom level. Each lap is 16 min.,
I made 4,702 steps.  Before Covid we walked at the mall 5 days a week.
This was my first long walk in the mall since January 2020.
I'd rather walk outside but this is a nice alternative.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Nature and Feline Flashback Friday

Esq. Ernie and his Mom enjoyed and thank you for your comments yesterday.
Oh how lovely to think that some of F and E's friends from so long ago still remember him.  💙💙💙💙🐾🐾 

Nature  and Feline Friday

 What fun I found on an EMW

Subtitle: Recycling Trees

When I saw this cute little gnome, my mind's eye saw

On my EMW on July 29 I was happy to see the Gnomes family is growing

On July 3,
 I posted these painted birdhouses my neighbor has around his deck railing.

Many asked if he made and painted them.  I don't think he makes them.  However, I'm pretty sure he paints them. He recently had  a huge hardwood cut down.
I watched as he spent lots of time arranging them then he painted them

Flashback August 2, 2011


I'm a lucky kitty...Mom is always looking for things to enrich my life.  This is my cat tree, I've had it for 87 million years
but I never get on least I didn't.  
She decided to move it from the left side of the 
dining room window to the right side.
It was like it was brand, spanking new again.

And I love the new location.  I stand on the top of the tree, look out this octagonal window onto the porch where the squirrels like to
congregate and best of all, if I wanted to, I could jump right in Dad's food too.  That is his chair at the bottom of the picture
She added a raw hide string to the string toy so that
I can swat at it when I'm in the tube.
OMC look she put a toy inside the tube too
Thanks Mom my tree was B O R I N G but
now it is N E W and fun
Hugs Madi

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday #176

Thankful Thursday hosted by 


  I, Ernie, am thankful to be able to  lay close to the AC duct on
 🔥🥵 days.      

    But as you can see, that breeze can be EAR HAIR RAISING.  LOLOLOL 😂🤣 

Ernie the Retired Attorney 


 Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy 

Here is our challenge for today 

This is a story not a poem about 

The Big Bad Wolf at Busch Gardens

I am not a fan of roller coasters or ferris wheels.

I don't like heights and I especially don't like heights that curve and turn at odd angles.

Many years ago when we were younger we went to Busch Gardens.  At the time there were numerous roller coasters just like this.  My husband wanted  to ride at least one. 

In 2018 I  had a post about this ride here is are a few photos

No way, I said I'll wait for you.

Then we spied the Big Bad Wolf.  

 We watched it many many times as it started off in this lovely setting meandering through trees calmly.......It was totally different from any roller coaster.  Not high, no curves and twists.  It was built so that the cars were mounted under the tracks.  I agreed to ride it. 


My husband kept telling me to open my eyes.  I replied, NOPE I can only handle one sensation at a time and right now it is FEELING...don't need to SEE. 

At one point the tracks passed over a lake.  He said LOOK,  A few more inches and our feet could have have touched the water just passed these trees  

OMCs/OMDs it was so much fun we rode it 4 times in a row.  I thoroughly enjoyed feeling and seeing every inch of the ride. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Wordless Wednesday: Early morning walks


Thank you to our Hostess

Sandee at Comedy Plus   

Seen on an EMW

What's It

No Clue

What's It
Well this I know
It is a tiny neighborhood library
You may leave books in it for others
to enjoy

Little Free Library
Take a book, Share a book

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Happy Tuesday with Rocky and Cali and Nat'l Friends Day

Thank you to our 

Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus  

Recently I asked Kit how Kat, Rocky and Cali are doing

She replied, "Cali has free range of the house until bedtime, then she’s with me. Kat is happy to give her all the space she needs, but poor Rocky wants to play, & she’s not ready!  Rocky says, “Please be my friend!” 

and sent this video WHICH IS ADORABLE

I love at the end how their noses touch thru the glass

Dearest Rocky.....and Cali

What a darling video....noses touched at the end was priceless.  Rocky bless your ginger heart. I thank you are quite looking a break thru very very soon.  You were very close.  At least Cali didn't try to swat at you.  
Hugs and Love
Auntie HiC

Monday, July 29, 2024

Awww Monday Mushrooms and Sparks

We thank our Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus 

Thursday July 25 we had a gully washer, frog choker and dang near a
flood in the back yard.  1.5" of rain fell in 1 1/2 hours

July showers gave us a crop of mushrooms 
It rained every day the week of July 22-26, our grass guy hasn't been able to cut the grass either.

Front yard

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sunday Selfie Harper

My Kitty Granddaughter aka Sis of Frisco and Mia
She has some amazing whiskers...that glitter
Thank you for your kind comments on Harper. She (and her older sibllinlgs)were all adopted from Island Rescue.  Harper was adopted in Oct 2023, she was estimated to be 4-6 months old. She is sweet and loving too
Hugs Cecilia